The Joy Writer Case Studies

Why a Publicist is invaluable to your business by Joy, a multi-award winning PR & Digital Marketing Specialist

By Joy A. Kennelly

What people may not realize about me since they see me smiling and joking around all the time and tweeting out silly tweets, is when it comes to business and getting paid, I'm dead serious. I don't take myself seriously, but business? Dead serious.

If someone doesn't pay me on time or in full, it used to cause me to become white-hot angry and react in a rage because it felt like such a violation against me, all my hard work and efforts on behalf of previous clients, but now, I'm more measured about it.

It's why I like the new Rhianna song so much. I feel you gurl!:)

It is one of the main reasons I got out of PR. When you're a sole proprietor and your business is in building people's reputations and brands, they often don't recognize the intangible components behind what helps build their company, nor do they realize their payment helps make or break you staying in business or not.

A publicist gives someone a veneer of credibility because if a publicist says someone is of value, then that usually means the client is newsworthy otherwise, why waste your time repping them? There are some unscrupulous publicists who will just take anyone's money even if they know it won't go anywhere, and some clients I took on thinking they were newsworthy which the media said, no, not interested, but for the most part, the newsworthy value of whatever you will be repping for the next few months is something you look closely at before signing someone up. 

PR is also sales and if you can't sell them, then your reputation is affected too.

You don't want the client to be mad at you, nor do you want to be mad at yourself for not getting any media hits, or opportunities. It still happens and publicists acknowledge that news cycles, interest levels, trends, and major news happening all play a part in why something doesn't get picked up, but rarely do clients because they don't understand media cycles, or that they're just not right at the moment.

I worked with a co-author team on a screenplay book they had written and pitched my heart out for them. We didn't get much during the time we worked together because it's such a niche topic, but then six months later a radio show I had pitched who does book reviews called and wanted to speak to my clients. I passed along the information and felt vindicated because I had felt that media outlet was perfect for them, it just wasn't the right time.

I also lived in NYC during the time John F. Kennedy Jr. was killed in the plane crash with his wife. Imagine having an event on the same night as his funeral! His death threw out the window all the hard work myself and the top indie entertainment publicity company I was freelancing for at the time had done because no one in the media or general public cared, it was all about JFK Jr's death and the crash.

And we had HUGE media outlets attached to come too. But our event was the same night as a moment in history and there was no way we could compete.

Stuff happens.

Art is so subjective, it's one of the reasons I quit representing artists too. I may think something is amazing, they might have had a huge following in the past, but times and interests and taste changes. It doesn't matter how many celebrity friends you have who bought your art in the past, if art critics aren't interested now, they're just not interested and it won't change their minds.

The other reason I dislike doing PR is people didn't value my connections or what I brought to the table through who I know and am connected to.

I'm a Native of California, grew up in the South Bay, have lived in Santa Monica and Hollywood almost my entire life, leaving for school in Montana and Seattle, again for work in New York City; and new experiences in Atlanta and startup goals in Vegas. I've also worked on the production of an event for Acura in New Orleans, and thrown numerous travel and entertainment events in New Mexico, Las Vegas, Atlanta, and numerous Los Angeles events in entertainment, technology, fashion and for clients since high school. 

As a result, my reach is broad, diverse and nation-wide. I can connect with anyone I've worked with in the past and ask for advice, referrals, recommendations and more because I have a good, solid reputation of doing good work, working hard and getting things accomplished. I work with similar caliber people and have collaborated with numerous friends and colleagues on projects, clients, events and more over the past 10 years as well.

That's why, when I build someone's brand, they're not just sitting in a vacuum where no one cares about what they're doing, people are curious because I'm involved. They know I work on projects, companies, brands and individuals I believe in.

I'm connected to over 5,000 people on Linkedin and that's in all industries, all levels of business, and across the nation. Linkedin used to list what that computed to, but I can't find it right now, but if memory holds true, if I post something as a status update, then it reaches approximately a million people by virtue of the network and inter-relationships of everyone I'm connected to.

When I was working for the JW Marriott I used to post a weekly blog I wrote about the Marriott on my Linkedin profile and the sales department saw an immediate upshot of over $1,000,000 in new business a month by virtue of being on the radar of the people I know. They didn't realize the correlation, but I know it because they'd not reached that sales goal prior to my publicity efforts.

That's why when someone thinks, oh you just took copy we provided you and posted it, there's no value in that, it makes me realize they don't understand my value and it's time to re-educate them. Any monkey can post copy. It's the style, the way it's placed, it's the grammatical correctness and everything else that goes into a presentation that makes something work or not. It's the images, the connections, the brand overall.

It's where the finished product is presented, to whom and by whom...

That goes across anything you're doing, but especially in business because people judge you on your online presence more now than ever.

If your IMDB is out-of-date, if you''re not on any of the normal social media platforms, at least one, if your name doesn't come up in search results, if nothing newsworthy is revealed when people search, then they wonder what's wrong with you and your business and if what you say is true about yourself.

But if you have a quality Linkedin profile (in certain industries) then investors take you more seriously and you find the backing you need for your company faster and easier. And if you have people vouching for you, like a publicist or representative who is well-respected, or the media covers you and your brand, even more so when you're not as well-known in certain circles the PR person runs in or the investor is new to your company and industry.

People think I play around by going to parties at night, but what they don't realize it's very strategic. When you're seen in the right circles with celebrities, then you're invited to other events with that caliber of attendees which opens other doors to new opportunities. It also legitimizes your business, your brand and you as an individual for the media, the circle of influence you're in, and in the general public.

It's all part of branding and sales.

I used to work with an actor who had been typecast as a gay character in a popular TV show for five years and couldn't find work because back then, being gay wasn't as popular and how many gay characters does a project normally need? Not that many.

As a result, he hired me and we began working on turning his brand around to that of a bad guy because that was his goal. We worked together for a year and a half and his final audition, they invited him in to audition for a gay character based on his past role that typecast him, but because we had done so much work on rebuilding his image as a bad guy, they hired him to play a bad guy after meeting him.

We did this by attending numerous red carpet, A-list events and getting him out there with beautiful women as beards, attending macho events, and creating an amazing online presence for him using my Page One Google blog and blogging about everything we were doing which raised his SEO and visibility. We used the pictures he got from the red carpet to build more buzz with media we pitched and achieved and also worked on his image for headshots too. I was the stylist on some of those shoots and events which I enjoyed.

Soon the quality of events and opportunities for him professionally became better and better. We even got him a write-up in the Los Angeles Business Journal. An actor, who knew?:)

He had been immensely famous in Italy prior to moving to the states and understood the PR game which is why he was agreeable to hitting two and three events a night just to be photographed on the red carpet as we worked to get him known as a bad guy and as someone who was viable and newsworthy.

We parted when I had a car accident that prevented me from attending future events and repping him due to my injuries which was heart breaking because I really enjoyed our working relationship and felt like I lost a best friend.

But what I've found in these situations is that every time something happens (an injury, a fight over money, or something else) that causes the end of a working relationship, it opens doors to something new and better. Eventually life comes full circle and I re-connect with the person again in a different way and for a different, forward-moving reason.

And with more mutual respect.

This actor has gone on to a tremendously successful career when he added producing and directing to his resume and used the foundation we created to build his brand awareness to launch into that realm faster too.

You may recognize the name, Domiziano Arcangeli...

I know PR & Digital Marketing like the back of my hand. However, I became tired of being disrespected, marginalized, and discounted for my hard work and decided to pursue something else that brought me more satisfaction, building my own travel brand and company.

I will still pick up an occasional freelance client here and there, but try to keep the focus on what I love, building my travel business. Plus, my hands were damaged working for the JW Marriott and I physically can't do all the work involved in that realm without a lot of pain, even a year later. I'm getting closer to finding relief, but for now, it's still an issue. If I do it now, it's with help and I manage it more than do the tedious work.

Time to do something that requires different uses of my expertise, experience and connections!  And my hands.

Like producing, hosting, and phone sales. And building a travel company where women will enjoy participating and expand their lives through the power of travel. I find the connections, experience, reputation and branding I've done in the past comes into play in this realm and also all the event producing I've done over the years as well because you operate out of knowledge, rather than fear and you're doing something at a much higher level and with higher level connections having worked up to it over time.

Reputation, connections, experience aren't built over night. They take time, nurturing, and doing the right thing. However, what's interesting is your reputation and online presence can change overnight though too. It pays to watch yourself very closely as a result. Don't damage what took you years to achieve with one stupid action. Because social media isn't forgiving, and it's immediate.

Actions you might have gotten away with in the past because no one was recording your actions or documenting the activity publicly, is now under a microscope 24/7. Being a celebrity in this day and age I think is even harder because of social media. Yes, it's a great tool to build an online presence, but man can it also damage it. 

And that's all she wrote. Wanted to get this off my chest because it has come up again and needed to vent a little.:)

Onwards and upwards. Living and learning... Always learning and growing.

Things are just be bopping along!

By Joy A. Kennelly

Very close to announcing my two newest art clients and the signing of another one or two, but don't want to jinx anything just yet. Very excited though about the way everything is going. Very positive movement in many directions right now.

The next South Bay Professional Connection is confirmed for Thursday, April 2, from 7pm - 9pm at Club 705. More details to come. If you want to become a sponsor, please shoot me an email. Thanks!

God is good!

Money, Money, Money! I won the pitching contest!

By Joy A. Kennelly

As a publicist, when you're pitching the media you have very limited time to get your point across. As a result, you learn to speak quickly, succinctly and cover all your bases in a minute or less.

That training came in handy today when I participated in the pitching contest in front of 3 venture capitalists judges during the final day of StartupLA which was a great "unconference" as they like to call it!

I've never, ever pitched a product in person like that before in front of an audience no less and it was a little intimidating to say the least, but afterwards I knew I'd nailed it. I was affirmed by the judges who said I'd done a great job which made me hopeful that I'd won, but still unsure because there were a couple others I felt were good too. I was so nervous my face was twitching during the judge's critique! I hope no one else saw that!:)

I wasn't able to stay because I had my class and asked a friend to accept on my behalf in the event I did win. She agreed as long as the main organizer agreed and she was fine with it so I raced off to Hollywood.

I was on such a high! It was like all these years of toiling away behind the scenes had paid off and I was validated as a professional in front of my peers. I've sold things since I was a child and am extremely competitive. As a result, when I came to the event today it was with the sole purpose of winning. I didn't even know there was a prize, but when I came out of my class I had 2 messages telling me I'd won a $1,000!

How cool is that? What a great event! I know how much work goes into organizing events having produced numerous events over the years. The speakers and sessions they produced were very impressive. I hope you make the next one!

I caught the tail end of Jason Calacanis' speech the night before and he totally cracked us up with his blunt observations on what it's like to be an entrepreneur. Anyone who's been doing this for any length of time could totally relate. He was a riot! If you EVER get the chance to hear him speak, do. You won't regret it at all.

He runs Mahalo along with Mark Jeffrey and it seems like it's a very cool company. A human driven search engine I believe - very cool.

StartupLA was very interesting because there were so many tech people and I haven't seen that many since the early days of the tech boom. People who are involved in the tech world are always extremely creative, extremely bright and extremely driven which I just love being around.

It was a great experience and I highly, highly recommend you attend the next one when it happens. I met some amazing VC's, heard some great speakers, saw people I haven't seen in a while, and met some cool entrepreneurs. Very fun and informative. Loved it!

Now to collect my money. Still can't believe I won a $1,000 doing what I do all the time! I'm thinking I should hire myself out to help entrepreneurs sell their ideas to VC's as a business! Couldn't you just see it now? I could pitch people's businesses at various VC contests (if such beasts even exist), win the prize money and take a commission off the money funded!

We'll see. Stranger things have happened, eh? I just got a call from someone whose work I highly respect and it came out of the blue. Could be a new direction for me and I'm all for it. For those of you interested in learning what it was I pitched, here's my winning 60 second pitch about Travel Play Company  and the Travel Tray in a nutshell (give or take a few things because I was in the zone and can't really remember everything!)

$1,000 60 second winning pitch

My name is Joy Kennelly and I've been involved in PR & Marketing for the past 10 years. Recently I was hired to represent Travel Play Company and the Travel Tray for children. (I had a sample of the product and pulled it out to show how it worked and what it looked like.) This helps children keep their food and toys in their laps when traveling.

It retails for $19.95 or $24 and is manufactured for $3, but with mass production can be reduced to $1.50. The main target market we see this product sold to is the auto industry, next is the airline industry and basically anyone who has children. We've sold 1,000 pieces to date with minimal advertising support.

The company is looking to sell the patent, license the product or sell the company. I see it as a company in a box because it's ready to go with the right funding.

Okay, now I'm fuzzy. I think that's all I said - correct me if I'm wrong. I was so nervous! Anyway, it was a great experience and I'm eager to do it again for other companies and products. I love competition! Plus, I love the money! We shall see!

BTW, Travel Play really is for sale as is the patent. Contact me if you're interested. (the contact button is messed up and you really do need to contact me for any info ok? Thanks!)

Let's make a deal!

There was a minor mis-connect afterwards which prevented me from taking the check home tonight, but I've been assured the "check is in the mail." Can't wait! Pretty cool for a minute's work, eh?

After that, dashed downtown to the Murakami exhibit at The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA. It was the perfect way to wind down because it was like walking through another world. At one point I felt like I entered a whacked out It's A Small World from Disneyland it was so absolutely wild.

Another room felt like Wizard of Oz on drugs... Huge almost 2 story fantastical Anime sculptures, HUGE floor to ceiling, wall-to-wall paintings filled with bold colors, wild crazy images and lots of detail.

It was a little overwhelming after the day I'd been having. Almost too much sensory overload because the Geffen is a HUGE almost warehouse like space with lots of large rooms filled with lots of amazing, over-the-top pieces of art as sculptures, paintings, installations, media etc. I LOVED IT!

If you see only one art show this year, please make the effort to see this one. It will blow you away. I can only imagine what the curator and programmer went through to pull this all together.

I've never seen such variety of work on such a large scale ever. It was like walking through a crazy mixed up world of Japanese Anime art that someone crazy had come up with, but not in a scary way, more like a great big adult playhouse if this makes sense.

This exhibit is absolutely brilliant in my humble opinion. I'm going to go back to see it when there aren't so many people around, however, with the turn-out tonight I'm sure the crowds aren't going away any time soon. I think all MOCA's members came out for this event it was so packed! People watching was at a high because of it being Halloween weekend - lots of costumes, interesting people and children too!

My friend and I arrived on the early side and there were still lines out the doors for the video room and the Louis Vuitton store. Simply breathtaking and awe-inspiring to think all that art came from one person. I was blown away and I'm sure you will be too. Check it out and let me know what you think!

You have to like modern art obviously! I believe I heard rumor it's the only US Exhibit Murakami is holding. The show runs through February 11, 2008 - Run, don't walk to see this exhibit. You'll be glad you did.

Afterwards enjoyed great fish and chips at The Village Idiot courtesy of my good friend Adrienne of Magnolia PR who celebrated my win with me. She's had some great wins for clients recently too and as soon as she sends me the tear sheets I'll share it with you. She and I work really well together and she's going to help me spread the word on Travel Play Company too which will be great!

Okay, that's all for now. Have a good one!

Here's my Los Angeles Convention & Visitors Bureau case study

By Joy A. Kennelly

This past summer I was hired by the Los Angeles Convention & Visitors Bureau (LA Inc) to coordinate hotel getaway promotions for Ralphs' large-scale summer promotion.

This will give you an idea of the scope of the promotion:

"LA INC. will be launching a new website May 2007. The address for this website is A new feature of the website will be a section called Gateway LA which offers themed vacation packages centered on some of LA’s most popular attractions and activities.

From June 2007 to September 2007, approximately 16 weeks, LA INC. will be conducting an integrated consumer advertising campaign targeting mainly residents of the greater San Diego metropolitan area to take advantage of quick getaway vacation to LA. This multi-tiered campaign will drive visitation to our new website and will encompass the following marketing channels: television advertising, on-line advertising,
radio advertising and print advertising.

TV / Cable Broadcast Advertising

June - July 2007

                                    San Diego County

2,455 Target Rating Points

87.8% Reach

28 x Frequency

30.9 Million Impressions

On-Line Advertising

June - September 2007

                                     San Diego County, Orange County,
                                     San Bernardino/Riverside County, Oxnard/Ventura





                                    21 Million Impressions

                                     Radio Advertising

                                     June - July 2007

San Diego County

13 Million Impressions

 AAA Publication Westways

June 2007

                                    Southern California

3.7 Million Circulation

4 Page LA Special Insert

                                    Ralphs Overview: 

                                    392 Stores

                                    5   Million Weekly Customers


                                    July 4, 2007 (Wednesday) – July 24, 2007 (Tuesday)

                                    3 Weeks



                                    Female 35 Years and Above

Strategy:    Promote

Promote the Getaway LA vacation packages.

Promote diversity of LA visitor experience.

 Call to Action: Visit to plan your Getaway LA vacation.

So here's my part in this wonderful promotion. I was hired to contact 100 hotels and collect and coordinate their summer getaway packages for display on the LA Inc website and accomplished this goal within a month.

Here's the pitch letter I sent out via email to announce my part in this promotion which received a great response:


I'm a freelance travel writer hired by LA Inc to describe the summer promotions you are offering at your location. I've worked in the travel industry before and understand how busy you can be which is why I've   put together this introduction with all the details I need from you to hopefully make it easy for both of us to help each other.

From June 2007 to September 2007, approximately 16 weeks, LA INC. will be conducting an integrated consumer advertising campaign targeting residents of the greater San Diego metropolitan area to take advantage of quick getaway vacations to LA. 

This multi-tiered campaign will drive business and will encompass the following marketing channels:  television advertising, on-line advertising, radio advertising and print advertising.

Some of the current information we need from you to include your involvement in our Web site promotion are the following:

Hotel Package Details - Are you planning any special getaway packages for the summer? Suggestions include: Culture/Live Performances/Museums, Family, Attractions, Gourmet, Casual Fashion, Dining, Relaxation, Romantic, Dining & Entertainment, Pet Friendly, Environmental friendly, Celebrity Insider, Adventure, Body Beautiful/Spa

Hotel Package Price - what is the price?

Hotel Package Disclaimers - any black-out dates, or special issues?

Hotel Photos - any or all would be great of the following:


I will be calling you to follow up as well. I look forward to communicating with you and helping you bring business to your location!

Here's a list of every hotel I sent that pitch letter to and the promotions I coordinated. Not every hotel participated for various reasons, but we had an above average response rate:


Beverly Garland's Holiday Inn Universal Studios
Ask for special AAA rate. Located in the heart of North Hollywood, next to Universal Studios Hollywood/Citywalk and only a metro stop over to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Tula's California Cafe and The Coffee Room Splash Bar. Free wireless Internet available in all areas of the hotel. Free shuttle service to Universal Studios Hollywood/CityWalk. Outdoor swimming pool, sauna, tennis court and kid's playground.
Crowne Plaza Beverly Hills
$185 Includes continental breakfast. Ideally located half way between Venice and the Pantages Theater, our hotel is also walking distance to Rodeo Drive and a great array of restaurants — from fancy to family friendly.
Fairmont Miramar Hotel Santa Monica
From $359. Play in LA, but stay in the beachside city of Santa Monica. The "Westside WICKED" package at The Fairmont Miramar Hotel includes a full American breakfast for two, overnight parking, two exclusive tickets to the show and a limited-edition WICKED chocolate box amenity.
Hilton Los Angeles Airport
WICKED Packages: $250 (without limo service) $600 (with limo service). Includes 16th-floor junior suite; access to the Executive Towers Lounge, which offers an evening reception and morning continental breakfast; VIP access to ticket reservations for WICKED; and transportation courtesy of Broomstick Limousine to and from the show with champagne and WICKED-covered strawberries.
Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel – A Thompson Hotel
Starting at $209. The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, just blocks away from the Pantages Theatre, has captured the essence of original Hollywood elegance and fused it with the desires of LA's modern-day scene makers. Two highly acclaimed restaurants, a pair of exclusive nightspots and an intimate spa garden with a heated Olympic-size swimming pool, make the hotel a perfect destination for your WICKED getaway.
Los Angeles Airport Marriott
$119. Includes breakfast for two and free parking for one night.
Mosaic Hotel Beverly Hills
$625 (plus tax). Night of show. Includes accomodation in our preferred luxury room; private town car transportation to and from the show; and breakfast for two.
Renaissance Hollywood Hotel
$306. Special package price per room, per night. Includes deluxe accomodations for two at the Reniassance Hollywood Hotel; full breakfast buffet for two at Twist, the hotel's restaurant; discount card from Hollywood & Highland Center; overnight valet parking; and shuttle pass to Pantages Theatre for two.
Sheraton Universal
$199 regular room. $299 executive room. Rooms include breakfast and hors d'oeuvres in the club lounge. Overlooking Universal Studios Hollywood, our 20-story tower offers fantastic views of the studios and the San Fernando Valley. Three-story poolside wing offers room with balconies or direct pool access.
Sofitel Los Angeles
$455 package price (plus tax). One night's stay in a superior room for two; overnight valet parking; continental breakfast for two at Simon LA; VIP access to ticket reservations for WICKED; WICKED amenity delivered to room upon check-in.
Sportsmen's Lodge Hotel
Starting at $149. Minutes to WICKED at the Pantages Theatre, Beverly Hills and all major attractions. Free shuttle to Universal Studios Hollywood. Free hotel parking. Heated olympic pool. 200 remodeled rooms.
Wilshire Grand Los Angeles
$169. Includes executive-level room, tax, parking and deluxe continental breakfast for two in the executive lounge. Located in the "heart of downtown Los Angeles" with door-to-door subway access to Hollywood Blvd., Universal Studios Hollywood, the Pantages Theatre and WICKED!
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Millennium Biltmore Hotel
Includes classic-room accommodations and two tickets to the Museum of Contemporary Art. Complimentary roundtrip transportation to the museum in our luxurious towncar is available to guests booking this package.
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Attractions & Entertainment

Renaissance Hollywood Hotel
Two nights of deluxe accommodations for two at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel; (2) one-day admission tickets to Universal Studios Hollywood SM; breakfast for two daily at Twist, the hotel's restaurant; overnight self parking with in-and-out privileges for two days; discount card from Hollywood & Highland Center, adjacent to the hotel; and Universal CityWalk® savings booklet.
Renaissance Hollywood Hotel
Deluxe accommodations for two at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel; breakfast buffet for two at Twist, the hotel's California-eclectic restaurant; discount card from Hollywood & Highland Center; and overnight valet parking. Package does not include tickets. For ticket purchase information, visit or call 213-480-3232. For information on upcoming shows at the Kodak Theatre, visit or call 213-480-3232.
Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel
Traditional room, internet, buffet breakfast and Metro Day pass (for each day the package is purchased). This package starts at $185.
Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel
Deluxe room accommodations (larger corner room) and two adult tickets to Universal Studios (tickets include come back next day for free) and complimentary hotel parking for $235.00.
Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel
You're cast for an action-packed getaway starting from just $235. It's sure to be a memorable motion picture with two adults tickets to Universal Studios. For a limited time, visit the park on the second day FREE. Package includes: * Deluxe Accommodations * Two Days Admission for Two to Universal Studios Hollywood * Complimentary Hotel Parking
Sportsmen's Lodge Hotel
The price is $259 + tax per day. The package includes Overnight Poolview accomodations, 2 tickets to Universal Studios Hollywood, Kids Goody Bag & 1 free kid's meal for each purchased adult meal daily. Additional tickets to Universal Studios can be purchased at the Hotel Front Desk.
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Family Fun

Burbank Airport Marriott Hotel & Convention Center
Marriott wants to help families this summer carve out time for family fun. So when you book a big, comfortable room at a small, comfortable rate, the pizza, sodas, movies and internet are all on us. This weekend, or next weekend. Any weekend from now on until the kids go back to school. So families can have their pie (and eat it, too). Summer for Families Special from $164 - $194
California Health & Longevity Institute
This summer, let Four Seasons help plan a special family vacation that will allow your family to reconnect and share memories to last a lifetime. The hotel's Kids and Teens for all Seasons program will keep the children entertained and enchanted while the adults are enjoying a leisurely swim in our heated indoor serenity pool or a rejuvenating treatment at the Spa. Includes luxurious accommodations; in-room welcome amenity appropriate for children; complimentary access to kids and teens for all seasons (open Saturday, Sunday and selected holidays); one complimentary in-room children’s movie per each paid night. The Hotel's Kids and Teens For All Seasons program will keep the children entertained and enchanted while the adults are enjoying a leisurely swim in our heated indoor serenity pool or a rejuvenating treatment at the Spa. Includes: Luxurious accommodations In-room welcome amenity, appropriate for children's ages Complimentary access to Kids and Teens For All Seasons (open Saturday, Sunday and selected holidays) One complimentary in-room children's movie per each paid night.
Le Merigot A Jw Marriott Beach Hotel And Spa
$1,250 per night Celebrate the joining of blended families with quality time for all! The package includes: welcome family amenity, two adjoining superior accommodations (based on availability), “Four hours of freedom” (babysitting for four hours, up to three children), couples massage, $60 credit toward cocktails and/or appetizers, in-room movie, gourmet popcorn and a guided family activity.
Manhattan Beach Marriott
$149.00 Includes: "fun bucket" with toys and treats for children, one in-room moview and parking.
Millennium Biltmore Hotel
Includes one-night classic-room accommodations (suitable for up to two adults and two children); American Girl amenities in-room, including use of an American Girl doll bed with turndown service, lip gloss, book and hand gel; complimentary valet parking; complimentary hotel transportation in our luxurious town car to the new American Girl Place store at the Grove; and breakfast for the kids at Smeraldi's Restaurant. Plus, guests booking this package can enter our quarterly drawing to win American Girl's 2007 Doll of the Year, Nicki!
Renaissance Hollywood Hotel
Two nights of deluxe accommodations for two at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel; (2) one-day admission tickets to Universal Studios Hollywood SM; breakfast for two daily at Twist, the hotel's restaurant; overnight self parking with in-and-out privileges for two days; discount card from Hollywood & Highland Center, adjacent to the hotel; and Universal CityWalk® savings booklet.
Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel
Deluxe room accommodations (larger corner room) and two adult tickets to Universal Studios (tickets include come back next day for free) and complimentary hotel parking for $235.00.
Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel
You're cast for an action-packed getaway starting from just $235. It's sure to be a memorable motion picture with two adults tickets to Universal Studios. For a limited time, visit the park on the second day FREE. Package includes: * Deluxe Accommodations * Two Days Admission for Two to Universal Studios Hollywood * Complimentary Hotel Parking
Sportsmen's Lodge Hotel
The price is $259 + tax per day. The package includes Overnight Poolview accomodations, 2 tickets to Universal Studios Hollywood, Kids Goody Bag & 1 free kid's meal for each purchased adult meal daily. Additional tickets to Universal Studios can be purchased at the Hotel Front Desk.
Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites
Children under 12 eat free. One complimentary Childs meal available from the children's menu in exclusively in Lakeview Bistro Restaurant. One Childs meal for each full adult meal purchased for up to 2 children. Lakeview Bistro is open for Breakfast or Lunch. Plus includes one complimentary movie per night.
Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites
Special discount rates open for graduation weekends.  Includes guest room and overnight valet parking.
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Crowne Plaza Redondo Beach & Marina Hotel
Come to the Riviera Redondo Beach and we will take you on a romantic adventure. Experience the prestigious Crowne Plaza Hotel with panoramic ocean views of Catalina Island and Malibu, sunset dinner specials and a memorable “gondola amore” tour through the bella enchanting Redondo and Portofino marinas. This package is popular for any special occasion, such as anniversaries and proposals, with rates beginning at $294. Inquire about package upgrades, including the ultimate luxury rendezvous ($1,450) with his and her spa massage, Jacuzzi suite and limo cruise of the spectacular Palos Verdes coastline ending with brunch at the fabulous Trump National Golf Club.
Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles At Beverly Hills
An exceptional spa experience awaits you at Four Seasons Hotel at Beverly Hills. Relax and restore your mind, body and soul in our world-class Spa, where?? treatment rooms and your choice of rejuvenating treatments await. Includes: Luxurious accommodations, Choice of one of the following 50-minute massages or facials per room, per day (excluding gratuity): • Swedish massage • Therapist's choice massage • Men's rescue facial • Pure results facial
Renaissance Hollywood Hotel
Upgraded accommodations for two (executive bedroom); complimentary breakfast for two at Twist; chilled bottle of sparkling wine upon arrival; late check-out (based on availability).
Renaissance Hollywood Hotel
Upgraded accommodations for two (Executive Bedroom) • Complimentary breakfast for two at Twist • Chilled bottle of sparkling wine upon arrival • Late check-out (based on availability)
Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel
Quality time is invited. A special rate starting from $179 makes it easy to reconnect. Make room in the heart of Downtown LA and fall in love all over again. * Bottle of Wine and Cheese Plate * Daily Full American Breakfast for Two * 4 p.m. Late Checkout
Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites
Includes full American breakfast for 2 daily via room service or restaurant, champagne & strawberries, 4pm late check out
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Millennium Biltmore Hotel
Includes one-night classic-room accommodations (suitable for up to two adults and two children); American Girl amenities in-room, including use of an American Girl doll bed with turndown service, lip gloss, book and hand gel; complimentary valet parking; complimentary hotel transportation in our luxurious town car to the new American Girl Place store at the Grove; and breakfast for the kids at Smeraldi's Restaurant. Plus, guests booking this package can enter our quarterly drawing to win American Girl's 2007 Doll of the Year, Nicki!
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Le Merigot A Jw Marriott Beach Hotel And Spa
$600 per night/double occupancy Who said Malibu is just for surfers? Wine aficionados will be glad to learn about Malibu’s burgeoning wine industry. Rosenthal Estate Wines recently began offering tours and tastings and Le Merigot sends its guests off in typical SoCal style. The package includes: 2006 Range Rover, superior guest room, a picnic basket with baguette and artisanal cheeses, a map to the Rosenthal Estate Wines’ tasting room and 4 p.m. check out. This package represents 25 percent cost savings.
Le Merigot A Jw Marriott Beach Hotel And Spa
$840 per night/double occupancy This girlfriend getaway is designed for the gourmet-in-her. The package includes in-room wine amenity, superior guest room with two double beds, massage for two, gourmet dinner in Cezanne with wine pairings, map to Malibu’s Rosenthal Estate Wines Tasting Room, a chick flick and gourmet popcorn.
Manhattan Beach Marriott
$179.00 Includes: Breakfast for two, parking and $25.00 gas card.
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Avalon Hotel
The Los Angeles lifestyle has long been synonymous with poolside lingering and the joy of driving. Avalon Hotel in Beverly Hills will help you do both in high style. Soak up the SoCal sun in the retro charm of Avalon’s mid-century-modern pool terrace, then tool around the trendsetter’s playground of Beverly Hills in a swank Mercedes Benz. Enjoy a memorable meal in the see-and-be-seen milieu of Avalon's Blue on Blue restaurant. Overnight premium room accommodations; poolside snow cone cocktails for two, E-class Mercedes Benz rental and sun kit; dinner for two with entreé wine pairing. Rates from $569
California Health & Longevity Institute
An exceptional spa experience awaits you at Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village. Relax and restore your mind, body and soul in our world-class spa, where 28 treatment rooms and your choice of rejuvenating treatments await. Includes luxurious accommodations; choice of one of the following 50-minute massages or facials per room, per day (excluding gratuity): Swedish massage, therapist's choice massage, men's rescue facial or pure results facial.
Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles At Beverly Hills
An exceptional spa experience awaits you at Four Seasons Hotel at Beverly Hills. Relax and restore your mind, body and soul in our world-class Spa, where?? treatment rooms and your choice of rejuvenating treatments await. Includes: Luxurious accommodations, Choice of one of the following 50-minute massages or facials per room, per day (excluding gratuity): • Swedish massage • Therapist's choice massage • Men's rescue facial • Pure results facial
Le Merigot A Jw Marriott Beach Hotel And Spa
This package includes Superior Guestroom accommodations and a Back, Shoulders, Ears and Chest Wax followed by a full-session Deep Tissue Massage. Spa Gratuity Included starts at $610.00 per Night
Le Merigot A Jw Marriott Beach Hotel And Spa
$840 per night/double occupancy This girlfriend getaway is designed for the gourmet-in-her. The package includes in-room wine amenity, superior guest room with two double beds, massage for two, gourmet dinner in Cezanne with wine pairings, map to Malibu’s Rosenthal Estate Wines Tasting Room, a chick flick and gourmet popcorn.
Maison 140 Beverly Hills
"Los Angeles lifestyle has long been synonymous with poolside lingering and the joys of driving. Maison 140 in Beverly Hills will help you do both in high style. Soak up the SoCal sun in the retro-charm of Avalon's mid -century-modern pool terrace, then tool around the trendsetter's playground of Beverly Hills in a swank Mercedes Benz. A memorable meal in the Mandarin-French mystique of Maison 140 will seal the deal. Overnight Accommadation In A Mandarin Room Poolside Kit: Includes Sunscreen, Magazines, Water, Lip Balm And After-Sun Care, Poolside Snow Cone Cocktails For Two At Avalon Hotel E-Class Mercedes Benz Rental With Airport Pick-Up And Drop-Off Breakfast For Two Early Check In 1pm Late Check Out 3pm
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Just For Fun

Avalon Hotel
The Los Angeles lifestyle has long been synonymous with poolside lingering and the joy of driving. Avalon Hotel in Beverly Hills will help you do both in high style. Soak up the SoCal sun in the retro charm of Avalon’s mid-century-modern pool terrace, then tool around the trendsetter’s playground of Beverly Hills in a swank Mercedes Benz. Enjoy a memorable meal in the see-and-be-seen milieu of Avalon's Blue on Blue restaurant. Overnight premium room accommodations; poolside snow cone cocktails for two, E-class Mercedes Benz rental and sun kit; dinner for two with entreé wine pairing. Rates from $569
Beverly Garland's Holiday Inn Universal Studios
Make reservation for the package and get additional PC points on top of all the additional amenities that comes with being a Priority Club Member.
Crowne Plaza Los Angeles Airport
Avoid the hassle of traffic getting to the airport for that early flight by making use of our park and fly package, which includes a standard room for one night and parking for up to seven days. Additional nights of self parking at $12/night. Complimentary airport shuttle is also available. Rates starting from $139 plus tax.
Le Merigot A Jw Marriott Beach Hotel And Spa
This package includes our Superior Guestroom accommodations and your choice of a Mercedes Benz C class or a 3 series BMW Rental Car or a Mercedes R350 (seats 6) no class guarantee except for SUV. Starts at $389.00 per night.
Le Merigot A Jw Marriott Beach Hotel And Spa
This package includes our Superior Guestroom accommodations and your choice of a convertible Porsche Boxster or a BMW Z4 Roadster Rental Car for the ultimate L.A. adventure. $429.00 per night
Le Merigot A Jw Marriott Beach Hotel And Spa
This package includes Superior Guestroom accommodations and a Toyota Prius Hybrid Synergy Rental Car. Starts at $359.00 per Night
Le Merigot A Jw Marriott Beach Hotel And Spa
This package includes our Superior Guestroom accommodations, a full-session Swedish massage, a two hour Professional Surfing Lesson, and one Blue Crush graduation cocktail. Starts at $479.00 per night
Le Merigot A Jw Marriott Beach Hotel And Spa
$600 per night/double occupancy Who said Malibu is just for surfers? Wine aficionados will be glad to learn about Malibu’s burgeoning wine industry. Rosenthal Estate Wines recently began offering tours and tastings and Le Merigot sends its guests off in typical SoCal style. The package includes: 2006 Range Rover, superior guest room, a picnic basket with baguette and artisanal cheeses, a map to the Rosenthal Estate Wines’ tasting room and 4 p.m. check out. This package represents 25 percent cost savings.
Le Merigot A Jw Marriott Beach Hotel And Spa
$840 per night/double occupancy This girlfriend getaway is designed for the gourmet-in-her. The package includes in-room wine amenity, superior guest room with two double beds, massage for two, gourmet dinner in Cezanne with wine pairings, map to Malibu’s Rosenthal Estate Wines Tasting Room, a chick flick and gourmet popcorn.
Maison 140 Beverly Hills
"Los Angeles lifestyle has long been synonymous with poolside lingering and the joys of driving. Maison 140 in Beverly Hills will help you do both in high style. Soak up the SoCal sun in the retro-charm of Avalon's mid -century-modern pool terrace, then tool around the trendsetter's playground of Beverly Hills in a swank Mercedes Benz. A memorable meal in the Mandarin-French mystique of Maison 140 will seal the deal. Overnight Accommadation In A Mandarin Room Poolside Kit: Includes Sunscreen, Magazines, Water, Lip Balm And After-Sun Care, Poolside Snow Cone Cocktails For Two At Avalon Hotel E-Class Mercedes Benz Rental With Airport Pick-Up And Drop-Off Breakfast For Two Early Check In 1pm Late Check Out 3pm
Manhattan Beach Marriott
$159.00    Includes:  2 rounds of golf with pull cart and clubs, breakfast, parking and accommodations in a golf view room.
Millennium Biltmore Hotel
Includes one-night classic-room accommodations (suitable for up to two adults and two children); American Girl amenities in-room, including use of an American Girl doll bed with turndown service, lip gloss, book and hand gel; complimentary valet parking; complimentary hotel transportation in our luxurious town car to the new American Girl Place store at the Grove; and breakfast for the kids at Smeraldi's Restaurant. Plus, guests booking this package can enter our quarterly drawing to win American Girl's 2007 Doll of the Year, Nicki!
Mosaic Hotel Beverly Hills
A Mercedes sports Sedan or Mini Cooper S and a room at the Mosaic Hotel Beverly Hills. Complimentary airport pick up with your car from LAX or Burbank. Rates start at $400 for a Luxury Room,$420 for a Preferred Luxury or $650 for a One Bedroom Suite.
Mosaic Hotel Beverly Hills
Package includes limo transfer to and from LAX, a bottle of Dom Perignon and gourmet chocolates upon arrival, dinner reservations at the top restaurants in town. Breakfast for two daily and of course an Aston Martin Vantage to drive. We'll also include a debit card for $500.00 to help with expenses. The package will require a two night minimum and include our one bedroom suite for $1,700 per night based on double occupancy.
Omni Los Angeles Hotel
Ladies can get their glam on through their senses with a complimentary women’s sensation bar, which includes a “chick-flick” DVD, wine and chocolates, lip masque and glosses and a girlfriend’s tarot card kit. The “Get Your Glam On” package also offers an advance concierge call to arrange additional services such as: in-room hair/makeup team for styling before hitting the town; limo ride to local hot spots; shopping recommendations; and spa treatments.
Omni Los Angeles Hotel
Guys can get their game on and enliven their senses with a complimentary men’s Sensation Bar, which includes a sports-focused DVD, a rock ’n’ roll CD, the “art of shaving” travel kit and a local micro-brewed beer with gourmet chips. An advance call from the concierge enables guys to customize their stay at an additional cost, providing items such as: poker cards, chips and dice; bar with private bartender/mixologist; limo ride to local hot spots; tickets to a local sporting venue; and reservations for tee-times at local golf courses.
Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel
Triple the fun and feel good about where you are and who you’re with. The Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel extends a special AAA rate starting from $135 and a $20 credit. Ease into the comfort and enjoy a sense of satisfaction. * $20 credit per stay. * Complimentary room upgrade, subject to availability. * 2:00 PM late checkout, subject to availability. * Special AAA room rates starting from $135.
Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel
High fives are invited. Stay with us after your favorite sporting events Downtown. Catch some ZZZs on our Sweet Sleeper Bed and be on the receiving end for free parking, breakfast and bar appetizers. Fans can’t get enough of this four-pack. * Breakfast for Two * $20 Team LA Card * Complimentary Bar Appetizer * Complimentary Parking
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Room & Breakfast

Burbank Airport Marriott Hotel & Convention Center
Marriott wants to help families this summer carve out time for family fun. So when you book a big, comfortable room at a small, comfortable rate, the pizza, sodas, movies and internet are all on us. This weekend, or next weekend. Any weekend from now on until the kids go back to school. So families can have their pie (and eat it, too). Summer for Families Special from $164 - $194
Manhattan Beach Marriott
$159.00    Includes:  2 rounds of golf with pull cart and clubs, breakfast, parking and accommodations in a golf view room.
Millennium Biltmore Hotel
Includes classic-room accommodations; breakfast for two at Smeraldi's Restaurant and complimentary valet parking.
Renaissance Hollywood Hotel
Upgraded accommodations for two (Executive Bedroom) • Complimentary breakfast for two at Twist • Chilled bottle of sparkling wine upon arrival • Late check-out (based on availability)
Renaissance Hollywood Hotel
Deluxe accommodations for two at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel; breakfast buffet for two at Twist, the hotel's California-eclectic restaurant; discount card from Hollywood & Highland Center; and overnight valet parking. Package does not include tickets. For ticket purchase information, visit or call 213-480-3232. For information on upcoming shows at the Kodak Theatre, visit or call 213-480-3232.
Renaissance Hollywood Hotel
Two nights of deluxe accommodations for two at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel; (2) one-day admission tickets to Universal Studios Hollywood SM; breakfast for two daily at Twist, the hotel's restaurant; overnight self parking with in-and-out privileges for two days; discount card from Hollywood & Highland Center, adjacent to the hotel; and Universal CityWalk® savings booklet.
Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel
High fives are invited. Stay with us after your favorite sporting events Downtown. Catch some ZZZs on our Sweet Sleeper Bed and be on the receiving end for free parking, breakfast and bar appetizers. Fans can’t get enough of this four-pack. * Breakfast for Two * $20 Team LA Card * Complimentary Bar Appetizer * Complimentary Parking
Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel
Waves of relaxation are invited. Make the most of your weekend with rates starting from $149. You deserve a break with this exclusive Sheraton Weekend Getaway * Full American Breakfast for Two in our Restaurant * 4 p.m. Late Checkout, Based on Availability
Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel
Quality time is invited. A special rate starting from $179 makes it easy to reconnect. Make room in the heart of Downtown LA and fall in love all over again. * Bottle of Wine and Cheese Plate * Daily Full American Breakfast for Two * 4 p.m. Late Checkout
Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel
Breakfast on the house lets you share the morning and plan the perfect day. Treat yourself to a good night's rest and an eye-opening buffet breakfast. Package includes: * One Night of Accommodations * Breakfast Buffet for Two Each Morning
Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel
Traditional room, internet, buffet breakfast and Metro Day pass (for each day the package is purchased). This package starts at $185.
Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel
Finger snappin’ and toe tappin’ invited. Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown is in sync with the special shows coming up in the Downtown Sports Arena area. Breakfast, appetizers, and parking are on the house. Keep the fun going just a little longer and get into the groove with a major hit package. * Breakfast for Two * $20 iTunes Card * Complimentary Bar Appetizer * Complimentary Parking
Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites
Includes full American breakfast for 2 daily via room service or restaurant, champagne & strawberries, 4pm late check out
Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites
Children under 12 eat free. One complimentary Childs meal available from the children's menu in exclusively in Lakeview Bistro Restaurant. One Childs meal for each full adult meal purchased for up to 2 children. Lakeview Bistro is open for Breakfast or Lunch. Plus includes one complimentary movie per night.
Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites
Full breakfast in Lakeview Bistro for 2 daily, newspaper delivery each morning.

Here's the other promotional information I helped coordinate with Sales Directors, publicists, and others:

Pet-Friendly Hotels

Looking for a place to stay where pets are treated just like all the other paying customers? The following hotels welcome guests traveling with four-legged friends. For more information about each hotel’s specific policy, check out the following links.




Beach Cities

San Fernando Valley

San Gabriel Valley

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