Health, fitness, beauty

Thoughts on #TheArtist'sWay, #Trauma, #Brainspotting and #EMDR this President's Day

By Joy A. Kennelly

I've started doing The Artist's Way book by Julia Cameron again with an online group of 400 other people (which each week drops lower fortunately) and I have to say, after running these types of groups myself years back, this go-round I find more resistance to actually doing the reading and exercises than I ever did before.

Julia says that's a good thing because it means it will have a deeper impact on your creativity, but after two weeks of not wanting to take myself on an "artist date" I find I finally want to do it. Today, the Zilker Botanical Garden has free admission and since I've never been, I thought that would be a nice treat. The weather is brisk, but sunny and clear too. 

I'm still big on researching the brain and how trauma affects our lives. I listened to a Harvard expert discuss stress and trauma's effects on the brain on the Good Life Project Podcast which I enjoyed. You can listen too on Spotify here. Here's the episode blurb for reference.

"Dr. Aditi Nerurkar, author of The Five Resets: Rewire Your Brain and Body for Less Stress and More Resilience, shares how to reframe our relationship with stress. She explains why feeling overwhelmed is a common human experience, not a personal failure. Simple, science-backed techniques like breathing, social connection, journaling, and eliminating multitasking can help our minds and bodies reset.

Dr. Nerurkar offers realistic ways to introduce ease into our days through small, sustainable steps. Learn how to "do better" so you can start to "feel better" and thrive."

I've been practicing some of the things she discussed and have seen my blood pressure slowly lower. It's still high, but I have reason to believe once I've addressed and healed all the trauma in my brain, it might go down too. 

Last week with my trained EMDR & Brain spotting Therapist, I learned that we have 3 parts to our brain, the frontal lobe, a middle section, and the cortex. When we have trauma, our frontal lobe where we have rational thinking, is short-circuited and prevented from acting properly because the trauma is blocking our middle brain from reaching the rational part of our brain.

(I'm putting this in very simple terms, but if you click the links I've provided above, those go into much more detail.)

People have 4 different responses to trauma which divides into 2 forces - Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Fawn. Fight or Flight is one type of response and Freeze or Fawn is another example of how people choose to deal with their trauma.

Fight reaction is where you blow up or react in a way that is highly exaggerated in comparison to the actual incident. One of my former therapists described it as reacting at a level 10 to an incident that people who aren't traumatized might react at a much lower level. The goal of therapy is to reduce the reaction to a more normal level.

Flight is commonly seen in leaving jobs, places you live, and other situations because you need to escape because you're emotionally unable or unaware of how to deal with stressful situations. It's something I've done a lot, moving from state to state and job to job because I haven't been aware of this being a reaction to stress and trauma.

Now that I'm aware, I can work on it. 

What I find interesting is observing how many other people live with trauma unaware of how it's affecting their lives because nobody has ever shared with them that these patterns are caused by trauma. What you don't know, you can't heal. 

I'm reading Miss Independent A Simple 12-Step Plan to Start Investing and Grow Your Own Wealth by Nicole Lapin and she had a very traumatic upbringing. As soon as she mentioned in the book that she had moved numerous times, I understood trauma was her life experience even before she shared a horrifying story from her childhood.

The book is really easy to read and I highly recommend it if you want to understand finances through a female perspective. (I'm not just saying this because I get credit if you buy her book or any of the books I'm mentioning too.:)

The other two reactions Fawn or Freeze I've never really experienced. Fawn would be telling someone nice things about them to get them to leave you alone. I watched this in a video of a girl trapped in an Uber with a creepy guy who wanted to date her. She kept telling him he was a nice guy and she was flattered, but she needed to get out now. That just made my skin crawl.

Freeze is pretty self-explanatory. If something bad is happening, you just freeze and are unable to say or do anything or leave because your body's response to this danger is to freeze.

I look back at my life and I can see so many times where I just ran away from situations in my home life. When I was very young like 10 years old or less, I was mad at my Mom and packed up a bag to run away leaving the house crying. I got to the end of the block of our home in Hermosa Beach before turning around and coming home. LOL

Another time, we were living in Kenya, Africa at a missionary boarding school while my Dad taught school back in the 80s and I decided to run away for some reason. I distinctly remember walking on the dirt road out of the compound and seeing huge black and white Colobus monkeys swinging from the trees as I walked. Here's what they look like because it's hard to describe. Aren't they amazing?

 I eventually returned home and ironically, when my African friends learned of my running way, they all thought I was shab, a slang term at the time for cool, or at least that's what I remember. LOL

As I grew older, I remember running away on holidays. My Dad would want the house to be perfect when my youngest sister would come to visit with her family and inevitably, he would take out his stress on me and demand I leave.

I still remember driving to Santa Barbara one Thanksgiving because I had asked if we could have something other than water at the dinner table for once. Real stupid stuff, but it would cause stress and my Dad's way to deal with it was to tell me to leave.

We've had a very complicated relationship my entire life and it's a miracle how far we've come. Not perfect now by any means, but much closer since my Mom died. You always love your parents even when it's not a good relationship because it's what you've grown up with and you don't know anything else. 

As I've grown and healed through therapy, the way I've dealt with situations and people has also grown and changed. Behaviors that I would normally put up with, I don't anymore. Gaslighting, negating my feelings, blaming, and other normal activities for a narcissist, just don't sit well and I've begun to narrow my circle more and more.

What I am beginning to realize and welcome living in Austin, TX is that sometimes God pulls you away from everything and everyone you've ever known so you learn about yourself and draw closer to God because He's all you have.

Boundaries become firmer on what you will or will not accept in a friendship or relationship. What used to be acceptable because it was familiar or comfortable, becomes uncomfortable and not acceptable. I recently told a "friend" that our "friendship" had run it's course after one last especially hurtful situation. I'm done pretending something feels good when it doesn't. 

I'm at the point in my life where I'd rather be all alone without friends or family than have toxicity in my life. I'm enjoying my peaceful life right now. I feel more creative than I have in years. And I feel that I'm focusing on what makes me happy, not what makes others happy. It's strange to be promoting my work vs my client's work, but it's also really exciting to hear positive responses and have supportive friends encourage me to keep going. 

When you are surrounded by noise, distractions, or political unrest that consumes your attention, it's hard to listen to your own still small voice whispering what you need, want, and desire. As the noise, distractions, and politics fade away, then the voice becomes louder and if you listen to it, ultimately, it replaces all the others.

I felt compelled to write after spending a few unsettling minutes on Twitter reading. I wanted to get back to my thoughts and back into my body. Writing does that for me. Other forms of self-expression might do it for you - baking, painting, sculpting, swimming, etc. 

All I know is, as the popular song on TikTok says, I think I like my little life.

Not much going on at the moment, but I feel that's going to change as I continue to pursue The Artist's Way course and reading. And pursue my therapy with brain spotting and EMDR.  I'll keep you posted.:)

Now to get ready to enjoy the botanical garden and explore Austin

Modern Day Princess Rite of Passage Course Helps Teen Girls Discover their Purpose, Value & Strength - read on

High Reso Complete Logo


Designed to Counteract Female Bullying, Teen Pregnancy, Self-Mutilation, Depression & Sex Trafficking, More Than 2,500 girls Have Gone Through This Life-changing Journey

 Los Angeles, CA Becoming A Modern Day Princess, a Rite of Passage self-discovery course, has helped teenage girls from the ages of thirteen to eighteen to overcome and escape female bullying, teen pregnancy, self-mutilation, depression and sex trafficking as it teaches them the ten key character building steps every girl needs to become a young woman of integrity and influence. It also provides a way for parents, mentors and leaders to make life-changing, positive impacts in the lives of adolescent girls who are just entering womanhood.

DOK -Carolyn Fichtner, AL

Statistics provided through show the desperate need for this program:

 • One in three females will become pregnant out-of-wedlock before the age of 20.3

 • Median age which young women have their first sexual experience is 17.4, outside marriage.

 • The CDC reports that 48% of teens have had sex at least one.

 • One in four will contract a STD (sexually transmitted disease) before the age of 18.

 • One-third of all teen pregnancies end in an abortion.

Launched in 1999 under the auspices of King’s Harbor Church by Founder/Author/Speaker, Doreen Hanna, her Modern Day Princess curriculum has been taught and shared nationally, and now internationally, since her book, Raising A Modern Day Princess co-authored with Pam Farrel, was published in 2010 by Focus On the Family/Tyndale.  975743_w185

A 7-week, community-based MDP program was established in 2006 at the request of the State of New Mexico and has been embraced by various state-funded organizations for at-risk girls.

Image003Doreen Hanna’s personal mission statement, “Empowering Women To Equip Our Teen Girls,” is not just a proclamation, but a vision she has seen fulfilled since 2000 as she has trained and mentored over 300 BMDP leaders who have guided more than 2,500 girls on this life changing journey to find value and strength in the lives of participating girls, their families and others who have joined them in their journey and public celebration.

Alaines group

Hanna said, "The greatest reward for me is watching these girls go through the program and see them become confident, gracious, young ladies."

Sessions within the BMDP program include: 1) Discovering the Princess Within; 2) My Legacy Empowers My Destiny; 3) The Wealth Found in Obedience; 4) The Portrait of a Prince; 5) The Treasure of True Friends; 6) Looking & Acting Like a Princess; 7) The Princess in the Mirror; 8) Beyond My Kingdom; 9) Dancing with the King; 10) Remembering My Crowning Celebration. Central to this process is the final rite-of-passage ceremony—a defining moment in which girls are blessed by the significant father figure in their lives as their family and community celebrate and support them as they step into womanhood.

Dads kiss
Hanna, recognizing a teen girl’s need for fatherly affirmation and the importance of celebrating her step into womanhood, developed this final public ceremony where girls are affirmed by the respected man in her life, as the culmination of the program.  "

Just having been asked often begins to unlock the hearts of the men." Hanna said. "This is a structured oppor­tunity for men to reflect, opening up their hearts and minds to often express things they've never said to their daughters or the girl they care for.”

Great pic of dad and daughter from Kims group 2009

Miracles frequently happen such as fathers expressing their love publicly for the first time, reconciliation of father/daughter and family relationships, and positive male role-models which includes grand­fathers, uncles, teachers, coaches and more who step in to bless these girls and often promise to remain in the lives of girls who may not have fathers.

“‘Becoming a Modern Day Princess’ was an indescribably uplifting experience for our entire family,” says Max W. “As we celebrated our little girl's ‘rite of passage’ into young womanhood, an overwhelming sense of pride and melancholy welled up inside of me. What a profound honor to bless our daughter. This program is essential in continuing the moral well being of our daughters and young families, not to mention future generations as well.”

Carol F_Auburn AL group fun pic 2012

Doreen Hanna, Founder of Treasured Celebrations (the non-profit umbrella for all MDP resources) created and implemented the first Becoming A Modern Day Princess Biblically-based program in 1999 at King’s Harbor Church in Redondo Beach, CA.  By 2006, upon the request of the State of New Mexico, Doreen developed a 7-week community-based program, titled “Today’s Modern Day Princess” that has been embraced by various state-funded organizations for at-risk girls.

In 2010 the book, Raising A Modern Day Princess co-authored with Pam Farrel, was published by Focus On the Family/Tyndale.  It has sold more than 24,000 copies throughout the US and internationally. Additional Modern Day Princess Resources include leadership guides, journals, and most recently, a woman's program titled, "Still a Princess~Becoming a Bride." Doreen and her husband Chad have two grown daughters, four grandchildren, and reside in Los Angeles, California.

For more information, please review:








Los Angeles, CA...Actress, Writer and Beauty Spokesperson Holly Fulger (“Ellen” / “thirtysomething” / “Anything But Love”) is on a personal mission with her newest ground-breaking digital series, “Speaking of Beauty with Holly Fulger,” to open a dialog among women to address their concerns and insecurities about aging and ultimately help women discover their inner-beauty, enhance their self-image and feel more beautiful at every age.  

The web series launches today, August 21, on, and on “Speaking of Beauty with Holly Fulger” YouTube channel:

Speaking of Beauty with Holly Fulger, Laurel Stevens, Melinda Augustina, Holly Fulger
Created and Executive Produced by Holly Fulger, and directed and produced by Melinda Augustina  (“16 to Life” / “Fun with War Crimes” / “Three-Fifty”), the new beauty web series showcases Holly’s interviews with her favorite role models and “everyday heroes” of all races, ages and backgrounds.

These dynamic individuals discuss their personal vision of beauty, the negative effects of media's "ideal woman," and how these perceptions influence their lives and their power as women. 

Interviews include: Dari Lallou Mackenzie 2011Writer/Performer, Dari Mckenzie, who launched Twiggy’s clothing line and worked with Fellini in the 60's, sharing her perspective on aging gracefully; Twelve-year-old Student and Aspiring Writer, Grace Williams, who shares her “wise-beyond-years” thoughts on the imperfections of beauty; Jewelry Designer, Rachel Abroms, sharing how family and Society’s negative focus on weight led her to self-mutilate before finding peace; and Professional & Personal Development Coach of Missing Peace, Cynthia Ordebuga, sharing beauty
Cynthia Oredugba - at a friend's weddingwisdom passed down from her grandmother and from her own  experiences growing up as an African-American in a segregated society.

Fans who subscribe to “Speaking of Beauty with Holly Fulger” on YouTube channel will be the first to receive additional access to beauty-related health data, provided by “Speaking of Beauty’s” medical partner, the Cleveland Clinic’s health education program, Speaking of Women’s Health. (@SPKwomenshealth)

In addition, today only from 10am to 4pm PT, “Speaking of Beauty with Holly Fulger” will exclusively offer YouTube viewers & Blip.TV viewers the ability to submit questions, or comments, to be personally answered by Holly and her guests.  

In September 2012, the Cleveland Clinic partnership will be formally announced in conjunction with additional episodes rolling out weekly to all fans on the official web site:, along with the official release of the corresponding “Speaking of Beauty Inner Beauty” journal book by Holly Fulger.

Taking a profound look at both the positive and negative aspects of beauty, Holly’s new web series presents a platform for resolving the paradox of being "beautiful" and the power of being yourself.

Holly_Fulger_Hosts Speaking of Beauty TV - smallAn accomplished actress, “Speaking of Beauty” Host, Holly Fulger was a television series regular on such shows as “Ellen,” “thirtysomething,” “Anything But Love” with Jamie Lee Curtis. Additional appearances and feature films include the Disney trilogy “Zenon, Girl of the 21st Century,” and over fifteen television movies.  Holly is married to character actor, Ron Bottitta, and lives with their two children and all their rescue animals, in Hancock Park, California.

For more information, or to join the conversation, please go to:  

All about @HollyFulger host of Speaking of Beauty which launches Tuesday, August 21!

Actress, Writer and Beauty Spokesperson, Holly Fulger is on a personal mission to help women discover their inner beauty and feel more beautiful at every age.

Working first as a model and then as an actress, she always felt compelled to lie about her age, Holly experienced the good, the bad and the misguided aspects of beauty in our Hollywood and Madison Avenue driven culture.

As a result, she developed a lifelong passion to help women develop a positive, compassionate, and beautiful self-identity. It’s now the driving force behind her latest her new web series, SPEAKING OF BEAUTY WITH HOLLY FULGER, designed to open a dialog among women to address their concerns and insecurities of aging, and ultimately, help women discover their inner-beauty, enhance their self-image, and feel more beautiful at every age.

 As she interviews some of her favorite role models and “everyday heroes” of all races, ages and backgrounds, each woman discusses their personal vision of beauty, the negative effects of media's "ideal woman", and how these perceptions influence their lives. Holly takes a profound look at both the positive and negative aspects of beauty and presents a platform for resolving the paradox of being "beautiful" and the power of being yourself.

Holly has always loved beauty and fashion, but it wasn’t until she became a step-mother that she felt comfortable with her own beauty and actual age. Struggling with feelings of inadequacy since a teen-ager, Holly knows firsthand the struggles women experience in today’s distorted view of beauty.

A year ago, she co-launched an inner-beauty workshop with a professional makeup artist and held numerous workshops teaching women how to internalize the truth of their own unique beauty and create a deeper connection between their inner and outer selves. Many women experienced beauty breakthroughs for the first time with the information, support, and resources provided.

As a spokesperson and inner-beauty workshop leader, Holly has written numerous articles on beauty. An article she wrote for iCNN caught the attention of a CNN producer who interviewed Holly and seven other women on their perception of beauty. To Holly, the most interesting part of her beauty workshops and being on CNN, was listening to other women’s stories and hearing how difficult it was for women to say what is beautiful about themselves.

“We don’t talk enough about beauty and the issues it brings up, to one another. I believe that is beginning to change” says Holly. “The older I become, the more I see that physical beauty is lovely to look at, but ultimately meaningless. Beauty is a reflection of who we are. It is, quite simply, our soul reflected outwardly.”

An accomplished actress, Holly was a television series regular on such television shows as ELLEN, thirtysomething, ANYTHING BUT LOVE with Jamie Lee Curtis, numerous other TV shows and feature films, including the Disney trilogy ZENON, GIRL OF THE 21st CENTURY, and over fifteen television movies.

Prior to moving to Hollywood from her Ohio hometown, Holly studied stage acting at the acclaimed Remains Theatre Co. in Chicago, where she starred in many award-winning plays directed by Tony® award-winning director, Robert Falls. Now that her children are teen-agers, Holly has returned to her theater roots and just worked on a new play by Mark Roberts (creator of MIKE and MOLLY) with the Rogue Machine Theater in Los Angeles, where she is a company member.   

Holly Fulger is married to character actor, Ron Bottitta, and lives with their two children and all their rescue animals, in Hancock Park, CA. 

Bookmark: to see the launch of Holly's new web series on beauty. Holly & friends will be available to answer questions and comments from 10am - 4pm PT tomorrow too!

Don't miss out!

#Fashion, Food and Wine Festival of #Volleyball Champions at #Raleigh Studios in #Manhattan Beach with #Dig4Kids final wrap-up

By Joy A. Kennelly

This past weekend was so packed with fun activities it's taken awhile to compile pix and information to share with you. John Mayer is amazing in concert fyi.:)

So! Without further ado... (All Photos Courtesy Photographer, Angelique Chacon.)

Last Saturday night I attended the Food, Fashion & Wine Festival honoring three amazing Volleyball Champions as part of the Dinner of Champions presented by The Trade Coach and

Brad Jacobson & Eric Fonoimoana
produced by Brad Jacobson of Civic Couch (l) and Olympic Gold Medalist, Eric Fonoimoana (r) aka "the Body" and Founder of Dig4Kids, the beneficiary of the evening.

Now here's the Beach Volleyball greats who were honored:

Linda Hanley
Linda Hanley aka Linda Robertson who has a great sense of humor and an amazing athletic career. Definitely a female trend setter on many levels. (She was wearing the jacket because it was freezing in the windy NY Backlot of Raleigh Studios in Manhattan Beach. Heat lamps next year please!:)

NY Backlot And the next honoree...
Chris Marlowe
Chris Marlowe aka "CI" who you might recognize if you happen to live in CO or enjoy basketball since he's the Denver Nuggets play-by-play announcer for the NBA. He's a talker!:)

Steve Obradovich
and Steve Obradovich aka "OB." What made me laugh is that those who introduced him said, You either love him or you hate him, no in between. The first beach volleyball ball buster.:)

They all are so talented and amazing athletes. It was wonderful to hear their life stories and see the videos Fox created to showcase them visually. It was also fun to see Manhattan Beach over the years and know that I've watched the very same volleyball games from that very same beach that thousands of spectators have also over the years.IMG_6467  Prior to the event launching we enjoyed a little street art by Artist Andy Brown.
IMG_6447 OB bought one of Artist Andy Brown's pieces Andy created during the evening which Chris "Geeter" McGee later auctioned  off.

IMG_6557 IMG_6593 Here Geeter's being teased by Chris Marlowe for shutting down the AVP's which Geeter also was able to joke about too (even though it must be hard to lose the job you love so much. He's so talented I'm sure he'll find something good again soon.)

Not only were these three amazing Olympic and other award-winning tournament volleyball athletes honored, there were also these amazing athlete pros in attendance (Sinjin Smith, Mike O'hara, Brent Frohoff, Gene Selznic, Larry Rundle, Barbra Fontana, Jim Menges (seen here in a clip from his risque acceptance speech at last year's event.)

Tim Hovland Tim Hovland (I believe that's him in this pic) introducing one of the honorees with some pretty funny stories, Mike Dodd, the recent, now former, AVP Commissioner, IMG_6584 and former professional volleyball player in his own right.  Mike Lambert and  Eliza Cost & Eric Fonoimoana Eric Fonoimoana shown here with his wife, Eliza Cost.

Before the main events began, guests wandered throughout the NY Backlot enjoying delicious local South Bay Cuisine and drinks.


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Our first stop, Cupcakes Couture of Manhattan Beach.:)

IMG_6453 Lisa Hemmat of Lido di Manhattan Beach served delicious appetizers too. You might recognize her from Chef Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares show this past Spring.

IMG_6460This bar and El Gringo's tacos were a big hit with many guests too.

Bob Meistrell Body Glove CEO was in attendance (seen below with Angelique Chacon), as were numerous media & residents. IMG_6456 

Manhattan Beach City Council Members, Wayne Powell, Mayor Pro Tem, Richard Montgomery, & Mayor Mitch Ward enjoyed themselves too.

IMG_6445 Richard with last year's honoree, Jim Megnes.

 The biggest highlight of the pre-show was a really great fashion show. I can say that because I've covered numerous fashion shows for LA Fashion Week for the past few years.

 High quality all the way. Just ask the guys.

I've never seen any fashion show have so many whistles blown, cat calls, and hooping and hollering males. It was hilarious! They calmed down a little once they realized the girls would just keep coming out looking gorgeous. LOL

Here's a sample of the models wearing Body Glove bikinis, Meghan Fabulous dresses & cover-ups, sexy heels by Michael Antonio and jewelry by Lost Bird. I believe there were a few other designers represented, but unfortunately don't have that information available. (If you know, leave a comment and I'll incorporate it later

Volleyball Player/DJ Jeff A. Murrell kept the night moving while Miss CA Nicole Johnson introduced the entire show. IMG_6471
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My favorite designer of the evening was Meghan Fabulous and her latest designs. Aren't these beautiful dresses and cover-ups? I love her ethnic influences.

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You can see more of the fashion show and pictures from the entire evening on Facebook at the 5th Annual Dinner of Champions Fan Page.

IMG_6560 Eric officially welcomed everyone to the honoree part of the evening before turning it back over to Geeter who teased, hugged, and welcomed the honorees up after their video had shown all their athletic achievements (of which there were many!) Numerous athletes were invited to reminisce about the honorees too.

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We were so cold by the end we ducked out while OB was talking which is why I don't have more pictures of his experience, but I'm sure it was great too! 

You can see more pictures of the fashion show Angelique took here:

If you'd like to become a fan of this event to be kept in the loop for next year, click here:





Today was a productive day

By Joy A. Kennelly

I enjoyed swimming this morning because it finally loosened up my hip muscle that has been hurting over a week now. The side stroke is my favorite because it really stretches my entire body and hit exactly where I needed it.

I then enjoyed a leisurely nap after reading a very funny book. I would tell you the title, but some people might not understand my sense of humor.:) Ask me privately and I'll tell you. After that, spent the majority of the day writing and catching up on stuff.

Tonight, catching up on my FirstPlace4Health homework which I need someone to help me interpret because some of it is confusing to figure out on my own.

So happy my month-long fast from events is over and I can go out again. I think I'll be more picky going forward though because I got so much more done not going out as often.

Have a good one!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Posted via email from joydacious's posterous

Sad news, but happier times soon. Mark 5/21 on your calendars!

By Joy A. Kennelly

For those of you who are interested in the latest news regarding all the cool projects and people I'm working with on a freelance basis, check out my professional blog:

I haven't written such a good long one in a long time so please feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think ok?:)

Today has been kind of gloomy day and as a result I have been a little down. Doesn't help that earlier I was reading the book, The Girls Who Went Away: The Hidden History of Women Who Surrendered Children for Adoption in the Decades Before Roe v. Wade (Hardcover) which brought up emotions because I could relate to so many of these women's stories despite my adoption being open and  a totally different experience.

I think loss is loss not matter how you slice it. Sometimes it just hits a little harder than others.

Speaking of which, just learned that someone I enjoyed parrying with on our local This is Hermosa forum, Gary Mallette, died on May 7, 2009 which is very sad news.

Here's a link to his obituary - Gary M. Mallette.

If you knew him, please consider clicking through to the link and leaving a condolence message for his family. I'm sure they'd appreciate it. A memorial service is planned later this summer.

Now just because generally I'm a happy person, here's an article to ponder: Happiness Is ... Being Old, Male and Republican

How do you like them apples LV? I guess one out of three aint bad. lol

Moving right along. Here's a link with news on who and what to vote for on Tuesday, May 19th special election (Vote for Teresa Hernandez!) and I quote from the site:

The Southern California Republican Coalition is taking the lead in the grassroots opposition to Proposition 1A.

The Governor may want to increase your taxes....  The California legislature's Democrats may want to increase your taxes....  The California Republican Party and its Chairman may not be willing to take a position....  The Chairman of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County may not be willing to take a position....

But make no mistake grassroots Republicans know a HUGE TAX INCREASE when they see one -- and so does the Southern California Republican CoalitionThe SCRC emphatically OPPOSES Proposition 1A.  It is a tax increase disguised as a spending cap that has not teeth.  The public employee unions may love it, but every tax payer in this state knows better.  The SCRC is leading an advertising campaign against 1A - Please click to donate today online.

"Prop 1A is a huge tax increase disguised as a shame, weak spending cap. The voters are not as ill-informed as legislative and party leaders may wish them to be.  The tax payers of California are not buying their lies.  The Democrats lied, and the Economy Died - and we refuse to go along to get along!" says Southern California Republican Coalition Chairman, James Crean.

"We oppose raising taxes for so many reasons.  We are in a serious economic downturn and increased taxes means there is less money to spend to spur the economy which is needed to lead to real job growth.

"The legislature just increased our taxes by $42 Billion dollars and now they want to add another $16B in tax increases.  That will do only one thing - cause everyone who pays taxes to look at moving out of California, especially those that run businesses in order to lower their product costs in order to stay competitive when prices are dropping across the country," says Crean.

There were no real cuts made in the legislature's prior budget, nearly all cuts were shame cuts in job positions with no one in the job or they were reductions in the year to year growth without any real decrease.  The Democrat legislature does not have any backbone for real cuts and the more taxes we give them, the more ways they will find to grow government and continue to pay off the public employee unions, such as the California Prison Guards union, the California Teachers Association union, and the Service Employees International Union.

In a time when real citizen's 401K and retirement savings accounts values are dropping, the unions are bankrupting the state with enormous retirement benefits that often lead to union employees earning more in retirement than when they were employed by the state of California.  Yet the unions are making no concessions, preferring to raise everyone else's taxes to pay their addiction to tax payer's money.

"The only informed vote on Proposition 1A is NO," says SCRC Chairman Crean, "and we are taking a lead position with grassroots voters to inform voters to vote NO on 1A along with NO on the other propositions.  I hope folks will go to and make even a small contribution to save us from more tax increases."


If you want to hear a great speaker, consider putting this on your list of things to do for Thursday, May 21:

Beach Cities Republican Club Next Meeting

Club President: Peter Kesterson

Next Regular Meeting: Thursday May 21st, 6PM Dinner (no host), 7PM Speaker

Speaker: Ron Prentice, CEO, California Family Council

Topic: Ron Prentice is the CEO of California Family Council, formally associated with Focus on the Family and also working alongside Family Research Council.  California Family Council (CFC) was formed in 2003 with Ron as the founding director.  With offices in Southern California and Sacramento, CFC’s mission is to protect and promote Judeo-Christian principles in California’s culture.  They do so by communicating the analysis of current legislation, creating pastor and grassroots coalitions, and educating the general population on the issues of the day.  Ron also serves as the Chairman of the – Yes on 8 Coalition, working with dozens of national, state, and local groups to bring about a victory for traditional marriage in California.

Location: Sizzler Torrance, 2880 Sepulveda Bl. (Between Crenshaw & Hawthorne).  NOTE: we now have the full meeting room due to the large monthly turnouts.  No more standing room only!

All are welcome - Members and non-members alike! This event is Free

Click Here for Membership Information

And for those of you interested in making positive changes in your life, don't forget to sign up for the Standup Leadership seminar entitled Leading Change at which will feature Coach Lori Ketkar and distinguished Naval officers, CAPT Luke and First Brigade Commander, Juliane, at The Shore Restaurant and Lounge from 5:30pm - 8:30pm.

Here's a link to a recent teleseminar so you have a taste of what to expect from this amazing evening:

Lastly, for those who want to learn more about our upcoming TLC Empowerment Group which starts June 3, 2009 at TLC Pharmacy, join Business and Life Coach Sherry Marshall, TLC Pharmacists' Annabell and Mindy, me and Perfect Body from 4pm - 6pm at Luna G located at 323 Pier Ave in Hermosa Beach, CA that same Thursday night, May 21.

Check out Luna G's latest designer clothing for men and women and unique gifts, taste GoChi Juice and TAIslim, meet Perfect Body trainers and the rest of us and have fun mixing and mingling.

Just think? Two great events on the same night! Hermosa Beach is the place to be Thursday night!

Back to your regularly scheduled Sunday.

I've been enjoying mine since I rode my neighbor's bike to the Healthy Living Festival in Manhattan Beach at the Metlox Plaza and blogging. 

Time to go home and get ready to go out for drinks at that new Redondo Beach restaurant named Maison Riz.

That's my kind of place if you're taking notes. :) Gotta run!

Today was just a happy, slappy, great day

By Joy A. Kennelly

Ever have days where everything feels great and life is great? Today was one of those for me. You never know how bad you feel until you feel so good.

Today was the first day that my neck and back pain wasn't the first thing on my mind and the one constant throughout the day. What a difference that makes! I forgot what it felt like to feel good.

Thanks to the handiwork of Manhattan Beach Chiropractor, Dr. Christopher Palmer, and his special active release techniques combined with traditional chiropractic care. Highly, highly, highly recommend his treatments.

It also might have something to do with all the work I completed yesterday too. I'll share more later, but for now, must get back to some of the finishing touches on other projects tonight. Can't wait to share!

I had fun being silly and carefree for the first time in a long time (even though the person to whom I was goofing around with didn't get it - oh well.) I am very happy right now.

Hope you are too!

SBPC's Surfrider Benefit/Tasting Party at The Shore hosted by She's Got the Look Finalist, Melissa Todd

By Joy A. Kennelly



TV Land’s She’s Got the Look Finalist, Melissa Todd, Hosted

 South Bay, CA--- The Shore Restaurant’s Chef David Linville and Co-Owners, Jason Baran Jason & greycie2 and Dr. Rainer Beck, along with South Bay Professional Connection Founder, Joy A. Kennelly, Joy & rainer - sm   co–hosted a tasting party benefiting Surfrider Foundation during an evening of networking, music, internationally inspired CA comfort cuisine, environmentalism and beauty in Hermosa Beach, CA at The Shore Restaurant on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 from 5:30pm – 8:30pm.

TV Land’s She’s Got the Look Model Finalist, Melissa ToddMelissa todd long-short hosted the evening and interviewed attendees, Chef David Linville, Tom, melissa, chef2 Surfrider Environmental Coordinator, Alan Walti, Melissa interviewing alan2 and others on camera, and announced winners of the evening’s raffle prizes which included a $50 Dinner for Two to The Shore Restaurant, a designer dress donated by Luna G’s Stylist,  Greycie  Baran, Raffle winner2 and Spyder beach chairs donated by Surfrider Foundation. Melissa & Greycie2

    Chef David Linville served numerous internationally inspired CA comfort cuisine appetizers during the tasting party with the Parmesan crusted New Zealand lollipop lamb chops in port wine reduction as the hands down favorite, and the Crab Cakes served with cream sauce a close second. Food display with jl2 Guitarist James McKenna played acoustically throughout the evening.

Surfrider Foundation South Bay Chapter Chairperson, Craig Cadwallader and Environmental Coordinator, Alan Walti, explained Surfrider’s mission Alan & craig2and encouraged guests to speak out in favor of banning the use of plastic bags due to the negative environmental impact. Group shot near surfrider2 $500 was raised from entry fees and t-shirt sales for the charity.

Curly Hair and Color Specialist, Kym Chartrand of Maximus Salon in Hermosa Beach, sponsored the networking contest’s goody bag prize Kym with goody bags2 which guests: Independent Producer, Ed Sanders; Ed with filming in the background2 Senior VP Wachovia Securities, Mike Girardi; Skychick, Ramona Cox;  Restaurant Consultant, John Bowler;  and Manhattan Beach Resident, Colleen  First;Group shot near bar2 Paige & Coleman Interior Designer, Miriam Paige; Strong Project Sales Manager, Mike Pochepan; Chiropractor, Chris Ullman; Group shot with mike inside2   Creative Director, Hermosa Shorts Festival, Tom Kearney;  Manhattan Beach Stylist, Victoria Coleman; Tom kearney2 and  others enjoyed. Actor/Producer Patrick Kilpatrick was delayed casting his film, Vain Attempt, and Fitness Model, Brenda Kelly's flight delay prevented her from attending.  Julie, joy & kym2 Bar scene2

Mike & victoria2

Opened in March 2006, The Shore Restaurant and Lounge reflects the casual elegance of the South Bay, CA through its beautiful atmosphere and quality dining by Executive Chef David Linville,  Chef2 formerly of The Standard Sunset Strip, Viceroy Hotel and Mastros Beverly Hills. Dining at The Shore allows guests to feel relaxed and catered to as if transported to a faraway locale while enjoying fresh, internationally inspired CA comfort food.  Mushrooms2

Many famous celebrities and sports players from the Lakers, LA Kings, LA Clippers, LA Galaxy Soccer Team also enjoy the 11 plasma/projection screens, well rounded international wine list, and beachside ambiance.  Setting2 After 10pm, The Shore also offers live music, dancing and top quality DJ's. For more information, please review: or call 310 376-0414.


The South Bay Professional Connection’s (SBPC) mission is to promote the interests of the South Bay as a whole to the media, the public, businesses, and residents. SBPC provides a wide variety of community, professional, social and business opportunities for professional groups, companies, and others interested in connecting with South Bay businesses, residents, visitors, and cultural, entertainment and educational institutions.

South Bay Professional Connection achieves these goals through membership, special events, a comprehensive calendar of events, local, state and national government advocacy, public-private partnerships, and public relations/marketing for members.


Joy A. Kennelly

The Joy Writer PR & Marketing  (310) 714-2077 thejoywriterpublicity (at) gmail (dot) com

South Bay Professional Connection Surfrider Benefit at the Shore adds new celebrity guests!


 WHAT: The South Bay Professional Connection (SBPC) announces a Tasting Party at The Shore Restaurant featuring Executive Chef David Linville’s menu of fresh, internationally inspired California comfort food from 5:30pm – 8:00pm on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 in Hermosa Beach, CA. TV Land’s “She’s Got the Look” finalist, Melissa Todd, a Redondo Beach native, will host the evening and raffle drawing. Goody bags will be given to the top 20 winners of the SBPC networking questionnaire contest open to all attendees. 100% of the $20 suggested entry fee donation will be given to The Surfrider Foundation. (

 WHO: Chef David Linville, Chef david- best TV Land’s She’s Got the Look Finalist, Melissa Todd, and special guests,Tank Top Pic 4 E-Mail Fitness Model Brenda Kelly, and Actor Patrick Kilpatrick

WHEN: Tonight, Wednesday, June 25, 2008 5:30pm – 8:00pm

WHERE: The Shore Restaurant 

1320 Hermosa Ave, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

WHY: The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world’s oceans, waves and beaches. Surfrider_foundation_southbay_logo 

The South Bay Professional Connection’s (TSBPC) mission is to promote the interests of the South Bay as a whole to the media, the public, businesses, and residents.

For more information, please contact Publicist, Joy A. Kennelly 310 714-2077






South Bay Professional Connection (SBPC) Announces June 25 Surfrider Benefit at The Shore with TVLand's She's Got the Look, Melissa Todd, hosting

By Joy A. Kennelly


The Team Pic

Hosted by TV Land’s “She’s Got the Look” Finalist, Melissa Todd; Evening benefits The Surfrider FoundationSurfrider_foundation_southbay_logo

South Bay, CA The South Bay Professional Connection (SBPC) announces a Tasting Party at The Shore Restaurant featuring Executive Chef David Linville’s menu of fresh, internationally inspired California comfort cuisine from 5:30pm – 8:00pm on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 in Hermosa Beach, CA.

TV Land’s “She’s Got the Look” finalist, Melissa Todd, a Redondo Beach native, will host the evening and raffle drawing. 100% of the $20 suggested entry fee donation will be given to The Surfrider Foundation. Goody bags will be given to the top 20 winners of the SBPC networking questionnaire contest open to all attendees.

The Shore’s Executive Chef Dave’s Chef david- best Tasting menu includes: Garlic Shrimp sauteed in compound butter with goat cheese crustinis; Shrimp Crimini Mushrooms stuffed with spinach, shallots and smoked bacon; a Greek Trio served with hummus, tapenade, tiziki and toasted pita; Ginger Soy Marinated Poki served with shaved Japanese pickled cucumbers and fried wontons; Buttermilk and Tabasco marinated Southern Fried chicken with Belgium waffles and maple syrup; Parmesan crusted New Zealand lollipop lamb chops in port wine reduction; Crab Cakes served with Dijon cream sauce, and Mac & Cheese with Amsterdam imported cheese enhanced by a well-rounded international wine list. “It’s all about the food,” says Chef Dave. “I love the South Bay because people care more about enjoying my food than they do about being seen.”

An experienced TV host/model, Melissa Tank Top Pic 4 E-Mail Todd, will host the raffle offering a $50 Gift Certificate to The Shore, a designer dress donated by local retailer Luna G’s Personal Stylist, Greycie Baran, among other items. Melissa will be available for guest’s questions and comments about her appearance on TV Land’s show, “She’s Got the Look,” throughout the evening.

Surfrider Foundation information will be available for interested guests to review and additional donations will be accepted throughout the evening.

The Shore is located at 1320 Hermosa Ave, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 and is open Monday through Friday: 5:00pm - 1:45am and Saturday and Sunday: 1:00pm - 1:45am. Executive Chef David Linville, formerly with Standard Hotel Sunset Strip, Viceroy Hotel, Mastros Beverly Hills, and St. Regis Hotel, offers an internationally inspired California comfort cuisine menu. For more information, please review: or call 310 376-0414.


The South Bay Professional Connection’s (TSBPC) mission is to promote the interests of the South Bay as a whole to the media, the public, businesses, and residents. TSBPC provides a wide variety of community, professional, social and business opportunities for professional groups, companies, and others interested in connecting with South Bay businesses, residents, visitors, and cultural, entertainment and educational institutions.


“She’s Got the Look” model, Melissa Todd, a sexy 38-year-old originally from Redondo Beach, CA, is a finalist on TV Land’s new series, in collaboration with Wilhelmina Models, Inc., which seeks to discover a sophisticated, beautiful and confident woman 35 or older to become the next great supermodel. Prior to her TV Land appearance, Melissa enjoyed an active hosting career as an on-camera host for the Hallmark Channel, Toyota Corp., LA Fitness and a PBS cooking show among others, in addition to commercial & film appearances. She has also graced the covers of Shape, Muscle and Fitness Magazines.

ABOUT THE SURFRIDER FOUNDATION Surfrider_foundation_southbay_logo

The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world’s oceans, waves and beaches. Founded in 1984 by a handful of visionary surfers in Malibu, California, the Surfrider Foundation now maintains over 50,000 members and 80 chapters worldwide. or call Nancy Hastings 310 995-7873.


Opened in March 2006, The Shore Restaurant and Lounge reflects the casual elegance of the South Bay, CA through its beautiful atmosphere and quality dining by Executive Chef David Linville, formerly of The Standard Sunset Strip, Viceroy Hotel and Mastros Beverly Hills. Dining at The Shore allows guests to feel relaxed and catered to as if transported to a faraway locale while enjoying fresh, internationally inspired CA comfort cuisine. Scallops

Many famous celebrities and sports players from the Lakers, LA Kings, LA Clippers, LA Galaxy Soccer Team also enjoy the 11 plasma/projection screens, well rounded international wine list, and beachside ambiance. After 10pm, The Shore also offers live music, dancing and top quality DJ's. For more information, please review: or call 310 376-0414.

(Look for our scallop ad in the local papers!)

AVP's in Hermosa Beach - Fri and Sat only - too much sun for me Sun!:)

By Joy A. Kennelly

I got a little too much sun on Friday and Saturday after sitting out watching some prelim AVP games (even wearing 50sp!), but it was worth it. I love watching athletes play. Here's some pix to share what I'm talking about. Friday are the bleacher shots and women games. Sat. are the beach shots sitting by the net.

Please note, Friday's are generally light because it's where people are playing to qualify. It's Sat & Sun where it really gets packed. I could have gone Sunday, but needed to get some work done and I was too burnt - by the sun and dancing so much Sat night. But that's for my next blog.

Avp1 Avp2 Avp3 Avp4 Avp5 Avp6 Avp7 Avp10 Avp entrance Avp2 Avp5 Avp6 Avp8 Avp12 Avp13 - sign Avp14 Avp15 Avp16 Avp17 Avp18 - good Avp19 Avp tents -sat



For More Information: Joy A. Kennelly


thejoywriterpublicity(at) gmail (dot) com



With a Networking Celebration on Thursday, May 29, 2008 5:30pm – 7:00pm

South Bay, CAThe South Bay Professional Connection announces the Grand Opening of CA Associates Employment Specialists’ and Verch Insurance Services’ new El Segundo offices with a night of Networking and Celebration on Thursday, May 29, 2008 from 5:30pm – 7:00pm.

As part of the Grand Opening Celebration, California Associates‘ Career Coach, Sonja McColgan, will offer resume critiques, information on industry trends and interview techniques while Verch Insurance Specialists will offer complete insurance analysis. Appetizers will be provided by Shark’s Cove Hermosa Beach, CA. A portion of the proceeds from GoChi Juice shots poured will benefit the Brent Verch Memorial Fund. The new El Segundo offices are located at 425 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245. RSVP to CA Associates: 310.416.8797.

“We chose to move to Downtown El Segundo because it has been voted the ‘Most Business Friendly,’” says Verch Insurance Services Founder/Owner, Darold P. Verch. Verch Insurance Services is a multi-line, family owned agency with 40 years experience specializing in all types of insurance. For more information, please review: or call 310 322-1626.

California Associates Employment Specialists focus on placing candidates in Media, Technology, Accounting, Engineering, Human Resources, Fitness, Sales & Marketing, Administration and Entertainment. For more information, refer to: or call 310.416.8797.

The Brent Verch Memorial Fund was created to honor Brent Verch and his life’s desire to support his three young niece’s college education. For more information, please refer to:

The South Bay Professional Connection’s (TSBPC) mission is to promote the interest of the South Bay as a whole to the media, the public, businesses, and residents. For more information, please contact Joy A. Kennelly via 310 714-2077 or tsbpc2008 (at) gmail (dot) com.


Walking on Water documentary - great surfing film!

By Joy A. Kennelly

I grew up in the South Bay surrounded by surfers and those are the kinds of guys I love - laid back, cool, athletic, adventurous and hot looking. So when I read in the paper that Rolling Hills Covenant was screening Walking on Water documentary and it had that girl Bethany Hamilton whose arm was bitten off by a shark I knew I really wanted to see it.

I kind of figured I'd be one of the older ones in the crowd since it seemed geared towards young people since the two main guys were 12 and 14 years old. I missed the Friday screening because there was a mis-connect regarding where it was screening and I arrived way late. I drove home swearing because I'd really wanted to see it and was bummed that now my Friday night plans seemed screwed.

I should have known God had other plans. As I drove down from Rolling Hills I received a message from my mom that she was in the emergency room with a pain in her ribs. Since I didn't have any plans I thought why not go and sit with her to keep her company. Dad had gone to a music concert with some other friends and Mom was all alone.

Now I've gone to emergency and sat by myself for hours before and know how awful it can be to do that. Mom has never offered to come keep me company, but I knew it would make her night if I did. I'm glad I did.

Turns out she has pneumonia and we wouldn't have found that out if she hadn't had a chest x-ray. Since I was sick before too I asked the doc to check my lungs because the other night at my Bible Study everyone kept telling me horror stories of people who had walked around undiagnosed with pneumonia and died! Oy!

Fortunately, I'm still on antibiotics and my lungs sound clear. Good thing! Praise God!:) It's bad enough my little mom isn't feeling well. However, after a shot to her bum, off we went. She sounds better today, but apparently still doesn't feel well.

We're going to Miami together and I was teasing her that this time (I've already postponed it once), I'm going without her! We'll see what her regular doc has to say on Monday. However, I don't trust his judgment because he didn't seem to take her sickness as seriously as I think he should have last time she went in. Now that she's older when she's sick I get more concerned. Only natural I guess.

Enough about that though - on with the movie! Tonight I opted to catch Walking on Water at El Segundo High School auditorium. This was just as crowded and there were all ages reflected. I kind of felt like I was with my people because there were so many surfers.

I loved all the vernacular being tossed around and learned a new slang term for me - Groms... Ever heard it? Means Grommets like younger kids before they become teen-agers. The movie is about a couple of groms who travel the world surfing the best waves and how their lives are touched by all the people they meet. At least that's what I walked away with.

The skill of the surfers was really amazing. What was even more amazing was to see all the different countries and what it's like to surf there. Really made me want to learn. This surfer guy take these kids to Hawaii, Australia, Indonesia, Peru, South Africa and probably somewhere else I'm forgetting. The scenery is really cool and the people are heart warming. Apparently these are some of the top surfing spots around the world too. Very cool to see.

My favorite scenes were the wild animal parks in South Africa and the close encounter with the lions, the surfing in Hawaii, and the fact that a lot of these major world-champion surfers are Christians! Too cool! Who knew? I sure didn't.

Tom Curren, three-time world champion, opened the evening playing with his band The Noahs. I thought they were just some garage band because the riffs got a little repetitious, but it was cool to see that it was really his band. He's so humble and almost shy it was very cute to see.

The two kids in the film were absolutely adorable and so in love with surfing it was very fun to watch. You'd think it would get old watching wave after wave after wave, but it really was fascinating. I thought the scene where Matt Beacham sneaks along to Indonesia was very funny. He seems like a really cool guy.

This is definitely a guy's guy film. The camaraderie and brotherhood that develops among the three travelers and all the cool accomplished surfers they meet along the way was very sweet to watch. I love it when men love each other like that in an uncomplicated brotherly fashion.

It was also very cool to see how open they were about their relationship with God and how much they trust and depend on Him for their lives. I love a Godly man. Especially ones that look as hot as these guys did. Sorry, but it's true.:)

I learned there's some surfer churches in the area that I'm thinking of checking out. My church, although I really, really love the people, just doesn't have a lot of singles for me to hang with and I'm beginning to crave friendships with Christians who aren't married. I will always love my married friends, but it's time for me to meet more people I could actually connect and hang with. I get so lonely living here and I'm tired of it.

I even miss my noisy neighbor since he's been staying at his girlfriend's more. How silly is that? At least I knew there was another human being living and breathing in my building. Sometimes it's like a ghost town. But when I do see people they're very nice which is cool.

So, that's all for now. Just had to share. I really had a nice evening. Met some people at the ice cream/hamburger social after the movie who were friendly and nice. Then met the wife of the guy who had turned me away last night and had a great chat with her. She's a surfer and maybe I'll get my guts up to learn with her if she's open.

Watching this film made me think surfing must be such a rush. I love swimming in the ocean as it is and think this might be the summer to push past my limitations and try something new. We'll see!

Have a good one. See that Walking on Water if you can. It's a film not to miss!

Gen Art Fashion Show, Seal Beach, GoChi, The Lost Patrol

By Joy A. Kennelly

Enjoyed hanging out with a bunch of friends last night at the Gen Art Fashion Show downtown LA and then again today over in Seal Beach. Two very different experiences, and very fun. I love my friends.

I need to give my hands and shoulder a break from typing since I over-extended myself too much this past week and an old injury is flaring up... It will calm down and then you'll hear all with pix.

Just wanted to say sorry about the GoChi juice commercial that still plays! Didn't realize it would and don't know yet how to stop it. Hope you keep coming back regardless. I promise to look into it. I do rep GoChi Juice so if you're interested, shoot me an email via and I"ll hook you up.

Otherwise, enjoying some cool space cowboy/David Lynchesque music by The Lost Patrol - check it out here.

Have a good one!

What a fun, productive day...

By Joy A. Kennelly

The Office totally cracks me up! Anyone else like this totally whacked out show? Reminds me of some people I know. Too funny. I LOVE Steve Carell.

Today's Day Spa event at A Fresh Face Skincare was fun. Victoria, the owner, is so beautiful and sweet she's a pleasure to work with. Her massage therapist, Tanne I believe is how you spell his name, is very skilled with his hands, just came over from Trilogy Spa, and very sweet too. The best part? Tanne's massages are only $45/hour! He's very good too.

AND!!!! There is a wonderful two-hour special that Victoria is offering that is just amazing. Check this out:

  • Warm ex-foliating foot massage
  • Ex-foliating hand treatment with warm paraffin dip
  • 30-minute Aromatherapy Massage
  • Aromatherapy deep cleansing facial
  • Relaxing Scalp Massage

All this for only $99! Can you believe it?  This special and the nice people who provide these services make me almost want to work on the front desk! Just kidding.  Maybe. Maybe not! It's fun to be out and about with people rather than stuck working behind a computer all day.

Although I do get paid well to do that and enjoy my clients. Got a lot of work done on their behalf before dashing out, but more to do! And I'm lovin' it! I love shaping and building people's careers to help them achieve success.

In any case back to my Day Spa day. Introduced a lot of new people to the wonders of GoChi, learned how to mix a mean GoChi/ Vodka (we forgot to buy tonic! LOL) drinks, and enjoyed a wonderful hot stone treatment for my achey breaky back and a photo-sensitive light treatment for some of my dark spots/freckles.

I'll keep you posted on the dark spot situation if you're interested. Like you care. LOL. I am curious though because I've never tried this before. Learning all kinds of new beauty, health things hanging out with my new friends.

Speaking of hanging out, bought some new bras the other day and man, what a difference new lingerie makes! I feel like a new woman! LOL My silhouette now rivals that of my friend Shana's new boobs.  (TMI I know, but I just felt like sharing and making you laugh.)

I've been way too serious lately and I just don't feel like it any more. Time for fun! I'm happy, why shouldn't my blog be? :)

Have a great night. Now back to Celebrity Apprentice. 

Great networking event tonight!

By Joy A. Kennelly

Watched Lipstick Jungle tonight after my mixer and like it a lot better than the Cashmere Mafia. We'll see... Much cuter men on Lipstick Jungle - especially the young hottie who seduces that married woman. Not saying I approve of that aspect, just like his look. Hot, hot, hot!

Love the fact the channel 4 news covered "the Cougar connection" --too funny! Tonight was a lot of fun with all my Cougar girlfriends - although we're not into younger men so much, we do enjoy the eye candy. Hey, we're not blind people. However, totally cracks me up that the term Cougar has become mainstream. Growlll! Why should older guys have all the fun with younger women? Right? Turn-about is fair play in my mind.

We had a great turn-out tonight! Once I figure out how to upload pix from this camera, I'll share them with you! Kim was so sweet and came early to help set up. You always love people like her who are such servant-hearted. I think she's my new best friend. LOL We all agree she looks like a younger, beautiful Maria Shriver. Go Kim go!

Actress Maria Rangel was in all her glory sharing her experiences on NBC's hit show, Age of Love, with a rapt group of women. We all agreed the "tennis guy" was cute, but dull. I guess if all you do is play sports and nothing else...

In addition to the wonderful Yummy soy candles she was selling, Maria literally gave this woman the dress off her back from her new line of Yummy designs to try on. I was laughing so hard I think I forgot to take pix, but imagine one woman modeling this extremely sexy long dress with lots of boobage surrounded by her lovely long blonde hair and then imagine the other lovely brunette woman (Maria) wrapped in nothing other than a spa wrap towel cheering her on! Too funny and so Maria.

The Gochi drink was a huge hit too because after all, Oprah endorses it! And Oprah is god-like right? Also, Dr. Oz, Time Magazine and so many more call it a Super Food! Gotta try it! Trust me. You'll be so amazed at how good you feel! It has changed my life by controlling my hormones which I am so happy about. Believe me, so are others!

Chef Melinda booked her first wedding cake order and cupcake delivery order tonight. Go Chef Melinda!
Her new company name is Sugar Cups - isn't that adorable? "Get your cake and eat it too!" You don't want to know the back story to that tagline...:)

We took the funniest pictures (which won't be included in the official company pix for obvious reasons - sex sells, but that's not what we're selling - only cupcakes people!) I wish I had another one right now. Perfect gifts for Valentine's Day if anyone needs a nice company present for anyone. Hint, hint.:)

What was interesting to me is that on my vision board I had cut out a picture of a wedding with cupcakes as the wedding "cake" and it gave me chills when I realized now I know a baker who bakes cupcakes! She hadn't decided on cupcakes as her main focus for her new business when I created my vision board. Too freaky. Maybe this is my year for love? I hope so...

Spa Riviera Owner, Tony, was a hit with the ladies and men because everyone wants to look years younger with his amazing microdermabrasion treatments. I especially enjoyed his new massage therapist, Martha's gifted hands as she released some of my tension during a chair massage. Can't wait for a real massage, I need one after today. OY!

Lou-e-Luey's outdid themselves too. Rafael's shrimp ceviche is absolutely divine, as was everything else, and everyone was asking for cards all night long. I had no idea they were such a great Baja seafood place. I really must visit soon. Really wonderful. Highly recommend it! Fun vibe in the restaurant and delicious food.

My new artist, Beverly Bigwood, showcased her artwork and her kissing cupids were a big hit. So glad we're working together. She has a real unique style and is such a beautiful woman (inside and out.) She deserves all the best. Now to help her achieve it.

Otherwise, life is moving ahead at warp speed. I'm very excited to see what will happen now that we've launched the first South Bay Professional Connection - onwards and upwards!

God bless everyone! God loves you and so do I!

Actress Maria Rangel at our Special Pre-Valentine's Day Party 2/7!

_mg_31801gold_dressNow, does Actress Maria Rangel look familiar? HOT!!! Gotta love the Latinas! Watch out Eva - there's another hottie on the loose...

(Marc Cherry, doesn't Eva need an evil sister or cousin on Desperate Housewives? Here's your girl!)

You might recognize Maria as one of top finalists from NBC's Age of Love hit reality show where 40 year olds competed against 20 year olds for the 30 year old tennis champ, Mark Philippoussis' love.

Her spunky, outspoken nature fueled the show's popularity last summer. Maria shocked the world when she made the bold decision to bow out of the show when she realized he wasn't the one for her. Women everywhere cheered!

Maria's bold attitude and love of life has inspired and empowered women everywhere with her inspirational message: 'A woman's worth' is never determined by winning a man's love.

Which is why I've invited her to participate in our Pre-Valentine's Day Party - I love her attitude!

Come talk to her about her experiences on the show, learn what's she's working on now, take a picture with her and collect her autograph (if that's what you do.)

Maria looks forward to meeting you!

Join us at Spa Riviera on
Thursday, February 7, 2008

6pm – 9pm

                            1611 South Catalina Ave., Lower level – L40, Redondo Beach, CA

(Corner of Catalina and Avenue I –free parking underneath)

Special Guest Appearance by Actress Maria Rangel, Renowned Microdermabrasion Specialist, Tony Cutrona, & Clarisonic skincare demonstrations, New GoChi – Himalayan Goji juice tastings, and lots of free Giveaways too!

 Enjoy Appetizers by Lou-e-Luey’s Restaurant


Delectable Valentine’s Day Desserts courtesy of Chef Melinda

RSVP to 310 316-2888

New event invite and other stuff...

By Joy A. Kennelly

In addition to everything else I was doing this week: i.e. attending two major art events (LA Art Show and art LA), taking new business meetings, working another freelance gig, house-sitting, and normal pro bono work for Hermosa Beach; I've also been putting together a big networking Pre-Valentine's Day Party for Spa Riviera which will take place Thursday, February 7 from 6pm - 9pm located at: 1611 South Catalina Ave., Lower Level L41, Redondo Beach.

No wonder I've been so tired!

Download 27invitefinal.doc - Click on that link for the complete invite. I am still learning how best to upload certain items and apologize this is so rudimentary. I will upload this properly once I figure out how to do so.

On another note, I think I need to clarify that I have a very quirky sense of humor and sometimes it doesn't translate well via writing. My apologies to anyone who is offended.

Also, the opinions expressed here are solely my own and should not reflect on my pastor, my church, my friends, my business partners, or anyone else I mention here as something they necessarily agree with. Oftentimes, they don't, but we agree to disagree. I just don't want you to think poorly of them - just think poorly of me ok? LOL

I've been watching this art series by PBS called art:21 which is very interesting.

Here's their welcome statement:      

"welcome to art:21

“Art:21–Art in the Twenty-First Century” is the only series on television to focus exclusively on contemporary visual art and artists in the United States, and it uses the medium of television to provide an experience of the visual arts that goes far beyond a gallery visit. Fascinating and intimate footage allows the viewer to observe the artists at work, watch their process as they transform inspiration         into art, and hear their thoughts as they grapple with the physical and visual challenges of achieving their artistic visions."

It's really been fascinating to learn all these contemporary artist's thought processes and what inspires and influences their art. I'm realizing more and more, that I'm more of an artist than I realized. My writing is my way of expressing part of my artistic side and my vision boarding aka treasure mapping is another.

I've also realized that there's so much more I can learn about art and artists by taking some art classes just for my personal pleasure. My heart really sang the last time I did. I've been wanting to re-paint one  large canvas forever yet know that I'm not disciplined enough to paint without the structure of a class setting.

It was very fun to see that numerous artists had pictures pulled from magazines too as inspiration. It was so nice to realize I'm not crazy, just creative! I love being around smart, creative, inspiring people.

That's why this weekend was fun. I went back to the LA Art Show again and really took my time this go-round. Last time I had been in a hurry because I needed to get home in time to take care of the dog I was babysitting and rushed through.

I'll give a full report on this show next week. I just need some space to sleep on my thoughts and feelings. I'll let you know.

Oh, and I do like the City Council people even though I don't always agree with their decisions. I just need the space to meet some new people at my event which is why I said what I did. No hard feelings ok? You probably would love a break from me too! Plus, everyone is going to be gone anyway so it's a moot point.

Enjoy your evening sans Desperate Housewives. Man, I wish these producers/CEO's realize how much they're screwing with their customers. Not a good position to be in. We need the escape ok? Get it together and stop stone-walling. Enough's enough.

I WANT MY DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES!!! Ok, now I feel better.

Good night everyone.

Sweeney Todd - Less singing; More killing. Cush Salon and other stuff...:)

By Joy A. Kennelly

Okay, remember the sweet little east Indian ticket reservationist who didn't know anything about Hawaii and spent all that time trying to get the spelling right of Kuaia? Guess who I got when I called United again tonight? Yep. Him. Isn't it a funny ironic small world?

This time I asked him about another location and when my destination wasn't allowed on my free ticket I asked about where to fly to get closest to Tahiti. Oh my goodness, he didn't know where or what Tahiti was! Oy, oy, oy! I know I'm dumb for not realizing that LA was the closest airport apparently, but I didn't have the benefit of a computer screen since I was driving and he did.

I guess my frustration with him is because I used to do his job for five years for both Alaska and Delta Airlines and know what he should know in this position. I thought it was so funny to get him again, but couldn't deal so told him I'd call back and promptly hung up.

Guess who I got when I called back? HIM!

That made me LOL because I realized then I couldn't escape my fate. I then asked to speak to his supervisor which he was nice enough to transfer me. I explained to the women that when I worked in the airline industry even when my airline didn't service the location, the computer will give you the code to figure out an itinerary regardless of which airline you're booking.

For him not to know that and waste more of my time... not good customer service United Airlines. I thought I had been so smart by going online and figuring out my original itinerary prior to calling only to learn that my ticket doesn't allow for inter-line agreements meaning I can't fly on their partners.

Makes me seriously reconsider not jumping ship next time they ask for volunteers to be bumped. Oh well, I will figure it out eventually. It is a free ticket after all. I just need to hurry up and book it! It was just too funny to hear his little sheepish voice one more time. Merry Christmas Rameesh wherever you are in India. Do they even celebrate? I wonder.

My friend Domi invited me out to the Arclight tonight for a snack and a movie. I agreed because I was traveling up to Beverly Hills to have my hair done at Cush Salon courtesy of my friend Adrienne and was also meeting my other friend Marcia who I haven't seen in a long time after that which made it worthwhile to stay up there so late. Plus, we all always have a good time together so...

I'm glad I did. Sweeney Todd was a very fun, albeit horror, movie set to music. Who knew there would be so much music to all the gore? I've never gone to see anything Stephen Sondheim has done so totally wasn't prepared to hear murder sung about so casually. Or to see so much spurting blood! Domi said it reminded him a lot of all the horror films he has done. NOT MY THING AT ALL!

For such a murderous, gory story, I was surprised the killing didn't start earlier into the film hence my blog title. Enough with the back story - get to the point Burton. Just kidding. Tim has his own unique style of filmmaking - although I'm beginning to think his art director doesn't know any other looks beyond goth, but then again neither does Tim Burton himself it seems! I guess you want his style, then you see his movies.

Ghostly white makeup with heavily made-up smudged eye makeup, weird blue tones, stark contrasts of color and black and white mixed together, bad teeth, oh I could go on, but I'm tired. You get the drift. It's really stylistic and moody which is very interesting visually actually, but almost distracts from the actors because it is so unusual. I sat through most of the killings with my eyes covered because those images, despite some looking like red paint, would stick in my brain too long.

It was fun to hang out with Domi and who knows, we may start working together again if we can come to an agreement that we're both happy with. I'm still not into horror, but as long as it's strictly red carpet escorting, that's fun so... We shall see! Stranger things have happened.

I enjoyed spending time with Marcia catching up too. We went up the block from her place to a little pizza place that was very delicious. I loved the interior since it was all stone work with pretty furniture. Can't remember the name since I'm tired and it's late, but it's near the Belmont. Check it out next time you're around.

My lovely, lovely, lovely hair took three hours to create. I say you can never be too blonde or have too much chocolate. I'm so blonde I look like a summer baby. I LOVE IT! You really must see Martine at Cush Salon for color and ask for Chassie, the owner, to cut your hair.

It's the cutest, hippest best kept secret of Beverly Hills salons. No pretension, just good hair in a relaxing, hip environment. I feel so glamorous. Just like a movie star after having them treat me to their amazing skills. I had had my hair cut previously up in Beverly Hills at a salon I just walked into because I couldn't take it any longer, but I wish I had waited.

What a difference having your hair cut and colored by people with training and expertise. Plus, they were both so humble about it too. A lovely, lovely, lovely experience. I love being pampered like this. Next week I've got to visit Glen Ivy Day Spa to follow up on today. Full pampering please. I've earned it.

Thank you Adrienne. You're such a good friend to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope you get this salon lots of media hits and that they provide you with everything you ask for to help them achieve it too! They deserve some media coverage for sure.

If/when my stupid camera works again I'll take a pic of my hair and upload it. Now I'm ready for New Years Eve - watch out boys. Cougar on the prowl...

Okay, enough of that. Real quick rundown of the past week. The Manhattan Beach Christmas Fireworks display was simply fantastic. They had this really fun band leading us all in Christmas and Hanukkah carols for an hour prior. Can't you just see me dancing the Hora loudly singing the Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel song? It was so much fun being silly like that.

What was really cool is that numerous streets are closed off to turn the hill going down to the Manhattan Beach pier into a walk street and it was jam packed wall-to-wall with what seemed like thousands of people out celebrating. Yet, I didn't see one drunk. What a novel concept. Maybe they hit the streets later, but I doubt it.

Maybe because the emphasis was on children with local business, Skechers', and numerous other Downtown Manhattan Beach businesses sponsoring an adorable snow camp area. Yeah Skechers! Thank you everyone for such a delightful community event! The fireworks display went on for almost 1/2 an hour and were set to Christmas music which made it even more fun. I sent numerous friends little videos from my phone to watch. Very exciting!

The inexpensive spaghetti dinner at the MB Fire House was fun too. I wasn't hungry because it was so early when we arrived so I just watched my friend's enjoy everything. I enjoyed the eye candy collecting money though. Too bad I was with my guy friend so it looked like we were together.

Nothing against you bud, but you're cramping my style. LOL. I'm sure I'm cramping yours too. Oh well, next year should be good for both of us since it's 2008 and it's going to be great. We all had fun together. That whole night was a real blast. I love singing along loudly and just goofing around. Great time letting off steam after the hell I'd gone through only a week prior.

What's interesting about that previous hellish experience is that last night I went to a local friend's Christmas gathering and it actually came in handy. During the night she received a call and became afraid for one of her friends who lives up in Hollywood since he mentioned killing himself. Since I'd just been there myself (feeling suicidal) I offered to go with her to help calm her down and offer some of the wisdom I'd gained from my therapist and the Suicide Prevention Hotline (SPH) people to him too.

When we called their hotline (which is 310 391-1253 or toll free in Los Angeles and Orange County 877 727-4747,) they were extremely nice and knowledgable. Did you know there is a Psychiatric Mobile Response Team (PMRT) who will come and be with you within an hour if you call and need help? Their number is 1 800 854-7771 I believe. What I liked about the SPH is that they walked us through how to handle her friend since he wasn't probably going to call them himself that night.

When I called Alcoholics Anonymous' hotline, suicide prevention was beyond their abilities. However, I gave him their contact numbers too since they're a great place to go when you've hit bottom and need ongoing support dealing with your drinking problem. Call 1 866 507-6237 for the national hotline and 310 618-1180 for the local hotline if you need help too ok? You are not alone! There are people who have been where you are too. It's never too late to turn your life around and get help for this disease.

Now if you should run across someone who threatens suicide, the key questions to ask are, "When are you going to do it? Have you thought about how you will do it?" Apparently, although we think it would lead people to actually do it, it's not out of the ordinary to the person you're speaking to and just helps you gauge how serious they really are.

However, I highly recommend leaving stuff like this up to the professionals - call for your own expert advice from the SHP, don't just take mine please.

Isn't it funny how God used something that was meant for evil (me wanting to kill myself) and used it to help someone else for good? The ironies of that night just kept hitting me. Especially when we drove past my friend's old place on our way to her friend's house and it turned out I actually knew the street having known someone who lived there myself!

It also turned out I knew of this hurting man indirectly because my friend who lived on that street at the time had catered his wife's memorial service. Small world. It was just meant to be that I was there for this man I think. When we finally did reach him he kept wondering why I was there and how I knew so much about suicide prevention. When I explained I'd been right there where he was only a few weeks ago, he was blown away. I'm blown away. God has a quirky sense of timing and purpose is all I can say.

I don't think I'll be experiencing anything more like that for a bit since the doctor has prescribed birth control pills to help regulate my hormones. Yeah! Free sex! Just kidding. Although I will admit the thought crossed my mind.

One of the side effects apparently is to have your breasts become larger. If mine do, I won't be able to see my toes! I think that looks retarded on women when that happens. Sorry, no thank you. However, I will say my friend who recently underwent breast augmentation really deserves to have new breasts.

Hers looked like the African women I remember from living in Kenya who would pull this long sad narrow balloon out of their blouses to feed their nursing babies on the bus. Seriously, that bad. If anyone needed fake boobs, my friend does!

What was freaky is that although I had a lot of people praying for her never in a million years did I expect to hear from her the very night of her surgery sounding so chipper and normal. Kind of weirded me out!

She was ecstatic and said she had no pain whatsoever. Even the doctors were shocked at how well she was recovering from the surgery. I was shocked too! She sounded a little frenetic too which was weird. That was explained today when she returned my call asking after her and learned that she'd been drugged then too and barely remembered our conversation.

I'm just so relieved she's doing so well, especially after the heartbreak of Kanye West's mother's death. I was so nervous for my girlfriend because it was going to be a much more complicated surgery than she had originally thought, but I think due to her excellent condition from all her pilates training and all our prayers (two big churches were praying for her) she is doing really, really great. Thank you God.

Mama's got new boobs! Cougar's got new hair! Time to go out and celebrate! Her husband is going to be so happy. I know she's ecstatic. Now this type of re-constructive surgery I support any time any place. Oh, and I also support the new boobs Hermosa Beach is considering. Check out This is Hermosa forum under the 2 lanes vs. 4 lanes smackdown thread for my commentary on boobs in Hermosa Beach. You have to scroll down a bit...

Let's see what else? Third Tuesday was awesome as usual. I forgot how much I missed the encouragement of that group. All 300 plus of us prayed for a quick end to the Writer's Strike. It was really sad to see how many people in the audience it was affecting. I hope it ends soon. I want an awards season!

I bumped into my old friend Matilda and just felt like hanging out with her all night rather than socialize like I normally do. I'm so glad I did. After hearing another encouraging, funny message from the pastor, we generally break into small groups to pray for each other. Usually there's 4-5 people in each group, but again, this evening it was just me and Matilda. Since we'd been talking all evening we knew what to pray for each other.

However, I wasn't prepared to have her pray for my family situation because I hadn't mentioned it as a prayer request and all of sudden my floodworks began. I just stood there silently crying with crocodile tears just flowing uncontrollably down my face while she prayed for healing of my entire family because the breakdown of my family relationships deeply, deeply, deeply affects me.

I know I've hurt them too, but at a certain point there needs to be forgiveness and letting go of grudges. I can't undo the past and even Jesus forgave me my sins (which have been many!) I just need to stay away from everyone until I feel like this cloud of condemnation has passed and it's ended. May never happen, but I'm praying it does. Enough's enough. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Now to get on with living.

Or as they say in Al Anon:


Be honest with yourself
Be Humble
Take it Easy – Tension is Harmful
Play – Find recreation and hobbies
Keep on Trying whenever you fail

Learn all the facts about Alcoholism
Attend Alanon meetings often


Be Self-Righteous
Try to dominate, nag, scold or complain

Lose Your Temper
Try to push anyone but yourself
Keep bringing up the past

Keep checking up on your alcoholic
Wallow in self-pity
Make threats you don’t intend to carry out
Be over-protective
Be a doormat

Who knows how this family stuff will all resolve itself, but I have a real peace about avoiding the parent's gathering this year. Although I'll miss seeing my oldest niece and my aunts and uncles since this is the time of year I normally see the relatives.

However, I'm hoping to go to San Diego for New Years' so maybe then I'll pop by to visit or even stay over. Who knows? I can't think that far ahead right now and they're all very busy people with busy lives too.

I did receive a nice Christmas card from one set of relatives which was very comforting and sweet of them to remember me. I'm so behind on sending out cards I really must devote some time to it asap.

My visit to Niki Shadrow's 20's party at the new 86 nightclub was fun as usual. It was great to hear the old timey 20's music and see people dressed up in flapper costumes. Reminded me of the Little Rascals. Remember them? Oh tay buckwheat.

Also, the Toledo Show performed and they were amazing as usual. I'd actually written a press release promoting the Stories from the Red Room documentary about The Toledo Show and Harvelle's. Yes, we have one in Redondo Beach now. And yes, The Toledo Show performs there too! You really have to see this R & B cabaret act - they're great! A little risque, but sexy as all get out. Click on the above link for a little preview.

My ex-boyfriend used to love Harvelle's in Santa Monica and loved the blues so he got me into it too. I love that little hole-in-the-wall place on 4th. Lots of good memories there. I'm glad they're down in RB now too. I really must get a group together some night and go hit it. Too fun.

My cookie exchange party just prior was a lot of fun too. I sent some of the cookies I collected to the soldiers for them to enjoy. I've never seen so many varieties of cookies in one place before. That was a cute party since it was a lot of women from the Republican's Women's Federation. Only in the South Bay. Never, ever in Hollywood I think!:)

Here's a little blurb on them: Manhattan Beach RWF is a dynamic group of like-minded conservative women with shared values. We are a diverse mix of ages, backgrounds and professions - but share a common desire to elect Republicans! We meet every month, usually the second Tuesday at 7 p.m. in a member's home. We have a speaker each meeting, 2-3 fundraisers per year and social outings.

So, care to join? Email Rosalie at ManhattanBeachRWF (at) cfrw (dot) org. I just think it's kind of funny and wish my mom would join since this is so her thing. She's the most rabid Republican I know and just cracks me up with her passion. I guess I come by my political activism honestly. Only mine is on the local level only.

What else to tell you all. I think that's all and if it's not, oh well. I'm very tired. Can't wait to visit with my girlfriend and hear all about her breast surgery recovery. I'm going to try and make kugel as a treat since her Bubby used to make it all the time as comfort food.

Can't you see it now? A shitska baking a traditional Jewish dish? Oy vey! But she needs some comforting so I'm going to give it a whirl. Should be interesting.:)

Okay, that's really all. Have a good day (seeing as it's 2am and morning already.) Good thing I don't have anywhere pressing to go till my 1:30pm lunch tomorrow. Yeah!

Sleep well everyone!

Yelp, Studio DNA, Funnel Mill, Bodega Wine Bar, Landmark Theatre, and Anna's

By Joy A. Kennelly

Today I remembered there was a Christmas block party I had rsvped for hosted by Yelp taking place down in Santa Monica right near where my old boyfriend used to live. It was too late to get anyone to join me so I headed down by myself not sure what to expect.

What a delightfully fun afternoon and evening! Total serendipity! Here's the official invite - cute or what?

It's A Holiday Block Party! - LA Yelp's Second Annual Holiday Bash!

That's right, we're takin' over an entire Santa Monica city block for a continuous flow of fun you won't wanna miss!

When is it?
Sunday, December 9th

Who's involved?
Studio DNA
Funnell Mill
Bodega Wine Bar
(Basically, the 814 to 930 block of Broadway in Santa Monica)

What's happenin'?
Awesome "spoken review" yelper performances
Complimentary salon styling sessions
Nokia phone giveaway
Discounted holiday shopping
And sooo much more!

 Click here for yelper chit chat about the event!

OH AND...ATTENTION ALL ATTENTION WHUUUWERRRS: If you are interested in being considered for a slot on the yelper "spoken review" stage, then include that in your RSVP and I will send you more info. :)

Thanks everyone and look forward to closing out '07 in true Yelp fashion with y'all!

Ciao for niao,

I hadn't ever been to a "yelp" event before, but it sounded interesting so I thought I'd give it a shot. I found the site promoting my artist client, Gali Rotstein's Art Opening Reception taking place January 12, 2008 at Lois Lambert Gallery from 6pm - 9pm (gotta get the plug in there or I wouldn't be a good publicist now would I?)

I arrived at the first location, Funnell Mill, and after checking in decided to go on down the block and check out the hair salon rather than stay there. When I walked into Studio DNA everyone was very friendly, it wasn't too busy and there was a lot of interesting African Christmas ornaments, art, purses, children's table ware, shoes, necklaces, and other cool items to look over. It soon filled up with an eclectic crowd. Made me glad I came early.

I asked what they were all about today with their salon specials and the very nice woman manning the front desk said we're offering free salon treatments. At first I resisted because I didn't feel comfortable being in a party setting getting my hair washed, but after she explained it was to demonstrate the new Bumble and Bumble hair products and would deep-moisturize my hair, I thought why not?

I'm so glad I did! My hair hasn't felt this soft, or looked this good in a little while! The owner, Aubrey (whose initial is part of the salon's name along with his life and business partner, Danny - get it? "D N A" aint that special? Very nice guys.) was very wonderful and trimmed my bangs which have been bugging me forever. I felt like a new woman after his skilled touch. I really enjoyed the pampering too. Thank you Aubrey! You're the best!

After experiencing the new hydrating hair treatments specially designed by Estee Lauder Research Laboratories and Bumble and Bumble so your scalp is treated just as well as your hair, Aubrey blew my hair out all flippy and curled which was a lot of fun to wear out of there. I felt so girly pretty!

If he's this conscientious and skilled just blowing out my hair, I can't wait to have my hair cut there too! There wasn't time today, but I'll be back. They're located on the corner of Broadway and 9th and are celebrating their one-year anniversary. Very stylish salon, friendly personnel, talented stylists and reasonable prices with great South African specialty Christmas gift items you won't find elsewhere. What more could you ask for? Great reviews on Yelp too!

The party crowd was initially predominantly Asian, but there were all ages and types of very stylish people milling around. What I really liked about this crowd was that everyone was very friendly. Very interesting seeing as many people hadn't met prior, but maybe had read each other's profiles online and connected at this event for the first time.

After getting my hair done I walked down to the Bodega Wine Bar to check it out. Their motto is "wine for one & wine for all." I remember that space from years ago and it looked nothing like it does now. Great wine selection, sexy moody environment, nice lay-out and very helpful staff. The food was good too. I'm telling you I hit the jackpot on this party.

I met a very nice woman there who explained that although she lived in Long Beach, she had met a lot of her nearby neighbors just going out to attend events she learned of on Yelp which seems like a real social group. She also explained that Yelp reviewers took great pride in writing their reviews of places they visited. It was almost like the reviewers were blogging more than reviewing, but it really made places come alive as a result.

Soon, some of the "Yelpers" got up to read their reviews and it was almost as if they were local celebrities the way the crowd responded. It was very cool to see an entire bar almost quiet down completely to hear someone read their writing.

One guy was very funny and wrote Santa a letter as his way of describing the place he had gone to visit. Another guy compared his favorite bar to a long-lost girlfriend - very clever writing.

My new friend told me that many of the Yelp reviewers were from the advertising community. Very good writers, some so much so they'd been asked to write for magazines which again, I found very interesting.

Her husband had been approached numerous times, but he writes for fun and to please himself since he's a nurse and uses Yelp strictly as a creative outlet. Very fun. She's a librarian so very literary too I would assume. I can't wait to go back to the site and really read some of these reviews now that I understand the culture a little more now.

Soon after there was a drawing for a free Nokia phone which I was hoping to win because it had 8mg of storage, took pictures, had an mp3 player and all kinds of other cool features that I forget now. I didn't win, but had an enjoyable snack and conversation.

To kill time before the drawing I had returned to Funnell Mill for a cup of coffee. I wrote some Christmas cards and when I asked someone for more cream because my coffee tasted a little bitter, he took my cup away and said he would replace it.

He then brought me the cutest coffee serving, almost like a formal English tea setting, but with my  fresh brewed coffee rather than tea. He then explained that he was the owner. We had a wonderful conversation discussing his philosophy of business, all the various types of gourmet coffees he offered (including a $60 cup of Kopi Luwak from Indonesia--$600 a pound!-- You must be a coffee connoisseur for him to even consider serving you! I love it! A coffee critic!), and how he started the business with his fiance. Very nice guy.

This is definitely not Starbucks! It's a gourmet coffee house in the heart of Santa Monica that people find out about word-of-mouth which is why I'm telling you. Check it out. Relaxing music, simple surroundings, classy service, personable owners, and great freshly brewed coffee. An enjoyable way to cap off my night, but it didn't end there.

My friend Brenda called me out of the blue and asked if I was planning to hit another party in the area. I hadn't heard of it and really wasn't sure I really wanted to since I was having such an enjoyable experience just hanging out alone with the interesting people I was meeting. I told her I'd meet her there after the Nokia drawing. She went ahead because she was close by, but then called me to suggest we meet elsewhere instead.

She suggested the new Landmark Theatre over in the Westside Pavilion which I was game to experience. I'm so glad we did. It's way cool. They have three theaters that seat 40 or less people with couches! How cool is that? Plus, numerous other larger theaters with up to 300 stadium seating. All brand new, very quiet, very relaxing and with all the quality of a larger-size theater with great sound and visuals. HIGHLY recommend you check it out. Better than the Arclight and closer too! Check it out and you'll agree I promise.

It was teeming with people. Even saw my local bank teller from Hermosa.

For a film buff like myself and Brenda, we were lovin' it. Not in the mood to see a film tonight, but definitely keeping it in mind for future events and as a place to return to. Brenda plans events for a large Christian entertainment group in town called Inter-Mission and because she's so busy working over in Studio City at CBS Studio, we rarely see each other since I'm way down in Hermosa Beach. It was real special to spend time with her after so long.

We opted to catch a quick bite and since we were so close to Anna's, one of my favorite old-school Italian restaurants in the neighborhood my Goal Gal group and I had gone to in the past, we went there. Even though it had been months since my last visit, the owner acted like he remembered me and was very gracious. Brenda and I enjoyed catching up on each other's lives since she was leaving for home next week and I wouldn't have seen her otherwise. We loved our night out!

So guys, if you're looking for a romantic evening with your favorite gal, Brenda and I suggest going to Anna's for dinner then getting great seats in the smaller, intimate theaters to watch your favorite movie together cozied up next to each other on your own private, leather couch. If Brenda and I had a special guy you better believe we'd be suggesting it to them! Very romantic and low-key at the same time. FUN!

Brenda and I had a Ro-tic evening - you know - romantic without the guy. She and I wonder when God is bringing us our special guys, but we're enjoying life in the meantime. We're thinking we need to throw some cool events in the new year and invite everyone we know to catch a movie there. Ya never know. I know guys she doesn't know and vice versa so could be fun. I'll keep ya posted.

I finally feel in the Christmas spirit! I needed a day like today. I bought a few gifts, wrote some cards, decorated my little live tree, put out my Christmas decorations around my home while listening to Christmas music (now I'm hearing the all Elvis hour of Christmas music - very fun) and feel very content.

I hope you're having a great Christmas season and enjoying yourself! Like Elvis is singing - "Santa hear my plea and bring my baby back to me!" Whoever my baby is right Elvis? LOL:)

That's all for now. Busy day tomorrow and need my beauty sleep. C ya!

Crown Jewel Club, Shade Hotel, The Party Goddess, Gali Rotstein and Age of Love

By Joy A. Kennelly

Where to begin? Spent lunch with the Crown Jewel Club Girls over at Shade Hotel in Manhattan Beach as a fund-raiser for this delightful organization. Here's the mission statement from their Web site:

"Crown Jewel Club is dedicated to giving at-risk, inner-city girls the opportunity to learn basic disciplines in the areas of basic manners, grooming, table etiquette, and how to conduct themselves in social settings.

The goal is to provide a positive environment that fosters improved self-esteem, self-confidence, respect for themselves and others, self-awareness, self-nurturing, the value of giving, perseverance, and the importance of education, family and friendships."

Just a wonderful organization with wonderful success stories, it brought tears to my eyes to hear the children tell NBC weatherman, Fritz Coleman, and NBC Co-Anchor, Colleen Williams, (who both co-hosted the luncheon) how "Mrs. Phillips" has changed their lives.

Mrs. Phillips is the founder of this two-year old organization which has radically changed the lives of the girls who have gone through the training. I spoke to the school counselor afterwards and she said that she's been at that school for 10 years and there were always fights and disagreements among the girls in the Spring. Now, since the program has been in place, that behavior has stopped. Also, this group helped one little girl choose not to join a gang when asked to. Man...

My two little favorite girls when asked about themselves responded - "I love sushi and Mrs. Phillips." The 2nd little girl said, "I love Mrs. Phillips. She's taught me how not to be so ghetto." How cute is that? Each little girl was wearing the cutest bonnet too. Check out the Web site for pictures and more details.

There were also some real amazing little girls who wanted to be doctors, fashion designers, investigators, and one little girl who seemed destined for politics telling us how she wanted to uncover domestic violence or something like that. This from girls ages 9-11 years old living in South Central!

Shade Hotel was a really beautiful venue for this event too. They closed down the bar area and the outdoor patio for the luncheon. Free organic manicures were offered by Green Bliss Eco Spa, a traveling spa, at one end. Delicious tea sandwiches, Caesar salad, fresh fruit and petit fours were elegantly displayed and prepared by
Marley Majcher of The Party Goddess.

Five years ago when I was in the catering business (has anyone ever avoided it completely?) I worked for her company and actually ended up serving at her wedding. She is such a fun party girl. Half the room was formal china, silver, chandeliers to represent her husband, and the other half of the room was this wild animal print chairs, brightly colored plates, cups, etc (at least that's what I remember. I also remember serving jello shots a lot too - that was one fun party for those wedding guests!)

She's extremely creative, very smart business woman. I highly recommend her company to you. You can tell her I referred you as we re-acquainted ourselves at the event. She remembered me too which was fun. She produced this event and it was top notch all the way. The goody bags are wonderful with so many sponsored gifts I can't go into them all here. Just know they are spectacular and most enjoyable.

The one funny moment of the day was seeing the former Mayor of Manhattan Beach, Steve A. Napolitano, there and mistaking him for someone who worked for the hotel because of his 60's style brown shirt and matching brown pants that looked like it could be a uniform if you glanced at him quickly. I couldn't figure out why he was walking out to join all the ladies until he was acknowledged from the stage as who he was! My bad.

I had seen him at the other women's conference event I went to and couldn't figure out why a young, handsome guy like himself would attend an obviously all-female event (Okay, not really, but why did he keep showing up though?), but when it was mentioned that he was part of some other governmental office it became clear he was schmoozing his constituency (although he's very low-key - I think he likes to be supportive too. How do I know though? I don't even know the guy - only spoke a few words to him today! I'm sure everyone else in town knows him though. He seems a little shy.)

He was very gracious to the charity and offered his office to match anyone's $5,000 grant they made that day. I don't think it was that type money crowd, but this was my first Manhattan Beach event. I'm just getting the lay of the land down here.

Who knows what goes on in the Soroptomist International of Manhattan Beach? Seems like a great organization to be part of though since they do so much charitable work. I like that. I might have to see what all is entailed to be part of it because I'm impressed with the women I have met to date.

Then drove like a mad woman to Gali's (trying to burn out the additives in my engine like the mechanic suggested this morning when I took my car in for review again.) It was rather fun speeding full bore around the curves of the Sepulveda pass in my red sports car. Fortunately, no police were around because I was booking! Just doing what my mechanic suggested. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

Met with Gali to discuss strategy and next steps. Together with her designer friend, Cynthia Combs, they have created the most classy press kit from the raw press materials I gave them. I was so happy! It was beyond what I imagined it could be. Those two are EXTREMELY talented. Too bad Cynthia's moving to South Carolina to start her eco events business, but I'm sure anything she does will be first class all the way. I'm also sure you'll be hearing about her sooner than later. Mark my words.

I feel good about what Gali and I have planned now and just need to implement everything. This week is going to be extremely busy!  I'm networking like a crazy woman - chamber lunch tomorrow afternoon, Third Tuesday in the evening (don't really network there, but catch up with friends.) Wednesday night - another chamber mixer. I'm intent on checking out the local scene since I normally never hang out down here in the South Bay and am curious who participates.

Thursday morning - another networking breakfast (I overslept last week and hope to make this one - my nights can get late though!) and then that evening two events- the Simpson's movie animation art gallery opening with a cool crowd in attendance (I'm tired and not explaining it properly, but trust me it's going to be great!!!! Fred Willard anyone? How about a Flamin' Moe? I CANNOT WAIT!!!) followed by the EPPS summer mixer which is always a good time.

I pitched myself to a lot of the publicists in that organization to help with their overflow PR work. It will be nice to put the name to the faces. Also, to see old friends I don't see except for these events. Very good group of people. Highly recommend joining if you're an independent publicist, or any type actually.

Okay, I'm getting tired. I do need to say something though about the show, Age of Love. Although at one point I was hoping to like Jen, the oldest one of the bunch, as she is the spokesmodel for the clothing site I was approached to represent, can't say that I do. I think that woman is a Cougar with a capital "C." She even said it herself in tonight's episode, she only wants what she wants.

I WOULD NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, EVER date someone 18 years younger, especially if my son was that age - that's just sick and wrong. I have gone out socially with much, much younger men, but I would NEVER, ever seriously consider dating any of them! I think the youngest I ever hung out with was 18 years and even that was a huge age difference at the time. He was a model - what can I say? First red head I ever hung out socially with too. Too much a Daddy thing since my Dad's a red head - just not my thing. I like my men dark and handsome. Know anyone? :)

BTW, took my profile off yahoo because the person's profile I hid popped up in my box as reviewing my profile and I couldn't figure out how to remove him. If he's not interested enough to contact me, then why stare at his face right? However, it would have been nice, but would have been's do not a relationship make. I think I'm taking a break from online stuff for a bit except maybe EHarmony still. Too much going on this week.

Back to age vs. beauty, whoops, 20's vs. 40's. I don't think it's a fair playing field for someone that much older to pursue someone younger like that - I think what next week's episode will reveal is that Mark (isn't that his name? I'm sorry, he's not that exciting to me - handsome, but a little too naive) is more interested in just having sex with her than having a real relationship.

Also, that woman seems more interested in adding him to her (sex) belt than having a real relationship too I think. She seems too hard and calculating to be anything other than a (fill in the blank.) Can you tell I'm over wanting to work with that company?

However, maybe I should watch what I say seeing as she's the assistant to the head coach of the Lakers and if I ever need a favor, she'd probably be the one I need to deal with!:) Jen, you're a very nice woman and I'm sure you had only the best motives on the show. Really, I do. Truce?

I have to admit though, that show cracks me up when some of the earlier 40 year old women got kicked off because they were bemoaning the fact that time was slipping away (or words to that effect.) I've been there, but not on national TV!!! No reality TV for me - thank you very much. I especially would never go on national TV and announce my age to the world. A lady never reveals her age and a gentleman never asks.

I had to teach that to the little cutie patootie four year old boy who was watching softball with me the other week. I can be real kid-like around kids because I just love playing around and being silly with them which they love too. I guess I was a little too much for his serious little mind and he asked me with great concern, "How old ARE you?" I just love how honest little kids can be.

I kept teasing him and telling him I wanted to pick him up and give him a big hug he was so cute. I told him too, not only is he handsome, but I bet he's smart too, to which he replied, "Yes I am" with all the bravado his tiny little body could muster. HOW CUTE IS THAT!!! They're all coming to my BBQ so I can't wait to see him again. Very fun little boy.

Speaking of which, my little boy (9 years old now!) just sent me the sweetest thank you card for the Star Wars stamps and funny reggae head pencil I sent him for fun. He lives with his adoptive parents outside DC and he's the best little guy. I just love him. I'm going to buy some fun stationary to correspond back to him. Little boys are fun!

It's the big boys you have to watch out for. Just teasing. I wish I had a big boy in my life about now. Are you feeling me single girls? Jen? HA! LOL. In any case, today was fun. Tomorrow is going to be busy so I best be getting to bed.

Have a great night (what's left of it.)

Entourage, The Blog/Zine Network, Frontline Writing, Bay Cities Church, Trilogy Spa

By Joy A. Kennelly

Entourage was great tonight! Totally cracks me up. Can you imagine hating someone so much and then being stuck working with them over and over again? I can't! This plot line is great - can't wait for next week.The drug scene was a little excessive though. I wouldn't doubt this type BS goes on in Hollywood, but I've been very fortunate never to be a part of it. Not my scene. At all.

Moving right along.

Met with my Blog/Zine Network group today which was interesting as usual. We had more new people join us (for some reason I'm having deja vu. Did I write this last month? Oy vey!) Learned some new blogging tips which is always helpful. That's why I started this particular blog with my "byline." We'll see what happens doing that. Just curious.

David Tandet of Frontline Writing had some interesting Web sites for us to review and utilize in the future. I would tell you, but then I'd have to shoot you since you haven't joined the group yet! Just kidding. But seriously, if you want to learn about blogging, join us. I'm going to start inviting more guest speakers to come and we'll all learn how to grow this type "business" together!

Bay Cities Community Church was good as always. Sometimes music just hits my spirit and today I was tearing up again. I can just see myself on stage crying occasionally if I do sing with the worship team, but hey, I'm an emotional person and music can hit your emotions. So! We shall see!

Enjoyed hitting Trilogy Spa Hermosa Beach today after church for a bit. Was supposed to have a friend join me, but she was upset I switched day spas on her last minute so she bailed. I felt really, really bad at first, but after enjoying the rain shower and the floating water bed experience, I was feeling no pain. I really like their mango coconut sugar scrub - I smell so yummy! Don'tcha wish you were here with me right now? I smell good enough to eat! LOL

I was feeling pretty good about myself after that treat. I guess it showed because men were real attentive to me at the smog place. I must buy more dresses! It's nice to be feminine, especially since it's been so hot.

Now to get up early and take care of business. Last night some of the drunk idiots either visiting people here, or who live here were talking loudly and trying to climb our back wall at 3am. The bastards. I almost yelled, but when I opened the window wider I think they got the hint and shut up. OY VEY! More drunken idiots in the South Bay. Oh well.

I know I'd hear drunks a lot in certain parts of Hollywood too, but I've just never lived near this type behavior before - lucky I guess. At least people haven't been doing their stupid "Woo Hoo" calls since I told one of my neighbors that whoever did that at 2 and 3am were asses. Word travels fast I guess. It's not Georgia's Rules - it's Joy's Rules. JUST KIDDING!

I just find it highly disrespectful to be loud and obnoxious when people living here have small children. Maybe those "Woo Hoo" people have moved out or something. Good.

I'll get off my soapbox now.

Life is good.

I love my place, love my pool, love my friends down here, and love the beauty of the South Bay.

I just love being able to drive down PCH and look over to see the ocean whenever I'm at a crossroads of streets. There's just something majestic about an endless ocean that goes off into the horizon.

And with that, I'll bid you good night.

Sleep tight. God bless.

Some interesting beach exercise facts - finally - a new topic!

I'm over my Micheal Moore rant - I was fasting yesterday for personal reasons and think the hunger pangs were making me "testy." Enough of the loot, on with something to help you with your health! Speaking of which, if anyone is interested, the Spectrum Redondo is having a Summer Launch Mixer this Saturday, June 23, from 11am - 3pm on-site located at  819 N. Harbor Drive, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 (310) 376-9443. 

I plan to go because they have fun parties and I'm meeting some of my softball team-mates there. The club is serving hot dogs, burgers, margaritas, beer and offering raffle prizes, hip hop classes on the basketball court with live music from Pet the Dog, plus a trunk show of athletic wear. Where else can you find so much for so little all in one place?

I'm still debating on whether or not to join there because if I find more work up in Hollywood it won't be conducive for me to drive in that direction to work -out. We'll see. I still have time.

So, in case you're curious about your summer work-out calorie burn - read on. No wonder people who are into beach volleyball are so fit! Maybe I need to switch sports!:)

Feel the Burn
Here are how many calories (approximately) a 150-pound person will burn per hour of several beach sports. (Calories burned will be higher or lower depending on your body weight.)

Activity Calories per Hour
Playing catch: baseball, football 175
Playing Frisbee® 210
Building sand castles 210-315
Surfing or bodyboarding 210
Water walking 280-560
Kayaking 350
Snorkeling 350
Beach racquet activities: paddleball, badminton, tennis 350-500
Ocean swimming or bodysurfing 420
Beach soccer 500
Beach volleyball 560

Source: Exercise Testing and Prescription, by David C. Nieman (McGraw Hill, 2002).

Anyone else on Virgin Life care pedometer?

My business acquaintance Jason, the GM of Spectrum Club Redondo, invited me to participate in Virgin life care's walking contest (which is basically the only exercise I can do right now with my back injury.) I thought it would be fun since I'm competitive.

Well, lost the first one because I wore it to a nightclub and after a few drinks totally forgot I was wearing it and promptly lost it. Replaced it a few days later and now I'm addicted! I feel like I'm becoming like Forrest Gump - Walk Forrest, Walk.

I "made" Amy walk with me to downtown Manhattan Beach from my place just because we bumped into Jason at the AVP's and he already had 13,000 steps and it was only 3pm! I wanted to at least get up to 10,000 like I did the night before.

I missed some steps just because I didn't wear my pedometer in the spa (didn't want a repeat of the nightclub experience.) However, after walking to Mama D's and back I can proudly say we accomplished my goal of over 10,000 steps tonight.

That's the good news. The bad news is that now we're both so worn out from the hike (up and down hills and across valleys and near the ocean) that we're skipping the party. There will be others. My knees can't handle too much more though and I need to get up early tomorrow for a special presentation at my parent's church. They invited me and it should be interesting cuz it's being held at Mira Costa High School Auditorium  (only one service when I think they normally have 3 or something .)

I'm curious to see who all attends there any more. I haven't been there in years. My parents are like institutions there since they've gone there for so long. Last time I was there I saw a huge picture of my Dad doing some type of ministry hanging up in the corridor. Now do you see what I mean?

In any case, very curious indeed. Apparently there's a special lunch afterwards too. I think it's to launch the big 6 million dollar building renovatoin. We'll see.

Then off to the AVP's tomorrow again. I want to stay a little longer tomorrow. We'll see. Today was just a great day. Hope you had one too.