About Time a review and more. Enjoy the read and please see this film!:) cc: @Lukebuckmaster
Denzel Washington and Brooks Army Medical Center! He's a hero in my book after hearing this.

Los Angeles Tech Scene alive and well; travel in Vegas going strong too! #LATechSummit #SBF #Vegas

By Joy A. Kennelly

Had a really great week, so much so, slept in till 11:30am this morning after waking up for a few hours earlier. Do I feel rested!:) 


Drove out to LA to attend back-to-back tech conferences, Silicon Beach Fest Hollywood, Idea to Screen and LA Tech Summit which were phenomenal.

You can read my pre-conference write-up of all three events on Tech Zulu here: http://techzulu.com/silicon-beach-fest-hollywood-la-tech-summit-idea-to-screen/

Saw lots of old friends from the scene, made some great new professional connections, and learned a lot too. Plus, had a great time socializing.

I will write more in-depth coverage on those events at a later date, but wanted to give a shout out to the organizers, Digital LA, Tech Zulu, David Beebe Productions and Cornerstone Media, for really amazing conferences asap.

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I'm excited to bring some of my connections to Vegas and Silicon Beach to expand the tech scene in general in a positive manner to benefit all entreprenuers.

Technology is quickly changing the way so many aspects of our lives and these conferences were insights into this reality.  

I will say that one of my favorite personal highlights of attending LA Tech Summit was being hugged by Mayor Garcetti after telling him I was a Republican, but I love him and what he's saying he's going to do for LA.P1030931

What a sharp contrast to our last loser Mayor Villaragosa! 

Mayor Garcetti was described as the perfect Mayor for LA because of his Russian Jewish and Mexican background and many more unique aspects of his life, but I love his true belief in LA becoming great again.

As a native Californian who has escaped to Las Vegas for the lower cost of living, among other reasons, it would be so refreshing to see many of the things he discussed actually take effect, like lowering taxes, increasing traffic flow, keeping filming in Los Angeles, and building out more of the tech scene, among many other goals.  P1030930

We'll see, but for now, let me continue to have my love affair with him because it's not often I agree with a Democrat! LOL Although a majority of my friends and colleagues are liberals for the record. Surprised you, eh? Yes, I am a big believer in hearing all view points, not just what is parrotted among certain groups.

Part of the reason I campaigned to get two Democrats into office in Hermosa Beach a few years back thus sealing my fate of ever working with the Republican party because that's verbotten, but I stand by my efforts because it really helped Hermosa and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

(Here's the blog post I wrote when my candidates I campaigned for won: http://thejoywriter.typepad.com/pure_unadulterated_joy/2009/11/hermosa-beach-city-council-election-results-fishman-duclos-and-bobko-as-of-817pm.html)

The way I look at it, there's value to a variety of opinions, values and creeds. Pick what works, support it and make change happen. Don't get me started on Obamacare though. That my dear, is a sinking ship ala the Titantic and no amount of spin will change my mind.

I hope it dies and the plan Heritage Foundation has offered is considered instead (read it here: http://blog.heritage.org/2013/11/01/the-conservative-alternative-to-obamacare/ and http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2013/10/after-repeal-of-obamacare-moving-to-patient-centered-market-based-health-care

But enough politics. It's Saturday after all, right?:) 


I'm sitting in a cute new coffee shop near where I live called Avery's Coffee as I normally do. Really great people run this place, husband and wife, Sherman and Linda, and today is the Shopping Village launch with lots of fun activities happening thoughout the weekend.

Just met "Elvis" and heard Taylor Hicks of American Idol fame perform too. Come on down cuz it continues tomorrow too!  9401 West Sahara Ave near Fort Apache easily accessible via Summerlin Parkway, Rampart exit.1463960_10151895892548600_843988451_n Here's some pix from today: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.463578420429551.1073741832.412260405561353&type=1&l=cc99d95a94

This is what I love about Vegas. The entertainers are very supportive of their community and often participate in activities that benefit Vegas.

Recently, I attended the Luxury Travel Exchange conference which took place at the Sands Convention Center and was treated to a front row experience of a performance by Rock of Ages both at the event and later that night live and in person. (A little raunchy for me, but overall very fun and enjoyable entertainment.)

P1030168The conference itself was extremely informative and I enjoyed hearing "Big Data" mentioned by one travel professional as key to understanding the luxury traveler. It was amazing to see how technology has allowed travel operators to understand their clientelle so minutely down to their income, their likes and dislikes, what countries are most popular, what services are appreciated, which ones don't matter and more.

What I was also surprised to hear as the biggest feedback of luxury travelers, was the simple follow-up to ask how their trip was very important. Simple courtesy appears to go a long way!

There's a lot more to share, but I have been working on my fan page and this post all day and need to get out!

Enjoy my pictorial essay of the entire Luxury Travel Expo here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.463604770426916.1073741835.412260405561353&type=1&l=d7850b629d

And while you're there, like my fan page!:) https://www.facebook.com/JoysTravelAdventures



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