Welcome to Atlanta! My experiences with @samsung #Summer Splash, #Alon Bakery Market, @Comcastcares, @comcastbill @ATTCustomerCare #OC BBQ Bonanza @louiegiglio @Christomlin @passioncity and more...
August 07, 2011
Well, well, well. This blog post has been a long time coming now hasn't it? Upon arriving in Atlanta I had nothing but internet and phone troubles and am on my 3rd phone now, a Samsung Galaxy, and still experiencing battery failures, GPS screw-ups, and other hassles, but hey, whatever! (Samsung if you're reading this, hit me up. I hate this fast battery drain and need help!:)
Otherwise, life is grand out here in Hotlanta! I love the Southern hospitality and the weather is growing on me.
I do mean, HOT, HOT, HOT!:) It took me almost a week to acclimate and realize the more time I spent in air conditioning, the less time I will spend passing out or dripping wet.:) Temperatures haven't varied much from the 90's except for the occasional rain storm when the weather drops to around 80, but the balmy nights more than make up for the scorching days.
To break the heat, my friend and I decided to hit Sandy Spring's Summer Splash and inner tube down the Chattahoochee River with the rest of Georgia. I believe I heard rumor about 4000 people went? It's the 4th Annual Summer Splash and was so relaxing and fun.
Click here to see the photo album our local Sandy Springs Patch created: http://sandysprings.patch.com/articles/summer-splash-photo-gallery?upload_started=1312733492#photo-7202964
It was so much fun going down the sporadic rapids and just lazily floating down a river with the most beautiful scenery we have seen in a long time. Nice people along the way too. I would have taken pix, but didn't bring my phone because I was worried about tipping over and losing it.
I caught this one at the end though. Isn't this scenery just gorgeous? LOVE IT! I've added more of my pix to the official Patch site which you can click on above to view.Despite numerous promises by Comcast and AT & T to have switched our service by August 8, we are still without wireless in the house which has required me to camp out at various cafes around town until August 18.
We dislike both companies' customer service and service overall because they keep changing everything constantly and require my roomie Brenda to sit for hours on the phone while they do who knows what behind the scenes to make the switch, but when you live surrounded by trees you're somewhat limited on your choices.
Comcast Bill and ATT Customer Care help us out here! We can't deal with the incompentence of your companies much longer... Seriously!:)
That said, it's been fun to sit in various cafes and observe how people dress, speak, chat and interact while I'm working. My favorite cafes to date are Alon Bakery Market (seen below, but for the full impact, click the link!:) and Caribou Coffee, which is comfy cozy, and there's always Starbucks too.
Weird there is no Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf out here, but lots of interesting cafes still left to explore. Isn't Alon adorable? Reminds of a much bigger Joan's on Third back home.
I have been busy promoting our upcoming OC BBQ Bonanza at the Fountain Valley Sports Complex taking place August 18 - 21 across the internet and inviting foodie bloggers and media to attend our private press event on August 18, 2011 in addition to looking for work and exploring Atlanta.
Click the link here: http://www.ocbbqbonanza.com/ for more information. We're offering special discounts to military, children and everyone else too. Plus, there's an amazing VIP Rib Village open to the public where you can buy all the ribs, drinks, and sides you want to enjoy in an exclusive area during the festival.
More details here: http://www.ocbbqbonanza.com/rib-village.php
If you fit the media/blogger catetory and are interested in covering this as press, please send an email to: vipribvillage (at) gmail (dot) com with a link to your site, your media outlet, what you cover and we'll send you information if you qualify.
Other than that, real quick, I am thoroughly enjoying being out here. I was getting so bored in CA having grown up there. Now? Everything is new and fun to explore with my two CA girlfriends, Brenda and Anne, who moved out before me. We call ourselves the CA2GA girls (get it?:) and plot all kinds of fun adventures together.
Here's a pic from our recent excursion to the High Museum of Art which I particularly love because it's like art is imitating life, or is it the other way around? You tell me...:)We're still getting asked why we moved out here, but rather than go into everything here in this particular blog, I'm going to write one specifically addressing it later. For now, just know the men are friendlier and nicer; Atlanta is extremely sophisticated and cosmopolitan contrary to the myopic belief in LA; there's plenty of opportunity to create a new life and find work; I've found a wonderful writing group: http://www.meetup.com/roswell-alpharetta-writersgroup/ lead by a real dynamo with amazing writers and a publishing company attached; the art scene is eclectic and varied; the food is some of the best in the nation; the music scene beats LA hands down; too many quaint towns and homes to see; lots and lots of gorgeous nature; more faith-oriented people than CA by a long shot (19% vs. 38%); there's always something going on and it's the positive change I was needing.
So much happier!:) And with that, I'm off!
Tonight is Passion City Church with Louie Giglio and Chris Tomlin and I need a little nappie poo today after my busy week last week.:) Enjoy this song by Chris!
thank you for this wonderful site I appreciated.
Posted by: writer employment | November 22, 2011 at 01:10 PM