Passion Revealed at Vibiana Cathedral - Part 1 - Pre-party
Keith Hemstreet's misinformation of Hermosa Beach City Council Candidate, Jeff Duclos - response

LA Fashion Week - Designer, Philip Rodriguez in Passion Revealed @ Vibiana

By Joy A. Kennelly

Let's see, where we last left off we all were taking our seats for the Passion Revealed LA Fashion Week shows at the Vibiana if I remember correctly. Now I have to say, it was very hard to hear anything the announcer had to say and apologize if I don't mention everyone who was involved.

I'm mainly interested in the fashion, not the music, the dancers, the artists, etc, although it was very nice. That said, the evening was a delightful insight into the Philippine culture that I haven't ever been privy to before.

Makes me want to visit the Philippines now!

The first designer, Philip Rodriguez, really blew everyone away. It makes sense his background is in the family fabric business because each dress was unique in their fabric choice and exquisitely designed which made every woman (and some men!) want to wear everything that came down the runway. 

His work has so many special touches each evening gown was a stand-out - ruching, chiffon, layers, fathers, embroidery, fringe, ruffles, silk, jewels, beading, organza, and more. His designs are sheer elegance and sophistication.

It's no wonder Philip Rodriguez is known in Asia and internationally as the "Cebu's Fashion Czar". I'm positive his work will be seen on more Hollywood red carpets once the pictures from this evening are seen.

Here's some highlights courtesy of my photographer, Stefhan Gordon:100_2793 100_2794 100_2796 100_2799
100_2803 This particular outfit drew applause in approval it was so stunning in person. I want Philip to design an outfit for me!:) He's soooo talented!100_2802 100_3168
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And here's some of my shots from the first row - of course not as crystal clear and beautiful as Stefhan's, but squint a little - it helps.:)

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Project Runway's Nick Verreos was in the front row too. You can read his coverage of the evening here.
  IMG_8174 Also in attendance sitting next to me were Publicist, Eva Shanni, who I recognized from Smashbox days, and Stylist La Dauphine.

Here's some of closing shots from the show courtesy of Photographer David C. Lee:

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Philip Rodriguez was absolutely my favorite evening wear designer of the night, but the rest of the evening was very entertaining and eye-popping too which I will cover in another blog soon. Thanks for reading.


Mike Lesner

I thought the Rodriquez group was best of show by far.

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