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Hermosa Beach City Council Debate questions & televised schedule

This blog post courtesy of Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association newsletter (in edited form). Their motto is "Neighbors working together for a better Hermosa".

"See you tonight at the Hermosa Beach City Council Candidate Debate sponsored by the HBNA. If you can not make the Candidate Debate, it will be broadcast live on Time Warner Channel 8 and on Verizon Channel 31.

The debate will also be re-aired on Channel 8 and Channel 31 at 12noon on Friday, October 2, 2009. The public is invited to (attend tonight's debate scheduled at  Hermosa Beach City Hall located at 1315 Valley Drive and) ask the candidates questions during the debate. All candidates campaign information is located here.

(Personal aside from Joy - I recently heard that a convict who had been released from prison at 9am in El Centro made his way to Hermosa and was arrested by 10pm that same evening. Due to the state's budget crisis, thousands of criminals are going to be released back onto the streets. Is Hermosa now a mecca for criminals and is that really what we want for our community? This year alone there were increased sexual assaults and robbery. Hermosa Beach monthly year-to-date crime stats can be viewed here. )

Hermosa Beach City Council Candidate

Debate Format & Questions

 Sponsored by the

Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association

Thursday, October 1, 2009 – 7pm to 9pm

Hermosa Beach City Council Chambers

 7 p.m. - Start Time

 Open Comments by Moderator regarding the debate format.

 City Council Candidates Opening Statements:

 Each City Council candidate will have 2 minutes for an opening statement. 

Debate Question 1:

Building a large 500 car multi-level parking garage in Hermosa Beach could provide around 400 new "in lieu" parking spaces. 

Under current zoning law in Hermosa Beach, these 400 new "in lieu" parking spots would now make possible the knocking down of existing single-story commercial buildings to be replaced by 30-foot tall, 2-story buildings with zero setback.

Is building a new 500-car multi-level parking garage in Hermosa Beach a good idea? How much of the existing single story commercial buildings on Upper Pier Avenue should be knocked down to be replaced by 30-foot tall, 2-story buildings with zero setback?

Each candidate has up to 1 minute to respond. 

 Debate Question 2:

A recent Upper Pier Project status report presented to the Hermosa Beach City Council states that there is a Projected Project Shortfall of over $1,300,000.  This is the projected amount that is needed to complete the Upper Pier Project.

From the September 22, 2008 Hermosa Beach City Council Meeting - Quote from the PIER AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT STATUS REPORT: 

"Staff will come back to Council on October 13th to get formal Council authorization to advertise for bids. 

 Included with that item will be the list of project elements that can be constructed at a later date.
The main elements include new streetlights, street trees, and raised median with landscaping.
These items will be bid as "bid alternatives" which can then be eliminated from the construction contract as needed to bring the project within budget."

Small business owners on the south side of Upper Pier Avenue have stated that the loss of the storefront parking would cause them economic harm or possibly close their business.

Regarding the Upper Pier Project's possible "bid alternatives which can then be eliminated from the construction contract as needed to bring the project within budget"--

What is your opinion regarding eliminating the 5-foot wide, curbed center median with landscaping, for budgetary reasons?

Eliminating the curbed center median would also address the public safety concerns, brought up by the Hermosa Beach police and firefighters, because the 5-foot wide curbed center median would cause an unwanted obstruction and may slow the emergency response of police and fire vehicles on Upper Pier Avenue.

What is your opinion of also eliminating the proposed 30-inch wider sidewalks for budgetary reasons?

Eliminating both the 5-foot wide curbed center median and the 30-inch wider sidewalks would also allow the additional street width and keep the existing slant parking as is -- both without the loss of any storefront parking for on Upper Pier Avenue.

 Each candidate has up to 1 minute to respond. 

Debate Question 3:

According to the California Department of Justice - Criminal Justice Statistics Center – CJSC for each of the seven years from 2001 to 2007, Hermosa Beach has had more than double the number of adult misdemeanor arrests a year, on a per capita basis, when compared to Manhattan Beach or compared to Redondo Beach.  Why?

Each candidate has up to 1 minute to respond. 

Debate Question 4:

A new law passed in March 2009 in Hermosa Beach that granted any restaurant that closed by 10 p.m. the ability to obtain an ABC On-Sale Beer and Wine license by right.

This new "alcohol by right" law eliminated the Conditional Use Permit process for restaurants that close by 10 p.m. and that want to obtain an ABC On-Sale beer and wine license.

In the past, all Hermosa Beach alcohol outlets had to go through the Conditional Use Permit in order to obtain any ABC On-Sale license, no matter what the closing time.

Before this "alcohol by right" law was passed in 2009, all Hermosa residents and homeowners within 500 feet of the new ABC license were notified by mail and the Hermosa Beach Planning Commission held public hearings and voted to approve or deny any new ABC license to sell beer and wine in a restaurant.

Should the City of Hermosa Beach restore the notification of all residents and homeowners within 500 feet of the new ABC On-Sale license to sell beer and wine, no matter what the closing time of the restaurant?

Should the Hermosa Beach Planning Commission restore the holding of public hearings and then vote to approve or deny the new ABC On-Sale License to sell Beer and Wine, no matter what the closing time of the restaurant?

Should the Hermosa Beach City Council restore the holding of public hearings and vote to approve or deny any new ABC license to sell beer and wine, no matter what the closing time of the restaurant?

 Each candidate has up to 1 minute to respond. 

Debate Question 5:

What are the Hermosa Beach Police Department officers’ opinions regarding adding or upgrading alcohol outlets after midnight? 

In 2008 and currently, what would be a rough estimate of the percentage of the number of people arrested in Hermosa Beach that are in some way involved in alcohol related crime or intoxicated at the time of their arrest?

Would strict enforcement of the 50-50 law with verified documentation reduce the alcohol related problems that the HBPD has to deal with from restaurants that over-serve alcohol?

Is there a net economic benefit to the city from adding more alcohol outlets or alcohol sales after midnight in Hermosa Beach?

 Each candidate has up to 1 minute to respond. 

Debate Question 6:

Would you add new or upgrade existing adult-oriented businesses in Hermosa Beach? 

Under current zoning, businesses such as bars, nightclubs, pornography stores, massage parlors or tattoo shops are allowed to open on Upper Pier Avenue and in the rest of the Hermosa Beach commercial zones.

Is there a net economic benefit to the city from adding more adult-oriented businesses in Hermosa Beach?

 Each candidate has up to 1 minute to respond.

Questions from members of the public:

 Members of the public can come forward to ask questions from the podium.

Each member of the public will be limited to one question. 

Questions from the public will be directed to all candidates.

Each candidate will have up to 1 minute to respond to a question from the public.

City Council Candidates Closing Statements:

Each City Council Candidate will have 2 minutes for a closing statement.

End of the debate.


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