By Joy A. Kennelly
For those of you who are interested in the latest news regarding all the cool projects and people I'm working with on a freelance basis, check out my professional blog:
I haven't written such a good long one in a long time so please feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think ok?:)
Today has been kind of gloomy day and as a result I have been a little down. Doesn't help that earlier I was reading the book, The Girls
Who Went Away: The Hidden History of Women Who Surrendered Children for
Adoption in the Decades Before Roe v. Wade (Hardcover) which brought up emotions because I could relate to so many of these women's stories despite my adoption being open and a totally different experience.
I think loss is loss not matter how you slice it. Sometimes it just hits a little harder than others.
Speaking of which, just learned that someone I enjoyed parrying with on our local This is Hermosa forum, Gary Mallette, died on May 7, 2009 which is very sad news.
Here's a link to his obituary - Gary M. Mallette.
If you knew him, please consider clicking through to the link and leaving a condolence message for his family. I'm sure they'd appreciate it. A memorial service is planned later this summer.
Now just because generally I'm a happy person, here's an article to ponder: Happiness Is ... Being Old, Male and Republican
How do you like them apples LV? I guess one out of three aint bad. lol
Moving right along. Here's a link with news on who and what to vote for on Tuesday, May 19th special election (Vote for Teresa Hernandez!) and I quote from the site:
The Southern California Republican Coalition is taking the lead in the grassroots opposition to Proposition 1A.
Governor may want to increase your taxes.... The California
legislature's Democrats may want to increase your taxes.... The
California Republican Party and its Chairman may not be willing to take
a position.... The Chairman of the Republican Party of Los Angeles
County may not be willing to take a position....
But make no mistake grassroots Republicans know a HUGE TAX INCREASE when they see one -- and so does the Southern California Republican Coalition. The SCRC emphatically OPPOSES Proposition 1A.
It is a tax increase disguised as a spending cap that has not teeth.
The public employee unions may love it, but every tax payer in this
state knows better. The SCRC is leading an advertising campaign
against 1A - Please click to donate today online.
"Prop 1A is a huge tax increase disguised as a shame, weak spending cap. The voters are not as ill-informed as legislative and party
leaders may wish them to be. The tax payers of California are not
buying their lies. The Democrats lied, and the Economy Died - and we
refuse to go along to get along!" says Southern California Republican
Coalition Chairman, James Crean.
"We oppose raising taxes for so
many reasons. We are in a serious economic downturn and increased
taxes means there is less money to spend to spur the economy which is
needed to lead to real job growth.
"The legislature just
increased our taxes by $42 Billion dollars and now they want to add
another $16B in tax increases. That will do only one thing - cause
everyone who pays taxes to look at moving out of California, especially
those that run businesses in order to lower their product costs in
order to stay competitive when prices are dropping across the country,"
says Crean.
There were no real cuts made in the legislature's
prior budget, nearly all cuts were shame cuts in job positions with no
one in the job or they were reductions in the year to year growth
without any real decrease. The Democrat legislature does not have any
backbone for real cuts and the more taxes we give them, the more ways
they will find to grow government and continue to pay off the public
employee unions, such as the California Prison Guards union, the
California Teachers Association union, and the Service Employees
International Union.
In a time when real citizen's 401K and
retirement savings accounts values are dropping, the unions are
bankrupting the state with enormous retirement benefits that often lead
to union employees earning more in retirement than when they were
employed by the state of California. Yet the unions are making no concessions, preferring to raise everyone else's taxes to pay their
addiction to tax payer's money.
"The only informed vote on
Proposition 1A is NO," says SCRC Chairman Crean, "and we are taking a
lead position with grassroots voters to inform voters to vote NO on 1A
along with NO on the other propositions. I hope folks will go to and make even a small contribution to save us from more tax increases."
If you want to hear a great speaker, consider putting this on your list of things to do for Thursday, May 21:
Beach Cities Republican Club Next Meeting
Club President: Peter Kesterson
Next Regular Meeting: Thursday May 21st, 6PM Dinner (no host), 7PM Speaker
Speaker: Ron Prentice, CEO, California Family Council
Ron Prentice is the CEO of California Family Council, formally
associated with Focus on the Family and also working alongside Family
Research Council. California Family Council (CFC) was formed in 2003
with Ron as the founding director. With offices in Southern California
and Sacramento, CFC’s mission is to protect and promote Judeo-Christian
principles in California’s culture. They do so by communicating the
analysis of current legislation, creating pastor and grassroots
coalitions, and educating the general population on the issues of the
day. Ron also serves as the Chairman of the – Yes
on 8 Coalition, working with dozens of national, state, and local
groups to bring about a victory for traditional marriage in California.
Location: Sizzler Torrance, 2880
Sepulveda Bl. (Between Crenshaw & Hawthorne). NOTE: we now have
the full meeting room due to the large monthly turnouts. No more
standing room only!
All are welcome - Members and non-members alike! This event is Free
Click Here for Membership Information
And for those of you interested in making positive changes in your life, don't forget to sign up for the Standup Leadership seminar entitled Leading Change at which will feature Coach Lori Ketkar and distinguished Naval officers, CAPT Luke and First Brigade Commander, Juliane, at The Shore Restaurant and Lounge from 5:30pm - 8:30pm.
Here's a link to a recent teleseminar so you have a taste of what to expect from this amazing evening:
Lastly, for those who want to learn more about our upcoming TLC Empowerment Group which starts June 3, 2009 at TLC Pharmacy, join Business and Life Coach Sherry Marshall, TLC Pharmacists' Annabell and Mindy, me and Perfect Body from 4pm - 6pm at Luna G located at 323 Pier Ave in Hermosa Beach, CA that same Thursday night, May 21.
Check out Luna G's latest designer clothing for men and women and unique gifts, taste GoChi Juice and TAIslim, meet Perfect Body trainers and the rest of us and have fun mixing and mingling.
Just think? Two great events on the same night! Hermosa Beach is the place to be Thursday night!
Back to your regularly scheduled Sunday.
I've been enjoying mine since I rode my neighbor's bike to the Healthy Living Festival in Manhattan Beach at the Metlox Plaza and blogging.
Time to go home and get ready to go out for drinks at that new Redondo Beach restaurant named Maison Riz.
That's my kind of place if you're taking notes. :) Gotta run!