Please pray for my friend Tony who had a heart attack
Very busy right now - DC bound!

Thanks for praying; Free Life International, Beach Cities Professionals

By Joy A. Kennelly

Tony is recovering in stable condition at the hospital which is a huge relief. Apparently, he could have died, but the doctors caught the blockage in the nick of time (his ex-wife demanded he go to the hospital which basically saved his life! Got to love her for that.)

He is one of my friends from church and my Free Life International business. Unfortunately, he won't be able to join us in Ontario for the huge launch event they're hosting for our latest weight loss product this Saturday (which you're all invited to! Click here for the location nearest you.), but I'm sure he'll hear all about it from us soon enough.

Makes you really appreciate taking care of your health because we think drinking GoChi Juice really helped him with its anti-inflammatory and healthy immune functions. Go to my website here to see all the scientific back-up for it's amazing health benefits yourself!

I can't wait to try the new weight loss drinks because I'm ready to shed some poundage in time for the inauguration. Maybe combined with Jenny Craig... We'll see. I know I talk a lot about weight loss, but this year I think I'm going to really do it.:)

I must say, being part of my SoCal Business Networking International Beach Cities Professional chapter located in the wonderful Manhattan Country Club has really inspired me to do a lot of things differently this year with my business.

I've always helped other people create their marketing image, but felt I didn't really need a brochure or other marketing materials myself because I normally generate business through word-of-mouth referrals. Other people have usually talked me up and I didn't have to.

However, attending weekly business meetings where each time I must share something that sets me apart from other PR firms in the area and really acknowledging my successes publicly in verbal fashion has made me realize it's time to step up my game and create my own marketing materials to give to people to read and pass on too.

What's cool is my group has so many great people who have been screened and reviewed by our very thorough, discriminating membership committee, I have numerous resources to turn to for help in this area.

My "Power Team" partner, Ryan Gagajena of My Website Design Source, is going to help me revamp and re-design my current website to make it easier for me to update and utilize which has been bothering me forever.

If any of you have websites that you haven't been able to update because it's too complicated, or requires additional web assistance that you simply don't have the time or money to do so, then I highly recommend contacting Ryan for his services. He's also an expert in e-commerce site building. Great person to know.:)

I also love the fact that we have so many professionals in our group who are tops in their field because then you're learning from really quality people on the way they present their businesses. When you work independently, you don't always have the opportunity to share resources and information as readily as you might in the corporate world which is the other reason I love my Beach Cities Professionals Group.

Also, when I have questions on how to handle an account, or whatever issue related to my business I can ask any of the qualified professionals in my group who have successfully been running their companies, services, projects for advice which is freely given.

My other "Power Partner", Chuck Weiner of Computing Solutions, is always giving us little bits of cool information pertaining to our computers which is invaluable. Recently, he announced the basically free Quick Books that Staples was offering and numerous people took advantage of this generous rebate opportunity just because of his generous insider advice.

This week he offered free online back-up of all our computer hard drives which is something I'm definitely taking him up on. He's been doing this type work for over 30 years and really knows his computer stuff - if you need help, call him!He's confidential, accurate and takes care of you.

That's all for now. Just had to share because even though getting up early is one of my least favorite things to do, I have to say this BNI experience is changing my life, the way I do business and growing my business exponentially!

Have a great week and get thee to a local BNI chapter - my chapter, Beach Cities Professionals, meets every Tuesday at 7am -8:30am at the Manhattan Country Club. Visitors pay $10 per visit and if your industry isn't listed in the membership on the site, we'd love to have you come and check us out! Most visitors who've visited normally join. We're that good.:)

Now to get back to work. Have a good week everyone!


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