Uploaded all the fun details of the Hermosa Beach Christmas Village...
December 10, 2008
By Joy A. Kennelly
Check out www.thejoywriter.typepad.com/thejoywriterpr for a pictorial story of the day and events. Thanks for coming out to those who did! Many stores are still offering special discounts and if you missed Sunday, I'm sure you would be able to catch some another day too.
Lastly, it's not too late to contribute either financially or physically with cash or food items to Project NEEDS over at St. Paul's Church in Redondo Beach, CA. We're still collecting stuff over at The Shore and you can drop donations at Becker Surf too. Project NEEDS served 1,000 people last month alone and your help is definitely needed.
For more information about Project: NEEDS, contact:
St. Paul’s UMC 310-370-4319
Rev. Cheryl Kelly 310-370-4319
Adriana Romero 310-370-4319
Pat Hyink 310-370-0332
A Homeless Outreach Ministry of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
2600 Nelson Avenue
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
[email protected]
That's all for now. Thanks for popping by. Have a good one y'all.