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November 2008

The Christian view of marriage and advent truths

By Joy A. Kennelly

In light of all the discussion about what marriage is and isn't, I thought some of you might appreciate reading how the Bibles describes Christ's relationship with the church as a bridegroom to a bride. It might not make any sense to those of you who aren't spiritual, but I liked it and hope you will enjoy it too. Maybe it will help you understand why I'm so passionate about preserving traditional marriage after reading this beautiful description.

Also, in light of all the attempts to remove Christ from Christmas as evidenced by a friend's ultra new agey invitation to a Christmas party that mentioned all the religions in the world except Christianity which made me LOL at the silliness of her extreme desire to be so inclusive that she became exclusive, I also thought it was a timely reminder that Jesus is the Reason for the Season.

Shopping so much yesterday (actually only 3 hours, but felt like more!) and watching the rampant consumerism on display it just feels comforting to know that my Christmas experience isn't based on how many presents and Christmas cards I give and receive, nor how many parties I attend, nor who I kiss under the mistletoe, but on the simple truth that Jesus came to earth as a baby to save me from my sins (of which there are many if I'm honest.)

What a relief to know that I don't have to live this life in a vacuum and my faith will carry me through whatever is thrown at me - being let down by people I care about, being hurt by those in my immediate family, being attacked by those I don't know, being misunderstood by friends I have known and loved for years, and any other relational pain you can imagine.

That's why I'm a Christian. Because I know that God loves and cares about me when I feel like no one else does (especially during that time of the month!) and that's a huge comfort. It helps me to not depend on people for my happiness although I am only human and do feel the pain of rejection and everything else that goes along with living in this world. But it definitely makes it easier.

So, because it's been so long since I've shared one of these devotionals and Marybeth Whalen is such a gifted writer, here's one of her Advent devotionals to encourage you on this Saturday.I did not write it at all and posting it here merely to entice you to begin reading her blog and ask her to be a speaker if you like what you read.

Be sure to sign up on Crosswalk too if you like Encouragement for Today because then you can receive their newsletter in your box on a daily basis without waiting for me to post something and all the writers are great! Tell 'em I sent you.:)

By MaryBeth Whalen

Encouragement for Today
Welcome to Encouragement for Today, a free devotional from Crosswalk, the world's largest Christian website. 

Advent All Year

Marybeth Whalen

 "Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready." Revelation 19:7 (NIV)


The word "advent" means "to come." So the advent season we are entering is a time of preparing for Christ to come. Figuratively, we are to see ourselves in the place of those who sought the newborn Savior: the shepherds, the wise men, Mary and Joseph, Simeon and Anna. This season becomes a time to turn our hearts towards the practice of seeking Him. And indeed, during this festive time on the calendar, many hearts are turned, and many intentions renewed. This is part of the excitement of Christmas!

In the gospels, Jesus refers to the Church as His bride. He speaks of a day when He will come for the Church and there will be a wedding ceremony like no one has ever seen! In the midst of a struggling economy, failing marriages, and brokenness everywhere I look, that is a vision that motivates me beyond my circumstances. And yet, is it a vision that is kept within the confines of Christmas? Or can we look for Jesus to come all year?

When Jesus used the marriage analogy to describe His relationship with His people, He knew that His listeners would attach certain cultural perceptions about marriage to this word picture. In Biblical times, it was common for an engaged couple to spend a year apart. The bride would spend time with her mother and other women she respected, learning to run a household and getting prepared, becoming a student of the desires and expectations of her groom. She took this time very seriously as she readied her heart and life for what was to come. The groom also spent time preparing. He would spend his time making a home for them to live in, the place he would bring his bride to with pride. Both parties had a pivotal role to play.

What a beautiful picture this is for the Church and her Bridegroom! Christ has, as promised, gone to prepare a place for us. While we are apart, we can trust that He is working to build something beautiful. But we have an equally important role to play. While we are apart, we must learn what it takes to be His bride. We must study Him, learning how to keep His house in a way that pleases Him. This is not merely a suggestion, but an expectation. We can't lose that expectation in the shuffle of changing times and cultures! We know that He keeps His promises, so we can trust that He is building our house for us. Don't we want to be a bride who is prepared?

Though traditionally the season of advent is hemmed in between the dates of Thanksgiving and New Year's, let's not leave it there. Let's make this season merely the beginning of our preparation for what is to come. We can commit this time that we are apart from our Bridegroom to prepare for Him, to anticipate His return, and to focus not only on when He came, but when He is coming again.

Dear Lord, thank You for coming and thank You for the promise that You will return. Lord, I want to prepare for You as Your bride, learning about You and drawing close to You. Thank You for preparing a place for me and finding me worthy to be Your bride. I want to make my whole life a season of advent--a time of anxiously anticipating what is to come. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Related Resources:

Do You Know Him?

Advent: Making Christmas about Christ by Lisa Robertson

Marybeth's Christmas e-book, A Recipe for Christmas JOY

Visit Marybeth Whalen's blog

My parents are fine, off to Seaside Ice to see Santa arrive. lol

By Joy A. Kennelly

Heard back from my mom via email that they're nowhere near the tragedy in Mumbai and are actually have a grand 'ole time as I suspected they would. Since they've traveled so much they know where to avoid and what to hit which is why even though I was  a little worried, I wasn't too scared for them.

Thanks for praying anyway. I think we should continue to pray for the people who were attacked because it's horrible what's going on and has happened over there. My heart goes out to the families affected. God bless you one and all.

Just got back from five hours worth of shopping and now to go hit Seaside Ice to watch Santa arrive! See ya! Have a good one!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I still haven't heard back from my parents, but have faith that they are nowhere near the action in Mumbai. Please pray for them that they're safe and for all those who are affected by this terrorist act. Just awful to think of the evil in the world today.

That said, I am very grateful for all the wonderful friends I have in my life (including some of you gentle readers.:) Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I have some exciting news regarding our upcoming Christmas Village in Hermosa Beach to share, but need to finalize more details before I make my big announcement. Stay tuned!

Now get out there and eat some turkey!:)

Griffith Observatory is really interesting and other stuff

By Joy A. Kennelly

Seeing as certain people seem to be hanging on my every post, I thought I might point out that I've taken to sharing my opinion on Prop 8 on another site with quite a lively discourse (that I won't be sharing here to avoid more cyber stalking by a very angry female - why can't I have one male cyber stalker? Why is it always the crazy women? Oy vey. Oh, wait I forgot - I do have males too. Nice to be popular I guess. Yeah right.)

In any case, tonight was fun. Hooked up with some new friends up at the newly renovated Griffith Observatory and really enjoyed viewing the film called the Center of the Universe or something like that (until the sound went out) and exploring the exhibits afterward.

I used to live a few blocks away and walked the dog I was taking care of underneath that area all the time. Those were good times. I wonder how old Ace is doing? What a great dog he was/is.

More and more lately I've been thinking I want to get a dog. I keep debating on a little Bichon Friese because I really like that I wouldn't be allergic, but they seem to bark a lot and that drives me crazy. However, maybe if I get my friend Rebecca of Dog's Best Friend to train my dog in her positive training manner, I won't have that as an issue.

Dogs really do give you unconditional love. I miss that companionship. Had a nice visit with a friend who took care of me while I was sick. Surprise visit actually - it was nice to see him after so long. Loved my pie too J! Thanks big guy if you're reading.

Now to get some rest. My brain is a little tired after trying to absorb so much science. My allergies are still kicking my butt too, but at least my cold seems to have healed up.

Now if only my nose would stop looking like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

The Shore Restaurant & Lounge sponsors Holiday Dessert Competition

The Shore Restaurant & Lounge has graciously agreed to host The South Bay Cooking & Culinary Meetup Group's first annual holiday dessert competition!

SHore from patio angle

The Shore is also celebrating winning First Place in California Dining on MyFoxLa and will be offering 1/2 price drinks and appetizers during the competition.

Start experimenting in your kitchen, because not only will the winner get bragging rights, but they can bring their family and friends and enjoy their dessert at The Shore Restaurant & Lounge for the month of DECEMBER!

The Shore Restaurant & Lounge offers a variety of internationally inspired entrees and salads created with authentic ingredients straight from local farmer's markets. Their A- List Executive Chef, David Linville - featured at October's Los Angeles Magazine's Food Event '08 will be judging the entrants! Chef & merrill

Stay tuned for dessert criteria! and more details!!

The winning recipe will be posted on The South Bay Cooking & Culinary Meetup Group site so it can also be enjoyed at home by all our members. When you RSVP to the Shore after our competition make sure you tell the host/hostess that you will be ordering the South Bay Dessert Winner.

The dessert competition takes place from 3:00 to 6:00 pm with the winner being announced at 5:15 pm.

Even if you aren't entering the contest come and support your fellow meetup members and join the party at The Shore Restaurant & Lounge in Hermosa Beach. We will be joined by the South Bay Professional Connection and Elite Singles By The Shore so its sure to be fun mixer, with new folks with whom we can mix and mingle as well as our old friends!

You must be signed up by November 23rd to enter a dessert. RSVP "yes" if you are entering a dessert at the site and RSVP by November 30th "maybe" if you are joining us for the party. Competition will be held on the patio.

Patio dining

To learn more about our hosts, visit their website: and and

Be Inspired......Nick Vujicic (life without limbs) - amazing story

By Joy A. Kennelly

This young man is absolutely amazing. I've been wrestling with what to share about this week and my struggles and sickness when I stumbled across this man's life changing story and just had to share it with you now.

Everything else pales in comparison.

Click here to watch: Be Inspired......Nick Vujicic (life without limbs)

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Watch and be inspired.

Interesting commentary re: Radical Homosexuals

Seeing as this isn't going away, here's some interesting commentary's on this topic of hate which I didn't happen to write, but do agree with wholeheartedly.

Kevin McCullough :: Columnist
Why The Prop 8 H8ters Lost
by Kevin McCullough

Here's an excerpt - click on the link above for the entire article. See?

"There has been much "hate" described in media reports since election day in the nation, much of it related to the passing of Prop 8 as a Constitutional Amendment for that state and as such is no longer touchable by a state sanctioned court. Yet hate has abounded, not from the corners of Jewish synagogues, Mormon temples, Christian churches or Catholic cathedrals. Those are just the places we've been told "hate" resides.

The "hate" was also not found in any single ethnicity, political party, or geographical demographic.

No the side that has been doing all of the hating since election day in the troubled parts of our nation have been militant activists radicals, who happen to be mostly white, mostly godless, and nearly completely all choose to engage in homosexual behavior.

It is the radical activists roaming the streets, pushing elderly women to the ground, staging obnoxious protests outside places of worship, and in some cases interfering in the midst of worship services that have expressed all of the hatred seen since election day. They have even taken to harassing people on their way to or from the church door and their car.

But these haters are ignorant and as such, many Christians, Mormons, Catholics, and Jews have shown compassion upon them.

How are they ignorant?

For one they don't seem to understand the validity of Constitutional authority, Constitutional law, and Constitutional rule. They are running around ginning up the pathetic gatherings of theirs to "override" Prop 8. They don't seem to understand that the court is under the authority of the Constitution in the state of California. They don't seem to understand that if some Kangaroo judge attempts to hijack the resounding will of the people, having now passed in two landslide victories--even when outspent on the matter 6 to 1, they will have anarchy on hand. Given that to shred the explicit language of a state's sovereign constitution is to suspend all law, and all authority found in the law.

Secondly they don't seem to understand that those of us who choose not to engage in homosexuality, and even those who do--but do not take to acting like the equivalent of broodish animals--aren't fooled by what is attempting to be done. The activists keep marching, screaming and forcing spittle to fly in little old ladies faces, for what end? To change the definition of a word. Prop 8 didn't say that those who are protesting like wild coyotes can't create a contract in which every arrangement in life that they would like can be legally protected and allowed for. There is no discrimination going on against those who choose homosexual sex, they may still practice it, obsess about it, discuss it, believe it, and do it. But there is also no value in looking at the sacred sexual union of a man and a woman--with all the societal potential that such a union provides--and summarily saying that all other sexual unions should be considered the same exact thing. They are not the same biologically, emotionally, nor physically and it is easy to determine this.

Thirdly they are being grossly dishonest. No one has attempted to refuse a constitutional right to any of these persons. Marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman. The society has a right to sanction such a union because of that union's potential to insure the future of that society. Those who engage in homosexual actions cannot conceive. Those who do, do so simulating either heterosexual behavior either with a human or via artificial means. But nonetheless the ingredients that are required must be present to bake the proverbial cake.

But further on this point those who engage in homosexual behavior are still under NO discrimination. They can legally protect their estate, visit their partners in hospitals, and even dictate the conditions under which fidelity to that union be observed or insure adulterous penalties."

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Doug Giles :: Columnist
Radical Homosexuals Trample a Cross, Harass a Granny, Crash a Church, and Threaten Joe the Plumber’s Life
by Doug Giles

Here's some excerpts from his blog too. Get real people. These marches are not peaceful and never will be.

"Can you imagine what would happen if a gang of angry male Christian activists started shouting down and shoving around some nice old lesbian during a religious rally right after ripping her rainbow pride flag from her hands and waffle stomping it?

How much television coverage do you think that spat of stupidity would spawn? What kind of outrage do you think the gays would gin up over such an inexcusable and pathetic act?"

"And lastly to the radical gay guys, do you really believe that this kind of belligerent behavior is going to make Americans capitulate to your cause? Who came up with this strategy? Was it the same guys who thought that Clear Pepsi would be a real winner?"

Book Review of The Homosexual Agenda: Exposing The Principal Threat To Religious Freedom Today
by Alan Sears and Craig Osten
Reviewed by Sandra Alexander
13 June 2004

This book reveals where the homosexual movement is taking us, with its "six-point strategy" for changing societal perception of homosexuality. This strategy takes society through four stages, and we are now past the third stage and into the final and fourth stage leading to the moral demise of a culture.

In the Introduction to their book, The Homosexual Agenda, Mr. Sears and Mr. Osten ask the question, “How far down the road have homosexual activists taken us toward their goal of unbridled sexual behavior and silencing of the church?” (p. 14) They then describe the four stages which lead to the moral demise of a culture, stating that the homosexuals, after quickly passing through the first two stages, are now finishing the third stage, (‘The Mobilization Stage’) developing a common language and strategy for presenting their case to the public.

“They [homosexual advocates] reframed the issue, taking it out of the moral realm, and presented it as a ‘human rights’ issue. Those who opposed their argument were deemed ‘hateful’ or ‘intolerant’ toward those that are ‘different’ - even though the group’s only identification is that of a chosen sexual behavior.” (p. 14) This strategy is working, because “once an issue has been redefined from a moral absolute to an individual choice, society starts to be reprogrammed that the arguments of the group are valid and therefore special privileges for previous ‘injustices’ and for the affirmation of the behavior occur.” This is stage four, “The Legitimization Stage.” (p. 14) The authors warn us that we have now reached stage four and they ask the question, “How has one to two percent of the population achieved so much success in transforming American culture and restricting religious freedom?” (p. 17)

Okay, that's all for now. If you're interested in reading more, just click on the links. Very interesting is all I have to say - at least for now. How much longer till my voice is silenced? Are we living in America or what? Too weird. Never experienced anything like this before, but I guess there's always a first time right?

Damn. God bless 'em.

On to something a little more uplifting...Thanksgiving

By Joy A. Kennelly

I'm always amazed at the hatred and anger those who seek tolerance believe they're entitled to although they are constantly so intolerant themselves. I figure if the haters of the world want to call me names, I'll give them something to talk about. LOL

Oh well, enough with dwelling on the negative. And that means you Jenny.

Here's a very beautiful video card to remember those we forget so easily during the holidays - those serving our country.

Enjoy! Courtesy of the Military Support Group - Thanksgiving.

Seaside Ice opens next week! Don't miss this wonderful Christmas time!

I didn't write this, but have been helping them get the word out. I think it's going to be great for our community and encourage you to buy tickets now!

Seaside Ice Brings Seasonal Ice Skating And Holiday Activities To The Seaside Lagoon In Redondo Beach Ca November 19 – January 11, 2009

Discount Skating Admission Tickets Available for Non-Profit Organizations


Outdoor ice skating at the beach creates a seaside winter wonderland, with daily public skating sessions, holiday decorations, corporate and private parties, and special events.


Redondo Beach, CA The Seaside Lagoon, located in the heart of Redondo Beach King Harbor at 200 Portofino Way, will be the site of Seaside Ice, the South Bay’s first outdoor ice skating experience, with skating available November 18, 2008 through January 11, 2009, from 11:00a.m. – 9:30p.m. on weekdays and from 10:00a.m. – 10:00p.m weekends. The eight-week holiday event will feature a 60x120-foot ice rink constructed on the Seaside Lagoon’s sand in a picturesque position next to the east walkway.


The event, which will include holiday decorations and music, will feature a calendar of special appearances, skating exhibitions, themed nights, games, pictures with Santa, and a giant outdoor movie screen showing family movies and entertainment. Seaside Ice was created by Tom Kearney and Scott Williams, through Seaside Ice, LLC, in partnership with the City of Redondo Beach. Bringing together the community of Redondo Beach, this duo is proud to spearhead a family event activity presented by the Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau.


Joining the Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau in supporting Seaside Ice are Gold Sponsors Decron Properties and Ruby’s Diner; Silver Sponsors AES, the King Harbor Association, Crowne Plaza, and The Portofino Hotel & Yacht Club; Bronze Sponsors the King Harbor Marina, and HeadHigh Creative; and Media Sponsor The Beach Reporter.


Skating admission is $14 for adults and $12 for children 12 and under (including skate rental) and can be purchased at the Seaside Lagoon after November 19, or online at  For more info about group tickets and parties call 310.937.0573 or email [email protected] .  Call 310-927-8311 or email [email protected] for more information.


“I think there is a real renaissance happening in Redondo Beach,” commented Tom Kearney. “Creating events like Seaside Ice really adds to that effort. I’m excited to bring an event like this, one that can give people memories that last a life time and become a tradition for families year after year.”


"I'm excited for a number of reasons. Growing up in Redondo Beach and being a competitive skater, I always thought it would be fun to bring ice to the beach,” says Scott Williams, Seaside Ice Principal.  “Now having the opportunity to bring my experience as a skating entertainment producer to a hometown event, I look forward to working with the community on a shared vision of family activity and entertainment in the heart of King Harbor. To skate outside is a unique pleasure that I can’t wait to share with the South Bay during the holiday season.”




Scott Williams captured the Junior World figure skating title in 1982, won the 1990 World Professional Championship and 1991 U.S. Open.  He performed in international tours and television specials before forming Turtle Island Productions to create and produce live and televised entertainment including the American Open, TLC’s Ice Diaries, and NBC’s Brian Boitano Skating Spectacular for White Canvas Productions.  He has also coached internationally competitive skaters, including locals Amber Corwin and in 2003, world champion Michelle Kwan. 


Tom Kearney has worked in the entertainment industry since the age of 10. Landing roles in television and film, he also worked as a voice talent for animation and appeared in over 40 national commercials. He later worked as a stand up comic, which dovetailed, into writing, then directing and into producing. In 2002 Tom created Pinch Hit Productions, which produced Films, TV shows and commercials. After writing and directing 4 films, Tom founded the Hermosa Beach Film festival, Hermosa Shorts, which has been called one of the best film festivals in the Country.

Oh, the small minds of so many who disagree with me

By Joy A. Kennelly

This will hopefully make you laugh as much as it did me. People come up with the craziest things when they search my name - now the biggest laugh is that I hate gays. What a crack up. They have no idea how many gay people I know and love and have in my life, yet "they" in their infinite wisdom have decided that's the case.

Totally cracks me up. I hate what certain ones are doing, but that's not saying I hate them as people. Just the stupidity of some of their current political actions. I would say that about any group that is wasting tax payers money and have actually.

I just calls them as I sees them. Now to get back to more pressing matters like organizing more big parties, more publicity for legitimate issues and other fun stuff.

See ya around. Don't be a stranger unless you're small-minded. Don't have time for that.

Another gay protest story which is really sad and disheartening.

By Joy A. Kennelly

While the battle for married sodomy vs. domestic partnership sodomy wages on on the This is Hermosa forum, I've decided to put my focus elsewhere since the topic is beginning to get a little too graphic for me.

You too? You're not alone. Stop the madness!

Apparently now there's a nation-wide protest march planned for 11/15. You have to hand it to the gays & lesbians behind this movement. They really are good at organizing parades and protests. I guess all these years of organizing gay pride events is really paying off.

I'm sorry, it's just kind of funny to me. I either find the humor in the situation or remain angry that this is such a waste of taxpayers money and a mockery of the Democratic process.

Just so those of you reading from around the world realize, you may see a lot of gay protests going on, but this doesn't accurately reflect the state of our country's opinion towards this issue.

Straight people are not as angry and you won't be seeing any of us protest. You will also not see any other religious denomination other than the Episcopals supporting this movement either which is why the mainstream media consistently only interviews that denomination. Makes for a better story to have a church in an uproar, when in reality many are quite content with the decision and relieved truth be told.

Interesting, eh? You also won't read about this disturbance that happened recently in a Michigan church in the mainstream media which is really quite appalling and a poor reflection of the tolerance supposedly so a part of this movement. Yeah, right.

Michigan liberals attack Lansing congregation in the middle of Sunday worship - this is a blogger's version of what happened. Now for the media who was part of the publicity stunt's version - read the comments too because then you'll really see what America thinks of this stupidity.

Gay Anarchist Action Hits Church

Just thought you'd like to know. Scary isn't it? What a few radicals won't do to mock people with differing beliefs. Again, I ask you. Where's the tolerance? It's not there and it will never be there if this keeps up.

I also thought you should know that now that Obama is in office it looks like our CA Governator is attempting to curry his favor since he's now wanting to impose a 10% sales tax to our state and is NOW in favor of same sex marriage when before, while stumping for McCain, he wasn't.

Isn't that interesting?

Just goes to show what kind of influence Ms. Shriver actually has behind the scenes. Maybe Arnold's off the cuff remark that he's been sleeping in the garage is true and he got tired of not enjoying some of his married rights. HA!

Ironic how that works isn't it?

I called and emailed Arnold myself because I'm sick of politicians using public office to hold forth on personal views when they oppose what the people of CA have voted and approved in not one, but two elections. Spout off on your own time. Stop wasting ours. Sorry, that's just how I feel.

That goes for you too Mayor Villaragosa - hey, isn't his name supposed to split in half now that he's getting or has gotten a divorce? Just curious. Sorry, I'm feeling testy this morning and just feel like pushing back a little against the status quo that seemingly is accepting this BS. And it totally is BS.

However, since I don't want to receive new death threats like I have recently on Facebook from some stupid Danish students, I'll close for now.

Have a good one!

Last Chance Harvey, LACC event and other stuff

By Joy A. Kennelly

I had a lot of fun this week in addition to getting a lot done too. I hit the Los Angeles Creative Club's participation in the "ihaveanidea D & D Awards 2008 Screening" and after-party which was really a lot of fun.

Tanzore was a great restaurant for the after-party - the food was delicious, the drinks were free flowing (I especially enjoyed the pomengrate champagne and chocatini), the dancers were sexy, and the people were very creative. Just what the doctor ordered.

The work shown during the awards show was so cutting edge too. I think my favorite was the light show above the streets in England that passersby could manipulate in a store. There were quite a few interesting ones though. Hard to decide.

"D&AD is a not-for-profit organisation, dedicated to celebrating the very best in creative communication. Most famous for the D&AD Awards -- the Yellow Pencils -- these trophies celebrate the very best in design and advertising across 30 disciplines. Pencil winners are recognized worldwide as the people who set the benchmarks of commercial creative excellence.

Work entered into the D&AD Awards can be anything from an advertising commercial, to a video game, or a music video. Past winners include; TV ads for Guinness -- 'Surfer', Music Videos for Bjork -- "All Is Full of Love", Digital work -- Nike+, Product Design -- the iPod, Architecture -- The London Eye and Viral Films --'Evolution' for Dove."

If you want to submit your work for 2009, then go to:

Then last night hit my friend, Artist George Stoll's art opening before hitting the Last Chance Harvey screening debut at the AFI Fest. I love his whimsey and artwork. Here's some examples from the show at Kim Light/Lightbox Gallery.

Alisa2 Front
My new friend, Alisa, admires the back of the art project and this is the front.
Boobs Boobs2
A bowl of breasts - doncha love it? It's cheaper by the dozen.
Sculptures Wall George
Gossamer Trio

These last two pieces were hidden away from the general public, but we had a private viewing because we appreciated his work so much. Doncha love the gossamer art? All the circles are hand-sewn, very intricate and exceptionally beautiful.

We then dashed off to the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood to view Last Chance Harvey starring Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. We saw this sign on the way and I just had to have a shot of it.


After we settled into our seats, we first heard the AFI President speak and then he invited up both of them and the young woman who plays his daughter, the beautiful Liane Balaban, who sat only a few rows ahead of us.

Emma was so funny and Dustin is absolutely adorable. He was sick and Emma said to be careful because he had germs on him the size of prawns. You could tell they had a great time making the film together. Their lightheartedness in person belied the serious concept of the film, although there is humor in it.

It's also very sad and filled with pathos and charm. I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it. I teased my friend that I normally am not attracted to older men, but for Dustin, I would make an exception!:) He's so charming and adorable. I love short men and he's a perfect size. lol

The film itself has beautiful cinematography and the scenes set the story as much as the words. I fell in love with England again just watching the scenery.

I think everyone can relate to the fears and awkwardness you can feel when you are falling in love. These two consummate actors relay and play with these feelings so well, you really feel the story. I loved it. The script was so clever - the writing made the story come alive whereas the actors made you feel the emotion.

I have always said that writer/directors are the best filmmakers because not only do they think of the story, they make it come to fruition and visualize it. Joel Hopkins is extremely talented. It's hard to believe this is only his 2nd film. Congratulations!

Okay, that's all for now. Oh, but before I go, did I show you the pix from the police stronghold in front of Hollywood and Highland? I don't think so. In any case, here they are. Shocking isn't it? Amazing what we've had to go through just to manage the protests against Prop 8. What a waste of money.

And that's all I'll say about this now because a picture speaks a thousand words.


El capitan 

Police line up2 

Police line up


Hollywood blvd 


Great article: "Answering Advocates of Gay Marriage"

By Joy A. Kennelly

I have to upload some pix from the fun events I've attended over the last few days, but felt compelled to raise awareness on this very well-thought out, well-researched, informative article answering the 20 claims people make when advocating gay marriage.

The authors are quite diverse which I appreciate and think you will too. Here's an introduction to their backgrounds:

"Our approach has been both comparative and dialogical. One of us is a man, the other a woman; one is Jewish, the other Gentile; one is gay, the other straight; one specializes in Western civilization, the other in Eastern civilization; and so on. As a result of our collaboration, we have been able to gather a great deal of evidence, both historical and cross-cultural, to support our answers to the claims made by advocates of gay marriage."

The entire article is great and very lengthy, but well worth the read. What I especially enjoyed reading were these points in particular because they relay historical credence to the position so many of us feel and haven't been able to express as readily:

"Claim 9: Gay marriage has had historical and anthropological precedents: 26

Actually, it has had not even one precedent as the norm of any society. Some societies have allowed exceptions to the norm, yes. And some powerful chiefs or kings have defied all norms. But the marital norm for every society has always been heterosexual. It is worth noting at this point that any society could have used culture to mitigate the tendency toward heterosexuality. Any society could have encouraged gay marriage and still reproduced itself; women could always have found ways of procuring sperm, for instance, and men could always have abducted children. But this approach has never been adopted as a norm.

Research on the history and anthropology of gay marriage, so far, has been done mainly with advocacy in mind: supporting gay marriage by finding precedents for it. By academic standards, this material reveals several important substantive and methodological flaws. Some precedents are ambiguous, for instance, because they are merely analogies to marriage. Gay love is said to be like marital love, an initiation ritual into same-sex warrior bonding is said to be like marriage, and so on. Other precedents are taken out of context. It is true, for instance, that some Amerindian societies allowed men to marry other men. But, judging from the information that has been recorded, these societies made sure that only a few men were allowed to do so or that their husbands had already married women and produced children so that demographic survival was not endangered. As for Nero, the Roman emperor, he married a man but in a moral context — a degenerate aristocracy in which murder was rampant and even a horse could be made a senator — that few today would find edifying. Do we really need to take moral instruction from him? Many precedents are irrelevant, moreover, because they refer only to gay relationships, not to gay marriage; the former are not the same as the latter and are not now, in any case, being challenged. Sometimes, moreover, evidence is indirect. Sometimes arguments are made from silence. Sometimes, important information is even ignored (such as subsequent banning of gay marriage).

Even if there were anthropological and historical precedents, however, these would be utterly irrelevant from a moral perspective. Just because something has been done in some other society at some other time, after all, doesn't mean that it should be done in our society at this time. One obvious example should make this clear. Slavery has been practiced in many societies. Should we therefore consider reinstituting that institution? Doing so would be a moral non sequitur, to say the least.

Claim 10: Banning gay marriage is like banning interracial marriage (This is the one that I resonated the most with because certain people throw this in my face knowing that I date interracially. I totally and completely disagree with this argument and this explains why on another level too.)

Actually, it is not. This argument is based on a reductive analogy between racism and heterosexism. Most people today would agree that the state should have no right to prevent interracial marriage, and some now argue for the same reason that it should have no right to prevent gay marriage. Both racism and heterosexism are forms of prejudice. Both are due to a combination of ignorance and malice. Both are evil. But the analogy is seriously flawed, because it assumes that all those who oppose gay marriage, like all those who oppose interracial marriage, are bigots. Some are, but others are not.

Marriage between people of different races was indeed banned because of racism. But that was only one example of a larger phenomenon. We refer to endogamy, marriage only with those from inside the community. And endogamy is not always caused by racism. Sometimes, for instance, it is caused by religion — that is, by the urge to perpetuate a religious culture. These societies ban interreligious marriage but usually accept marriage to converts, regardless of their racial or ethnic origins.

In any case, endogamy is a cultural variable. Many societies practice exogamy, after all, marriage only with those from outside the community. Endogamy cannot be considered a universal feature of marriage and should not, therefore, be required by law in a diverse society. Marriage between men and women really is a universal feature, on the other hand, both historically and anthropologically. And for a good reason: bringing men and women together for both practical and symbolic reasons. The prejudice of some people notwithstanding, in short, there can be a morally legitimate reason for maintaining the heterosexuality of marriage.

Besides, how many advocates of gay marriage would argue for polygamous marriage as well? Some would, no doubt, but not many. Although we do not advocate polygamy, we also do not see anything inherently wrong with it.27 Because a good case could be made for it, following precisely the same logic as that of the case made for gay marriage (see claim 17), it would be dishonest for advocates of the latter to trivialize it due to political expediency.

Claim 13: Anyone who opposes same-sex marriage is homophobic: (This is another good one because I've been called an intolerant bigot and worse by those I've tried to discuss this issue with despite the clear evidence I am not. Good points all!)

This argument amounts to verbal terrorism. By "homophobic" is meant prejudice and hostility, although this word actually connotes the neuroticism of a phobia. The implication is that only evil or sick people can possibly disagree with any claim made by gay people. (Never mind that not even all gay people are in favor of gay marriage.)

Moreover, this is an ad hominem argument. It is easy to trivialize arguments by attacking the personal integrity of those who make them. That way, you need not deal with the argument itself.

Claim 20: But gay people are a small minority. Allowing them to marry would mean nothing more than a slight alteration to the existing system and would even add support for the institution. What's all the fuss about?

(This one I'm excerpting to make a clear point, but it's much longer when you click the original article.)

This argument is disingenuous, to say the least. If the alteration were so slight, after all, why would (some) gay couples insist on access to marriage? The question is worth asking, because gay couples in Canada34 already have most of the benefits conferred by marriage and more can be added. Ostensibly, only the word "marriage" is at stake.

Neither we nor our opponents can predict now precisely what these consequences would be or when they would appear. And that is our point. Why rush into this? Given more time, we might be able at least to make an informed decision. With this in mind, consider what might indeed change as a result of redefining marriage to include gay couples.

People would not riot in the streets, to be sure, if gay marriage were legalized. In the immediate future, not everyone would even notice the results. Religious communities would be the first big losers, because religious freedom would become increasingly hard to defend. Even if exceptions were initially made so that religious communities would not be forced to marry gay couples, these exceptions would eventually be challenged in the courts. The latter would have to choose, after all, between two competing rights: freedom of religion versus equality. Guess which one is most likely to trump the other (see claim 14)."

Here's the original article in its entirety if you care to read it. I highly recommend it. I've decided that anyone who wishes to discuss this issue further with me will only be referred to this because it's so clear and logical.

"Answering Advocates of Gay Marriage


Attention: The Catholic Education Resource Center notes that the persons writing this article are neither Catholic nor in full agreement with the Church's teaching on homosexuality. Nevertheless, the urgency of the issue of gay marriage at this time and the compelling arguments raised against it here, make this paper an important resource."

Got to hand it to the Catholic Church for being open-minded enough to advocate another's viewpoint that isn't Catholic simply because it answers the pressing questions of our society. Something I wish the Christian church would be more proactive in doing, but at least I can pose it here as a resource too.

I will say that people's lack of tolerance for another's dissenting viewpoint by marching and holding angry news conferences is beginning to backfire among general society. I think there was much more sympathy towards this issue before the backlash, but I could be wrong. I just know I'm tired of it as many others are.

I went out to Hollywood last night for a screening and we drove over to Hollywood and Highland afterward only to be greeted by the entire block in front of the Gruman's Chinese Theatre heavily barricaded with hundreds of cop cars and motorcycles blocking the angry chanting protesters from continuing down Hollywood Blvd with their signs.

Since when did I choose to live in a police controlled state? Since when is legisation that people vote on not accepted? Reasonable people I've dealt with on other subjects normally and without rancor have suddenly become rabid in their accusations and attacks on me and my personal beliefs. Why is that acceptable? Where's the love? Where's the tolerance? I don't get it.

Even today, someone has suggested that a government referundum be passed to run myself and the other lone dissenter out of Hermosa Beach - ha ha - very funny - but how much longer before it becomes a reality that anyone who chooses to express a religious, intelligent alternative viewpoint is run out of a community simply by virtue of expressing themselves?

Is this really what America has come to? If so, I want no part of it. However, I believe that truth will win out and reality will begin to settle in leaving those who continue this immature display of anger and protest as nothing more than a minor blip on the news radar.

At least one can hope right? Enough with the angry lesbian. Enough with the angry crowds who feel nothing about hitting and attacking innocent people. Especially the ones who spit on the old lady going to get her perscription. Shameful. Where's the tolerance and love?

I know I've experienced reverse discrimination years ago in college when my girlfriend and I accidently wandered into a gay restaurant to have dinner on the patio. We were harrassed and ridiculed so much by the gay men sitting around us we eventually moved inside to get away from their comments and abuse.

Many of the guys who were appalled at their counterparts behavior came up to us afterward to apologize and express their concern that of anyone who should know what it feels like to be ridiculed and attacked it should be those men sitting out there.

Maybe we all need to take another page from Rodney King's book and begin to ask the question again, "Can't we all get along?" I really don't see the discrimination gays are proclaiming is happening other than this issue. Do you?

They don't have to sit at the back of the bus. They don't have to drink out of separate water fountains. They don't have to only go to gay restaurants (although many do). They don't have to live in certain areas of the city (although again, many do). They don't have to hide their gay relationships out in public. They can wear t-shirts, have bumper stickers, hold parades, hold events, and many other things that hetero people do. Where is the discrimination?

It just irritates me when people equate our civil rights movement to this movement because as far as I know, there really is no comparison. If anything gay people are more accepted as part of society than many other minorities!

I'll get off my soapbox because I'm tired of standing on it. I just needed to voice my opinion because who knows how much longer I'll be allowed to if the thought police and others have their way. I love and appreciate all my gay friends. I want you to know and understand that fact once and for all.

I just needed to share some thoughts that we don't always discuss because if this causes you to change your opinion on our friendship, then so be it. I will accept your decision. However, I hope that we can agree to disagree and realize there is room in this world and our friendships for a wide divergence of opinion.

Accepting the fact that we need to agree to disagree because this is America still and we all have Freedom of Speech and freedom of expression. Doesn't mean we'll always accept each other's viewpoints, but we need to respect them nonetheless.

Thanks for reading.

Vote for The Shore to win Best of California Dining on MyFoxLA!

By Joy A. Kennelly

Please vote for The Shore Restaurant and Lounge to win Best of California dining on My Fox LA!

Tomorrow is the deadline - Sat. Nov 8 - sorry for the short notice, but just learned of this opportunity.

Please help us win by taking a moment to vote! Just click the link here:

Sign in and tell everyone why you think The Shore has the best internationally inspired CA comfort cuisine in Los Angeles! Thanks! Please tell your friends!

Empty shore from the front2

If we win, we will have a party to celebrate and those who vote will be invited! Thanks for helping make The Shore number one in Los Angeles for California dining!

Enough with politics now - The Shore Restaurant and Lounge good news

By Joy A. Kennelly

I couldn't wait to wake up this morning because I knew that The Shore Restaurant and Lounge's restaurant review was hitting today's paper and couldn't wait to read what Food Critic Richard Foss had written.

I was pretty sure it had been good since Chef always feeds people great food, but sometimes you never know! I didn't need to worry - the full page article was so glowing it almost lifted off the page. I also loved the way they highlighted our Wine Tasting Tuesday night offerings too.

Very cool. Once it goes live on the web, I'll provide a link so you can read it in all its glory ok? Seeing as The Shore missed out on the Halloween photo ops in the paper, I thought I'd take a moment here to upload some of the fun my friend, Angelique and I experienced during our abbreviated night out on the town when we hit my friend Earl's home party and then The Shore.

Great costumes everybody!

Enjoy! You've earned the rest from politics for now.:)


This lipstick has a light attached. Isn't that cool? What will they think of next?

Cowbell guy1  More cowbell!

Earl & mel1 Aren't they a devilish couple?

Group halloween1

Bummed this is so blurry! Great bunch of gals.

Peace guy1 Peace man. Peace.


Admiring Mel's iphone Koi fish.

A & me1

Trio - 1

Cougar a1

And people call me a cougar!:)

A at shore - 1 

Shore2 -1

 Shore3 -1 

Shore4 -1

Shore5 -1  Dave & a1

Shore6 -1  

Shore7 -1 

Shore hp - 1 

Shore8 - 1 Prop 8-1

Shore9 - 1 

Shore10 - 1 

Shore a d j - 1

Now that the dust has settled - Obama & Prop 8 analysis

By Joy A. Kennelly

I've just joined some conservative groups on Facebook because it's been so nice to have people who feel the same way as I do on certain things to talk to. Not to downplay my Dem friends at all because I love a lively, loving debate and them as people, but sometimes you just don't feel like working that hard when discussing issues you're passionate about.

So, imagine my delight when I ran across the following You Cannot's from one of the sites and the appropriateness to our current election and Obama's speech. Maybe you'll read this and see the truth.

And I quote:

  • "You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
  • You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
  • You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.
  • You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
  • You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.
  • You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
  • You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
  • You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
  • You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
  • You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they will not do for themselves."

Now you would think these were written recently in direct response to Obama's eloquence, but you would be in for a surprise. These mandates were actually written back in 1916. Here's what The Conservative Underground's blog had to say about the author:

"William J. H. Boetcker was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1873. He is well-known as one of the first motivational speakers, regarded as a forerunner for Tony Robbins. He was also a Presbyterian minister, and regularly used his morals and values as solid frameworks for his political ideas. He gained a reputation as a conservative speaker when he published the above "10 Cannot's" in 1916. You may recognize them from Reagan's 1992 Republican Convention speech. "

Now in light of all the "bad" publicity, or should I say "biased" journalism on the issue of Prop 8, I would like to say that hopefully soon you will be hearing more from the "other" side if I have anything to do with it as a publicist.

Just because straight people aren't marching in the streets doesn't mean we're not as upset over this waste of taxpayers dollars, disregard for the democratic process and the popular vote, and the fact our rights are about to be rocked as well.

I found it par for the course that the only article in my local paper reported the hurried marriage of our local Redondo Beach Mayor, rather than discussing it as a news story with both sides represented and the effects of this Proposition being analyzed. I don't agree with that.

Now everyone likes this man a lot. I know I do too. But to use his political position and his personal story vs. the facts to play on people's sympathies? That's not something I agree with. Sorry, just don't. I didn't say anything when the paper covered our local black Manhattan Beach City Council man to promote Obama in a rather large article, but at one point, we have to say, is journalism only liberal from now on?

Will there ever be both sides represented ever again? Or will only the agenda of those reporting be represented with no attempt to balance the news? I'm putting that out there to all journalists who stumble across my site because it really is a question I'm struggling with as a publicist and as a blogger.

Will we have to create two completely separate forms of reporting in all areas of our lives with no cross-over ever to receive news that one particular group wants to hear? Will that really help accomplish the healing that Obama wants and so many Americans want if we only hear what we want to hear all the time and no other perspective? Think about it.

The dictionary defines journalism as:



1. the occupation of reporting, writing, editing, photographing, or broadcasting news or of conducting any news organization as a business.
2. press 1 (def. 31).
3. a course of study preparing students for careers in reporting, writing, and editing for newspapers and magazines.
4. writing that reflects superficial thought and research, a popular slant, and hurried composition, conceived of as exemplifying topical newspaper or popular magazine writing as distinguished from scholarly writing: He calls himself a historian, but his books are mere journalism.

I guess if you read the definition above, journalists are fulfilling their mandate to create writing that reflects "superficial thought and research, a popular slant, and hurried composition" and if we take that definition as it stands, then they are only doing what they are supposed to be doing.  Right?

However, when does the conservative voice ever get heard then? If all the media is liberal and probama and not researching facts and exposing them as we the public thought they would, when does it stop being journalism and become mere publicity?

This is truly a question that is plaguing this profession more and more. I know there are good journalists out there, but then their editors take the stories and manipulate them to their perspective perhaps. When do you stand up and say, that's not what I wrote, that's not what I shot, please report the facts?

When I watch the Prop 8 coverage that is so loud and proudly supportive of the gay perspective with the one woman from Protect Marriage being the only one interviewed vs. the many from the crowds. Do straight people really have to create a riot in order to be interviewed on this subject?

Isn't it the journalist's responsibility to seek out people to interview from both sides? Why aren't we hearing more from African American church members, or African Americans who actually have experienced discrimination and really know what civil rights issues are?

What about the Japanese people who actually believe in traditional marriage and lived in an intern camp and don't see this as a discrimination issue? What about the straight couple with kids in school who don't appreciate the gay agenda being shoved down their throats by gay activists who are putting this all over the newscasts that their children are watching?

What about the attorneys who will explain the domestic partnership rights that all gays have access to already? What about the public debate that Jack O'Connell conveniently refuses to participate in with proponents from Yes on Prop 8? Never hear about that do you? Because he knows he's spreading lies and if he continues to state a lie repeatedly, loudly and with conviction pretty soon people will believe him.

I just don't get it. I know everyone thinks Gloria Allred is the best attorney ever, but I think she's an opportunist. When you read the biography of the woman she used, (and I'm not writing that word lightly), to help pass Roe V. Wade and the way she threw her aside once her agenda was accomplished, you really don't respect her in the same way others do.

I know I'm stepping out on a limb to attack one of the icons of our city, but I'm tired of her agenda being the only thing we hear on TV on so many topics. Where are the celebrity attorneys willing to stick their necks out for the conservative perspective? Do they need a publicist? Hire me! I love publicizing individuals and getting the other side heard. I'll make you a celebrity! LOL

Heavy sigh. When did America or CA ever become so divided between conservatives and liberals? When did it become acceptable to only report one side of the news? I can only imagine what it would be like if Obama succeeds in trying to take away the few conservative TV and radio shows, but was comforted to hear Bill O'Reilly say he wouldn't go down without a fight.

However, I just wish I didn't have to only hear him or Rush (not that I ever, ever, ever listen to Rush because he annoys me so much), but am referring to those guys as the most vocal conservatives. Why isn't there a local news station that takes pride in reflecting both sides of the news and does it well? Why do we need to escape to cable?

Where are the stories about the judges who overturned this ruling and the inflammatory language that Jerry Brown incorporated into this last proposition to favor gays? I had no idea how inflammatory it was until I walked into the voting booth to vote the other day. Why not interview someone on language and the way it shapes people's perspectives in elections. I would love to hear that one!

No wonder people are so upset. If you vote your moral beliefs you risk being called a homophobe, an intolerant bigot and who knows what else? Why is it ok to bash Christians and straight people's desire to have traditional marriage preserved and it's not ok when the tables are turned? I'm seriously asking this question because it deeply hurts to be called names like that.

I've taken to calling those who call me that the same back because then it takes the sting out a little. Kind of like African Americans calling themselves the N word I guess.

Maybe if we all realize that in some respect or another we all have areas in our lives where we all are intolerant or bigoted, then maybe, just maybe we'll accept the fact that that's what makes America great. Freedom of speech is what makes our country what it is!

However, right now? I'm not so sure. Living in California and visiting Nevada during this election the contrast is stark in how people treat those with differing viewpoints. When we were walking the precincts over and over and over again, the people who were voting for Obama were polite for the most part when they saw us. They weren't hateful and attacking like I've experienced so often in LA.

Maybe they have more manners? Maybe they still appreciate Freedom of Speech? Maybe they haven't been bludgeoned into following the party line like so many people have here making people afraid to raise a differing viewpoint?

I just don't understand. Please help.

And again, in keeping with mainstream media's intention to silence the conservative voice, I will not be posting any comments from the liberal perspective because I really, really, really, really want you to experience what this feels like once and for all. It's not right. It needs to stop.

Maybe if you become as frustrated hearing only one viewpoint reflected here, then perhaps you will begin to accept the fact that there are other sides to an issue that need to be explored in our media.

Maybe, just maybe, you'll join the chorus of voices that are beginning to demand equal rights for all in the media. It only takes one person to make a difference. Be that difference.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some work to complete. Enjoy your day and think about what I've written. I'm writing it sincerely and because I'm tired of it. Sick and tired of it.

And when I become sick and tired of anything, I take action.

That's a promise.

I Tim. 2:1-2 I urge that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for kings and all those in authority...

The Presidential Prayer Team congratulates Barack Obama
Sign up now to pray for President-Elect Barack
and the new administration

Dear PPT,

The Presidential Prayer Team is pleased to commit itself and it’s nearly 500,000 members to pray for the newly elected President of the United States of America, Barack Obama.

Calling in his acceptance speech for a new spirit of patriotism, service and sacrifice from the American people, President-Elect Obama swept to victory over Republican John McCain as the first African-American to hold the nation’s highest political office.

“We are and always will be the United States of America,” President-Elect Obama said from Grant Park in Chicago, IL. “A government of the people, by the people, and for the people has not perished from the face of the earth. This victory is for you.”

While saying a new dawn of American leadership is at hand, President-Elect Obama recognized that the road ahead may be tough and the climb steep in meeting the many challenges facing the nation, but that “we as a people will get there,” a sentiment followed by chants of “Yes We Can” from the huge Chicago crowd. He also called Republican presidential candidate John McCain a “brave and selfless leader” and said he looks forward to working with him and Governor Sarah Palin in the months to come.

Our faithful prayers for President-Elect Obama and Vice President-Elect Joe Biden are desperately needed. Their new administration faces the challenges of a struggling economy, active wars against terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan, and energy and environmental concerns - all perhaps unprecedented in a generation. With I Timothy 2:1-2 as our biblical mandate, The Presidential Prayer Team is dedicated to praying for our new president’s wisdom, protection and success as he faces these issues, and many more, over the next four years

Today, we are launching a countdown in prayer from Election to Inauguration for President-Elect Obama! It’s called 77 Days of Prayer for our New President, and I encourage you to please sign up for this prayer initiative now using the link below.

We’ll send you an email every morning that includes a specific prayer point, Scripture and words you can pray - first in worship of our Holy God and then in intercession for the specified prayer point. There’s also an appropriate photo to inspire and direct your heart as you pray.

You can view a sample page HERE.
You can tell a friend about 77 Days HERE—or by just forwarding this email message.

This is an incredible time in the history of our nation. Join all of us at The Presidential Prayer Team in congratulating Barack Obama and Joe Biden and in committing to pray for their administration and all of our leaders, our nation and our Armed Forces. Thank you so much!

John Lind

2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.

By Joy A. Kennelly

Regardless of the outcome of our Presidential race, I can go to sleep tonight with a clear conscience knowing I have done all I could to work for the principles I believed in. That's all I expect from myself and my fellow Americans.

Now, back to work.

My new friend, Katie, had these quotes posted on her Facebook site and I'm stealing them to put here because I liked them so much as an expression of my feelings tonight:

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle

"I know in my heart that man is good.
That what is right will eventually triumph.
And there's purpose and worth to each and every life." - Ronald Reagan

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Sir Winston Churchill

I loved receiving all the phone calls from my Democrat friends who were exultant in their joy for Obama winning. I also enjoyed the texts so many sent. I even heard from my young neice who I never hear from. Too fun. I've always said I was a moderate and tonight proves it.

My friends know I love them and respect their opinions. They respect my enthusiasm too. That's why we're friends! We accept and love each other despite our differing political beliefs. I heard from some people I didn't think I would either which was also fun.

You have to admit it was a very close race in certain states. Right? Just not close enough.:(

I only became angry tonight when a man currently living in England who is interested in me kept calling me from London to say that it was good that Obama was winning and that it was best for America. Sorry, don't agree. Plus, what does he know about what's best for America? Jeeesh.

So, no, I will not be accepting your offer to come visit big guy. If you had stopped at one call after I hung up on you for being so presumptutious, then maybe, but calling me numerous other times to make sure I heard your point and tell me Barack had won?

Not happy and now not interested. Sorry to be so blunt, but maybe now you'll get it. I need some space. Got to open up space for the right man - Mr. New York is that you?

I've had more international men (young and old) interested in me because of Facebook, it's fascinating to me. The youngest has been a 21 year old in Egypt. Didn't even blink an eye when I told him I was almost twice his age and wasn't interested because of that fact. Too funny.

I joke about cougaring, but am not really interested in the young un's. They're on a different path and have lots of life to experience. I encourage them to do so, but realize a friendship is best because I want a real relationship and marriage. That's not their head space which is fine. Just not where I'm at in my life. I do enjoy hearing their perspective though because I think they have value and wisdom in their own way. Yes, I'm talking about you Mr. Pasadena.

It was fun to see my new young Facebook friend Joe show up at the Republican party afterwards tonight too. Thanks Joe! Great to meet you. Stay involved and stay in touch ok?

I have met the best people by being political. They're smart, they're passionate, they're witty, they're informed and they care about our country.

I love it!

It's been really nice to have new friends who actually support my views and beliefs because although I love and respect my Dem friends (for the most part - ha ha), it does get a little old constantly being on the "other side". I felt like I could breathe hanging out with everyone from the Republican campaign tonight at the after-party and elsewhere.

Although we lost the Presidency, at least right now at 10:30pm, it looks like the people have spoken in support of traditional marriage by passing propositions in FL, AZ and soon CA to keep traditional marriage as is.

I'm sorry to my gay friends and those who disagree - but please, do us all a favor and don't overturn this one again ok? Stop being intolerant and bigoted LOL!  Be prepared for a fight because we won't give up on this one if you try and if this passes in your favor.

As far as Obama becoming President, setting aside my personal and moral belief about his politics, I have to say I am so proud to be an American and have lived to see an African American man gain the presidency in my lifetime.

I am so proud.

I had tears in my eyes listening to his acceptance speech. It was hard to hear because the Republicans I was sharing the after campaign experience with decided to host speeches of their own during Obama's speech which I thought was very disrespectful.

I moved to another part of the restaurant and heard Obama speak virtually by myself except for another Democrat. He must not have known that was our party place because he acted surprised. We enjoyed sharing this historic moment together.

I'm listening to channel 7's coverage of the election now that I'm home (had to escape the noise) where they just did a special with high profile African Americans on their thoughts on Barack and it's very moving. I think Spike Lee was so touched he was on the verge of tears. I know I was choked up just now leaving a message for my African American rapper friend in response to his message.

I don't care right now that McCain lost because I am so proud to be part of this political change in America apart from party lines. What a historic evening. What a historic turn-out for voting. Amazing.

I thought McCain's speech was very gracious and honorable too. You can say what you want about my candidate, but you will never be able to say he is nothing but a gentleman. I am so proud to have worked so hard on his behalf.

You done well old man. We are all so proud of you and your campaign.

It will be very interesting to see what happens with Sarah Palin now and the rest of us/the Republicans. I don't think we're done politicking yet. If the passion and anger I heard tonight is any indication. I don't know why, but I feel very calm - no emotion of anger, no sadness.

Just acceptance.

I do feel Barack Hussein Obama has no idea what he's in for, nor do the people who put him into office know what they're bound to face with him in office too because he's so untested and kept changing his position.

Now we'll see.

He is inheriting such a huge mess he has no idea what's in store either. Should be interesting is all I have to say!

Good luck buddy!:) Loved your speech - what a great orator. Now put some action behind those words and we'll all be happy.

What I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt and with firm conviction is that God is in control. Period.

Maybe that's what gives me my calm. That's the only explanation I have.

God. Is. In. Control.

And with that, I bid you adieu.

Sleep well. I intend to.

VOTE! Go McCain! More pix from NV & Torrance Republican hdqtrs too!

Here's more pix from the weekend - I've voted. Have you? Please do!



Sorry, just a little Republican humor.

Charlies shirt
Dem for mccain

There's rumor that all 6 million PUMAs (Sometimes called Party Unity My A$%, but they also are called People United Means Action) are angry over the treatment of Hilary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama's inexperience and the Democratic party.

We heard 2.6 million people will be voting for McCain out of spite. Here's one lady who happens to agree - a lifelong Democrat who said she is now embarrassed and ashamed to have ever voted Democrat and now is a firm McCain supporter.

Former democrat
More Republican humor - sorry Hilary Clinton- just kidding.

These are Sarah Palin's parent's in law visiting the NV call center- don't you love his shirt? I'm an Abba fan too.

Over 90,000 people were visited by all of us walking precincts in NV - just got those numbers after visiting the Torrance Republican Headquarters last night. We also called over 15,000 people. It's been proven that people who have personal face-to-face interaction generally support the candidate they are pitched 75% of the time. Those who receive phone calls it's generally 25%.

Here's another site I just learned about of more Democrats who are NOT in support of Barack called Just Say No Deal - Surprise, surprise - even though the mainstream media won't cover this story - it's a reality folks.

I believe this will be seen once the votes have all been counted.

Go McCain! This little girl looks like what I looked like as a child and was absolutely adorable.
Cute girl
Kids in costumes2 They say that whichever candidate has the most people wearing them as a costume on Halloween it's an indication of who will be our next President. Apparently there was a run on Sarah Palin masks - who knows? LOL
Speaking of Sarah, I got to meet her parents (my left, your right) and parent's in law (opposite). Very nice people. Brought a tear to my eyes to meet such humble sweet people who love their kids so much.


Trio - me
Call ctr
Call ctr3
Call ctr4 The guy nearest the wall and the hand painted sign was my buddy during the day. He was so funny. He said he was only going to volunteer for one hour and ended up staying for three. He sees the threat to his small business with the increased taxes Obama is going to do and is fighting back. You go boy!
Call ctr5
Call ctr6
Call ctr - me
Call ctr - me2 We all had such a great time. This girl was especially hilarious and came out from BYU in Utah. This was a wonderful time on many levels.

Lisa me brenda

 My friends Lisa and Brenda with Sarah Palin's brother. I'm holding the sign Rudy signed for me.
Joy with signs
There was so much junk food everywhere I was eating my feelings like that upcoming Vince Vaughn movie (whose name escapes me, but you know. The one with Reese Witherspoon?) It was worth every pound.:)
Blue star mom
We were served meals by Blue Star Moms whose sons were serving overseas. From their website: "The Blue Star Moms is a support through service group located in the San Francisco East Bay. We are moms, joining together to share our pride, our devotion and our worries for our sons and daughters currently serving in all branches of the Armed Forces of the United States, and our sons and daughters who are now veterans.

We first came together shortly after the terrorist's attacks on 9/11/2001. We are an official chapter of the Blue Star Mothers of America, a group who formed during World War II."

Trio - brenda  More military supporters of McCain. Brenda is single gentlemen, but she's no cougar. She and I want real men who have Godly values. Are you reading? Contact me now for the details to join us at tonight's Victory party in Redondo Beach. LOL

Team leader
Each day we were given books with maps, names and addresses of people to leave material with and encourage people to vote for McCain. One guy, Kenny, the one who left a comment earlier said he spoke to 400 people himself. Go Kenny!
Todds mom

Hdqtrs - nv 

Just as quickly as we arrived, as quickly we were preparing to leave. My new friend Nora says the experience was kind of like going away to winter camp we all bonded so deeply.

Bus scene  

Bus scene3 

Hdqtrs3 - night 

Me & nora2
Bus ride home 

Obama waffles 

This volunteer gave this gag gift to our intrepid volunteer coordinator, Alexis. She was so unflappable. This experience was so organized, so professional, and so exciting to be a part of the Democratic process. Thank you everyone!

Burger king 

We flooded this Burger King while the bus toilet drained. As a joke, I turned to the African American guy behind me and asked him, "So, who you voting for?" Then I told him I was totally joking and he didn't need to tell me. He smiled.

When you're making the calls you ask everyone if John McCain/Sarah Palin can count on their support and since I'd been making calls all day it just felt natural to ask him. Very fun to be so out there.

Another volunteer took it upon herself to put bumper stickers all over the outside area which totally cracked us up. I felt bad, but you have to admit, it was funny. Guerrilla marketing at its best. LOL

The other funny stories from the weekend were the naked guy who was caught sleeping in his recliner as one of my new friends went to his door. Another volunteer teased her that she should have left him a door hanger on his privates that way when he woke up he would know who to vote for. LOL

Then, the other guy who cracked us up was an older Indian looking guy who came to the door wearing what looked like Depends. Bill told us about him after walking away which made both of us as females crack up and happy that we hadn't got that guy.

Then he opens his door, stands on his porch still in his underwear/jock strap and continues to ask questions about McCain and where to vote. We could barely contain our laughter. When I relayed the story to my Dem friend, he busted up and said, must be a Republican. He was right which is the sad part. LOL Totally hilarious.

Go underwear man! Hey, we'll take votes from whoever - at least this man had a house vs. a park bench right? LOL

All of us are still pretty beat, but we went back yesterday to make more calls from our Torrance Republican Headquarters. Oh, before I forget. In Nevada, since I wore my cap and buttons so much I was on the local news a lot when they filmed the call center there. Hey, once a publicist, always a publicist.

Last night after I had settled in to make calls in Torrance I saw a news camera and it turned out CBS was filming us. I saw myself very briefly later on and it was cool to see other friends on the ten o'clock news too. Here's some stills from last night.

We're still making calls and getting out the vote. One thing you have to say about Republicans, we definitely know how to work and not wait for a hand-out. Shall be an interesting race to say the least!

Hdqtrs torr 

Hdqtrs torr2

Hdqtrs torr3

Hdqtrs torr4  Pete the leader giving us the stats from Nevada to encourage us.Hdqtrs torr5 


Julie is my good friend from politicking during the Hermosa Beach elections and a former Marine. She has been very involved in the local Republican headquarters and I know they appreciate her organizing skills. Hey! Maybe since she's done community organizing she can run for office too! I don't think she's ever done any other politics, but hey, it works for Obama, why not Julie?

Just kidding Dems. Calm down.

Mccain costume2 

McCain made a surprise visit too. lol So many young kids came out to support McCain which was really thrilling to see. I was very emotional when I saw the hordes of people at the corner of Rosecrans and Sepulveda earlier in the day encouraging people to vote Yes on Prop 8.

I was crying as I drove away because I was so grateful that now I'm not the only "intolerant bigot" who values traditional values and traditional marriage.

I had no idea how divisive the negative language describing this proposition was on the ballot until I went to vote today. Language carries so much weight it's no wonder people are confused what is right.

I hope that if you've been reading my blog,  you will know why voting Yes on Proposition 8 is so important. If you have any questions, please go to Protect Thank you! VOTE YES!

Here's some pix of some of the kids from last night - you should have heard the honks in support! Go Democracy!

Prop 8 

Prop 8 - 2 

Prop 8 - 3 

Pete n nora 

Dedicated volunteer and my new friend, Nora, taking instruction from another volunteer while Republican headquarters leader, Pete, looks on.

Proud to be an america 

This has been my motto this entire experience. When all is said and done, I can say with peace that I have done my part as an American to further the Democratic process. I hope you can join me in saying that too!

Trio -torr 

This guy cracked me up and I leave you with him. He said he's a Chicano for McCain and his mother of 76 years of age is finally seeing the light to vote Republican too.Totally cracked me up.

Go Chicano power! That's all for now. I promise more pix later. Enjoy!

McCain for President, Part II By Charles Krauthammer

This is a good one and I highly recommend all to read and consider it. Thanks Joe for the introduction!

McCain for President, Part II By Charles Krauthammer

WASHINGTON -- Last week I made the open-and-shut case for John McCain: In a dangerous world entering an era of uncontrolled nuclear proliferation, the choice between the most prepared foreign policy candidate in memory vs. a novice with zero experience and the wobbliest one-world instincts is not a close call."

Click here for the rest of the article. You'll be glad you did.

God will look at you and say not, ‘Did you succeed?’ but ‘Did you try?’

Dear Friend of,


At the airport in Detroit, after spending a week in our country, Pope John Paul the Great urged: "America, Defend Life!"


He stated boldly: "America, your deepest identity and truest character as a nation is revealed in the position you take towards the human person. The ultimate test of your greatness in the way you treat every human being, but especially the weakest and most defenseless ones."


Let us remember those words as we go to the polls tomorrow to elect a new President and Congress, as well as to vote on ballot measures that will impact the future of life and marriage in many states.


We have worked diligently over the past 8 weeks to inform consciences and inspire hearts with the message of life, faith and family.


Catholics and other Christians have a duty to vote.  Catholics have a duty to form their conscience in the light of the truth of Church teaching.


How we vote has tremendous consequences not just on our civic life here and now, but also for the next generation.  Several bishops have also reminded us that our vote also has consequences for our eternal souls. 


Last November, I woke to the news of the death of Illinois Rep. Henry Hyde.  Hyde was a champion of the unborn, and I had the honor several days later of attending his funeral.  On a cold overcast day at a Catholic Church outside Chicago, I watched political leaders from both parties file into the Church to honor the life of the “gentleman of the House.”


Printed on the back of the pamphlet handed to each person who attended the funeral was one of Hyde’s most famous quotes.  We could not think of anything more fitting for our message today than to reprint the famous words of Rep. Hyde:


When the time comes as it surely will, when we face that awesome moment, the final judgment, I’ve often thought, as Fulton Sheen wrote, that it is a terrible moment of loneliness. You have no advocates, you are there alone standing before God - and a terror will rip through your soul like nothing you can imagine. But I really think that those in the pro-life movement will not be alone. I think there will be a chorus of voices that have never been heard in this world but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world - and they will plead for everyone who has been in this movement. They will say to God, ‘Spare him because he loved us,’ - and God will look at you and say not, ‘Did you succeed?’ but ‘Did you try?’

Tomorrow: Pray for the unborn. Fast for the unborn. VOTE for the unborn.


- Brian Burch, President

P.S.  Standing in line at the polls might take several hours. But it’s among the smallest sacrifices that you can make for unborn children. You are their advocate. If you haven’t yet participated in early voting or absentee, make sure you VOTE tomorrow!  Our country is depending on you.

Joy here. I am fasting today and encourage those of you who are able to join me to do so too.

Thanks for reading.

Dear Liberal friend, Here's why I'm voting for McCain not Obama

For those of you who have time on your hands and like a more cerebral, literary understanding of the profound differences between McCain and Obama, I'm posting, with permission and minor additions and name changes to protect their privacy, the letter my very intelligent, thoughtful, deep friend has written to one of his liberal friends that I endorse and agree with wholeheartedly. 

Thanks for reading.

(I'm saying Dear Liberal Friend, not my friend who wrote this letter, but I want it to be inclusive to all those who are liberal and want to feel like this is being written to them.)

Dear Liberal Friend, 

(Now the rest of this letter is all him and I quote:)

"You must be burning the candle at both ends in light of how close we are to Election Day.  While I have profound political disagreements with you, I have always admired your activism and your willingness to jump in and to expend enormous personal energy pursuing the promotion of your positions through the political process, which is what democracy is all about. 

Perhaps the last thing that you are interested in at this juncture is expending your time to read someone else’s perspective, especially one that substantially differs from yours, but if you cannot do so before the election, I hope that you will take the time to do so afterwards.

 Cindy shared with me your thoughts on the election and on some of the issues, and I wanted to in turn share some perspectives with you that I would ask that you consider, not in the hopes that it will fundamentally change your mind about your loyalties or your direction, but rather in the interest of potentially demonstrating that there are other plausible perspectives about many of these things than what you have espoused.

I also want to emphasize that I think the world of you, considering you one of the nicest, most generous, intelligent, and frankly fun to be around people that I have the privilege to know in this world.  For some fantastic reason for which I am grateful, our profound political differences have never impacted our friendship, and I sincerely hope that they never will, because your friendship is important to me.

You stated that Obama leads by a mile from a moral perspective.  I disagree.  Your position is not self-evident.  It is not a fact, but is a matter of opinion.  This is a position about which honest and I believe genuinely open minded people can and do disagree.  I should start by saying that I don’t believe for a minute that either candidate has a monopoly on morality. This also goes for my opinion about the parties themselves.  The liberal or progressive orientation toward looking out for the less fortunate is commendable, in and of itself.

In a vacuum, it can easily be argued that the liberal perspective is more compassionate and more “Christ like” than the conservative one.  The problem, however, is that Christ’s words were not spoken and were not directed to governmental entities, but rather to people.  If he was addressing any institutional entities, they were the institutions embedded in the Jewish synagogues, such as the Pharisees and the Sadducees. 

It takes a very creative argument to use the scriptures to extrapolate that Christians are to harness the government as the agent for caring for the poor.  A much more straightforward reading of the scriptures indicates that Christians are enjoined through the Church to care for the poor.  Paul’s epistles are replete with these sorts of injunctions, and to my knowledge he never once (nor did Jesus) command Christ’s followers to promote governmental programs in order to support the less fortunate. 

The weight of evidence is that this is to be done by individuals and through the Church.  While you may disagree with this perspective, and may feel that it is one of the primary callings of the government to administer these programs, many, many people disagree with this, and in fact believe that the government is one of the most corrupt and wasteful entities that exists, and as such is not an ideal or desirable entity to carry out this work.

 With respect to McCain’s lack of an apology for “making the rich richer” and the “poor poorer,” I don’t see any objective evidence that this has been his modus operandi at any point in his career. The progressive tax code that is in place in America is arbitrary, and the percentages paid by various categories of earners has waxed and waned over the course of the last few decades. 

There is no inherent morality associated with the percentages that one person believes should apply to different categories of earners versus another person’s position on this.  One person might hold that the top 50% of wage earners should pay 90% of the taxes, and another may hold that every person should pay the same tax regardless of income.  Neither position is more inherently moral than the other one. 

If the first position is more moral than the second, then isn’t the top 1% paying 85% of the taxes even more moral?  How about the top 0.1% paying 100% of the taxes?  Where does one draw the line?  Isn’t this an issue about which people honestly disagree and are not morally inferior if one person doesn’t agree with the next one?

If not, then Obama, with his recent (very recent) tax position is really only slightly morally superior to McCain, not substantially so, because their stated tax positions are not all that different.  And why is Obama being so shy about his morality, when he could propose a substantially more radical realignment of taxation?  If morality is proportional to how radically one is proposing income redistribution, then Obama is only slightly less morally challenged in this area than is McCain.

McCain has proposed that the current income tax levels remain in place (as opposed to raising the top bracket, as Obama has proposed).  This does not constitute McCain making the rich richer and the poor poorer.  It constitutes the status quo, and the status quo is based on an arbitrarily established progressive tax code--one which both McCain and Obama support. 

Unless one contends that the money itself inherently already belongs to the government, and the government should determine what it will allow people to keep, then it cannot be said that McCain is making the rich richer and the poor poorer.  If one does contend that all of the money already belongs to the government, then both McCain and Obama are highly immoral, because they are both proposing that many people get to keep a lot of money out there.

 As far as corporate welfare is concerned, our economic system is a profit motive based economic system.  It is a Capitalist system.  You may argue, and some do, that they want to see the system itself changed to something else, but today it is the system that we as a people have elected to adopt.  In this system, individuals and collections of individuals (corporations) produce goods and services and sell them in the marketplace with a goal of securing profits. 

There is no inherent guideline written in stone anywhere, however, to tell us how much in taxes corporations should pay on their profits.  People differ in their opinion as to what this level of taxation ought to be.  A person could legitimately contend that it should be 0%, and another person could contend that it should be 50%, while still another might contend that it should be 100% (though one would have to ask why a person or corporation would have any interest in or incentive to be productive if this were the case). 

Whatever number one believes is the right one, however, none of these positions constitutes corporate welfare.  Further, if one day a corporation’s tax rate is 40%, and the next day it is 30%, this is not corporate welfare, it is a tax reduction.  The term corporate welfare is a euphemism. 

Some economists (they may be right, they may be wrong) believe that lower taxation on corporations leads to overall economic growth, including robust employment of laborers.  The recent economic miracle in Ireland seems to indicate that there is some merit to this position.  So, couldn’t one plausibly argue that a candidate that supports lower tax rates is actually highly moral because this leads (or at least might lead) to higher employment rates?  I guess all that I am saying is that corporations are amoral, not moral or immoral.  Individuals within corporations may—and often do—steer them to take moral or immoral actions.

On the whole, however, they operate based on their own self interest, but that self interest can have very positive implications on the populace.  If raising corporate taxes leads to higher unemployment, it may prove to be the less moral thing to do than lowering taxes if lowering them leads to improved levels of employment.  So, McCain’s more aggressive position on corporate taxes could in fact be more moral than Obama’s campaign against so called corporate welfare.

 As to your allegation that McCain wants to keep men making more money than women make for the same work, I don’t know upon what you have based this.  Has McCain stated this position?  Has he voted on legislation mandating unequal pay for men versus women?  If he has, I would like to know about it. (Joy’s note: It has been proven that McCain actually pays his female employees the same rate whereas Obama does not do the same for his Chicago staff – all talk, no reality.)

 You stated that McCain wants to “keep tax breaks for the rich, none for the middle class.”  This is half true.  He wants to preserve or keep the recent tax reductions on the rich, but also the recent tax reductions on the middle class, and it is worthy of note that legislation in recent years that reduced income tax rates reduced them by a greater percentage for middle income people than for the wealthy.  This is not a matter of opinion.  It is established and incontrovertible fact.  As such, claiming that McCain wants to “keep tax breaks for the rich, none for the middle class” is factually incorrect.

From a personal standpoint, both McCain and Obama are rich men.  Granted, McCain is more rich than Obama is, largely on account of the incredible success of his wife’s family business.  Nonetheless, by most people’s yardsticks, and I would venture to guess by Obama’s own yardstick, both men are rich.  Obama also became rich in the free Capitalist market.

Is Obama not going to be able to go to heaven on account of it?  When Jesus said that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven, he went on to say, when his disciples asked him how then can anyone be saved (presuming that most if not all in some way would be considered rich), he replied that with man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

On the topic of abortion, my personal opinion is that the argument that women will get abortions anyhow if they are made illegal so they should remain legal is not a legitimate basis for keeping them legal anymore than it would be for any other crime. We certainly cannot make rape and murder and grand theft legal because having them classified as illegal doesn’t stop some people from committing these crimes. 

That Jesus did not explicitly condemn abortion and infanticide cannot be used as a basis for assuming that he condoned these practices.  There is any number of practices that he did not explicitly condemn, but that does not mean that the balance of scripture doesn’t condemn them. 

I have to challenge your claims about equal numbers of Christian and non-Christian, Republican and Democrat women availing themselves of abortions.  With all due respect, I think that you pulled this out of the air.  Where are the facts to back this up?  Common sense indicates that, for all our challenges with hypocrisy, and we have many, not as many Christians (per capita, shall we say) obtain abortions as non-Christians. 

I also think that it is fanciful to contend that as many Republicans obtain abortions as do Democrats.  Saying that it is so doesn’t make it so.  I know that you have grave problems with the Republican Party, but I can assure you that, contrary to your assertion, the vast majority of Republicans believe that abortion is murder, and they do not preserve it in order to prop up the party. 

Given the opportunity, many would outlaw it outright, but most would get the courts out of the issue and would remand it to the individual states for them to implement the position on abortion dictated by their own respective electorates.

With respect to homosexuality, it is simply not possible to read Paul’s epistles without concluding that he explicitly condemns homosexuality.  You may disagree with his position.  You may contend that the epistles are not really scripture.  You may contend that the Bible is an ancient document and religion should be more progressive, allowing things today that were at one time the object of condemnation.

One is entitled to all of these positions.  One is not entitled to the position that Paul does not condemn homosexuality because he does so in the most unequivocal of terms.  This is a fact.  It wasn’t the sum total of his teachings, and it wasn’t a primary emphasis of them.  He nonetheless brings the topic up on several occasions, however, and his position is clear.

I don’t see where Senator McCain has made homosexuality a focal point of his campaign any more than Obama has.  What I have seen is that both contend that the institution of marriage is uniquely reserved to take place between one man and one woman.  On this, at least as it relates to their professed position on the matter, they do not differ with one another. (Joy’s note: It has been proven that Obama has again changed positions along with his running mate Biden to embrace homosexual marriage and rights. McCain continues to not change.)

 You have stated that Sarah Palin is not smart.  If a person is not smart, they are stupid.  While I know that you may disagree with Sarah Palin on most if not all issues, most fair minded people would acknowledge that it is extraordinarily difficult to become governor of any state if one is stupid.  It is even more difficult to become the most popular governor in the country while one is stupid. 

This allegation seems more like the general characterization that the opponents of Republicans level against them.  They are stupid.  I cannot count how many times I have heard a Democrat say that this, that or the other Republican is stupid.  Nixon was stupid, as was Ford.  Reagan was stupid, and both Bushes.

In my opinion, if Sarah Palin simply embraced a liberal agenda and not a conservative one—and nothing at all about her was otherwise different—she would have been lauded by the media as the quintessential dynamic example of accomplishment and of living the dream held by many career and family-oriented women for whom the feminist cause has argued for decades now. 

But, she is a conservative and not a liberal, and that disqualifies her.

You stated that your stocks didn’t go up under Bush, and “that is how they like it.” Without question, the market has been thrashed in recent weeks due to the financial crisis that has hit.  We have lost about 35% of the value in our retirement account.  In my opinion, there is plenty of blame to go around.  There is no question that the lion’s share of the mortgage crisis traces directly back to the like of Barney Frank who mandated that banks lend to financially unworthy parties.  Banks are in the business to make money, and when the government puts them into a headlock to do what is against their own interest, trouble ensues. 

The Republicans did not raise flags about this as strenuously as they should have, however, and Bush is the President, so it is his watch and he must take responsibility.  He has also spent like a drunken sailor.  In my opinion, from a spending standpoint, he belongs in the Democrat hall of fame. 

But even if you attribute 100% of the crisis to Bush, it is hardly credible that he would actually want you to lose money in your investments.  Attribute the worst self-interest in the world to him, and tell me how it benefits him if you lose money?  How does it benefit him if the market itself goes down at all?  If he is a committed Republican, if anything he would want the market to go up, and wildly so.  You may blame him for your financial misfortunes, but actually thinking that he wishes them upon you is incredible.

I flatly do not believe that Barak Obama inspires people to help themselves.  I do believe that Barak Obama inspires people to believe that he will ensure that the government will provide more handouts to them.

 As far as the international community is concerned, I agree that in general the U.S. is held in low esteem by many in the world.  This has certainly increased under the Bush administration.  Many of us feel that the opinion that the French have of us, as an example, however, is secondary to our own safety. 

Faced with a choice between their admiration and our national security, I would vote in favor of our national security 100 times out of 100.  I think that most people would agree that Bush could have done considerably better in the area of diplomacy than he has done.  It is unfair to not acknowledge that the motive in much of the world for the U.S. to change is to advantage them at the expense of the U.S. 

The United Nations has always held the U.S. in contempt, whether the president has been a Republican or a Democrat at the time.  None of the people that you toasted with, unfortunately, have any genuine say in our election next week—nor should they. They are not U.S. citizens. 

All other things being equal, it is preferable to be liked as opposed to disliked. 

Whether or not we will be liked, however, should not be the basis for the pursuit of our protection in a dangerous world.  I am sure that you and I have radically different views on these topics, but I can say that the opinion of my international friends about who we elect as president has not at all entered into my consideration.

Now, to the men themselves.  You have said the following about Obama:

He is a fine man—I don’t doubt this.  He commands a presence, is an excellent speaker (especially with a tele-prompter), is articulate, and appears to be quite likeable.

He is a well-educated man—again, I don’t dispute this.  Harvard Law School is quite an accomplishment.

 He has devoted his life to public service—what he has spent his time doing with his life bears this out.

He is smart—again, no dispute here.  He appears to be very smart.

He is compassionate—I believe that he is a compassionate man.  I believe that he does care about the plight of the less fortunate.

Can I tell you anything good about McCain?

I find it astonishing that you can’t find something good about McCain yourself.  You can be against the man and not want him to be president and still find good things about him.  Unless virtually all of the key Democratic leaders in congress are fools, they have found much about McCain that is good.  Just explore the many times that they have heaped praise on him, unless they were simply lying, which doesn’t reflect well on them.  McCain possesses many of the same qualities that you have pointed out about Obama.

He is a fine man—you shouldn’t doubt this.  If you have things that you can point out about him that make him a less than fine person (these certainly exist), they also exist for Obama.  A fair-minded assessment of both men’s life history and rise to power contains less than fine moments.

 He is a well-educated man—well, he is not Harvard Law School educated, but he did attend the Naval Academy (with a notoriously poor showing in his class ranking).  To those who know him, this was more due to youthful arrogance than lack of aptitude. Very few people on both sides of the aisle would question McCain’s mental aptitude and the education that he has received from his rich life.

He has devoted his life to public service—I hope that you agree that this applies to McCain every bit as much as it does to Obama, even if he hasn’t been doing things that you would admire the way that you admire Obama.

He is smart—again, I would leave it up to the opinion of his Democratic colleagues in the Senate to validate this.

He is compassionate—McCain and his wife adopted a girl from Bangladesh.  Once might say that this was easy with all his wealth, but how many people are wealthy who have never done such a thing?

McCain has experienced war firsthand in a way that few can claim.  This has equipped him to take steps that could prevent worse wars with their horrors than any that we have seen.  I gather that you would argue that Obama is more compassionate that McCain is as demonstrated in Obama’s more progressive agenda.  You can certainly take that position. 

I don’t agree that McCain’s willingness to extend tax cuts that have been enacted in recent years, including those to high income earners, makes him uncompassionate.  I don’t agree that cutting taxes for corporations makes him uncompassionate.  I do claim that cutting (or preserving cuts on) taxes—both for individuals and for corporations--may be more effective for the economy than raising them.  Obama does not have a monopoly in the compassion department.

I would add to the above, without at this point commenting on these topics as they relate to Obama, by saying that McCain is highly experienced in both domestic and foreign policy (whether you agree with his positions or not, that he is experienced is a fact), he is someone that is very much a centrist (often to the chagrin of his own party) with a proven track record of reaching across the aisle, and he is a reformer (his record of legislation has proved this to be the case).

I would add to this that, even though he is a centrist, he still leans to the right, which is attractive to me.  You may vehemently disagree with McCain’s policies, but he is not very much unlike Obama in the ways that you have described that you like about Obama.

I wouldn’t be being fair to myself or to my cause if I did not point out what I don’t like about Obama.

Obama is a profoundly liberal man.  To liberals, this is a godsend.  What irks me is that he is running as a centrist when he is absolutely not a centrist (unless he just became one in the last few months!).  While you may be thoroughly jazzed about this guy precisely because of his liberalism, wouldn’t you prefer that he was actually running on the platform that he believes?  Why doesn’t he run on the platform that he has voted with all of his career? 

Of course, he is an opportunist.

I’m not saying that McCain is not, but there is no question that Barak Obama is an opportunist.  He is a chameleon.  Watch his voting career, then his positions during the primaries, and now his general election positions.  He is running inconsistent with what he himself believes.

Obama is no messiah.

He is a politician.  And that’s the whole point. 

He is a consummate politician—perhaps even more skilled than the great one, Bill Clinton.  Hey, why take it away from him.  That is his profession.  Just don’t try to tell me that he is the new hope, the fundamental change agent to usher in the dawn of some new utopian age.  This is a purely fictitious marketing ploy.  Sure, he is a compelling speaker, and is obviously quite inspirational to many of his followers.  The hope and change that he is peddling, however, has no substance to underpin it. 

How, specifically, has he run his campaign differently as this new kind of post-partisan politician?    The answer is, he hasn’t.  Is he just waiting until he becomes president to become post-partisan?   He has proved to be opportunistic at every stage of the game.

Hey, good for him, after all he is a very skilled politician.

Part of that skill is to act like every other politician while telling people that he is the new kind of uber-politician—and to convince many of them of it when the facts plainly belie the claim.

Obama for months pushed McCain to pledge to accept public campaign financing, which Obama himself pledged to do.  Then, following McCain’s acceptance, Obama discarded his pledge and went in a different direction.  I agree that this was shrewd, after all it was to his advantage to do so.  But how, then, is he an example of the post-political new kind of politician that he is holding himself out to be?  Obama has this habit of decrying any attack on his positions as the “old underhanded politics of division,” and then he turns right around and attacks McCain. 

So, McCain shouldn’t attack Obama, but it is okay for Obama to attack McCain?  This is just disingenuous.  And where is the history of reform that he claims for himself?  I don’t see any substantive legislation to back it up.  On the contrary, his voting record in both Illinois and in the U.S. Senate is decidedly contrary to reform.  Sarah Palin has a much stronger record of reform than does Obama. 

While you may profoundly dislike her, the reforms that she implemented in Alaska are compelling.  Give me a Democrat who has actually gone after other Democrats for corruption like she did against her Republican colleagues.  I can’t think of one.  You may think that she is stupid, but she is pretty courageous as well.

Obama is not very experienced. 

You may agree with his positions and may shudder at the thought of McCain being president, but it doesn’t change the fact that Obama is remarkably inexperienced.  He certainly was profoundly inexperienced in the opinion of his Democratic opponents throughout the primaries.  They only changed their tunes after he secured the nomination.  So, were they making it up during the primaries in order to beat him, and they really believed that he was experienced then, or are they making it up now, and they still don’t think that he is very experienced?  Or maybe he has magically become experienced in the space of the last few months?  That’s certainly convenient.

I don’t think that the Democrats would rest for a minute in pointing out the experience gap if the tables were turned on the level of relative experience between the two candidates.  Just look at how strongly they jumped on Sarah Palin’s experience.  To them, it was more critical that the VP candidate, “a heartbeat away from the presidency” was relatively inexperienced than that their candidate for the presidency itself was relatively inexperienced.  He has gotten a complete pass, and she was slammed and derided as though she had been a passerby picked up off the street.

The biggest single problem that I have with Obama is that I simply do not believe what he says.  Do I believe him to be a liar?  Absolutely!  Is McCain a liar too?  Probably so.  After all, they are both politicians.  With respect to Obama, I don’t believe that his pronouncements that he is currently running on reflect his true beliefs.

All that one needs to do is to evaluate his record and the way in which he has voted compared with what he is saying today on a variety of topics to plainly see that this is the case.  (In my opinion, he is far more radical than he is letting on.)  The most glaring one is the tax issue.  Is there a single bill that he has ever voted for that actually reduces taxes?  And the Iraq war. 

He deftly outmaneuvered Hillary Clinton by demanding an immediate withdrawal from Iraq throughout the primaries.  No sooner had he clinched the nomination than his tune radically changed.  We must now have a sensible withdrawal.  One only needs to read his actual words on all of these topics to see his opportunism.

I also believe that he intends far more radical income redistribution than he is letting on. I believe that his true intentions for government growth in social programs will make the FDR and Johnson years look like a primitive dress rehearsal.  I believe that he could seek to implement radically socialistic programs, and with Pelosi and Reid at the helm of Congress, he would have willing assistants in the endeavor.  While these approaches may be appealing to you, they are decidedly not to me.

 Look at it this way.  I perceive that you are a committed liberal.  If what Obama is saying today about many issues are his true feelings about the matter, you cannot be happy with him, because many of his positions are quite centrist in character.  Then again, if he is really cloaking himself in centrism in order to get elected, then he is a charlatan.

Pronouncements that he and his mentors have made in the past indicate that he would virtually say whatever he needs to say to become elected, and would rationalize that it is ethically sound in the interest of the higher calling of what he can do in the position of president.  In other words, the ends justify the means. 

He is a profoundly astute politician, and certainly a more skilled politician than John McCain is, but that is all that he is.  He is not a savior.  He is not a panacea.  He is not even someone who believes many of the things that he campaigns on—except in those rare, unscripted moments when his true feelings seep out.

You may think that he is the ideal candidate due to how committed he is to the liberal cause, and you are absolutely entitled to that perspective.  I just wish that he was more honest and forthright about his true beliefs and intentions because most people do not have the resources to research his past, and the vast majority of the media cannot be counted on to seriously evaluate and bring to light anything that might call him into question.

 As John McCain said of Barack Obama, “I cannot wish him luck, but I do wish him well.”  I cannot wish you luck in your support of your candidate, but I do wish you well.


Thank you for reading. Means a lot to all of us.

God bless you.

Never Give Up, Never Give Up, Never Give Up - Winston Churchill

By Joy A. Kennelly

I'm writing you from Las Vegas, NV where I just spent all day yesterday walking precincts and getting out the vote on behalf of John McCain/Sarah Palin. Although the media hasn't covered this in national news, there are over 800 volunteers from UT, ID, and CA in support of McCain making phone calls, knocking on doors, and encouraging the crucial state of NV to vote!

You might also not know that Rudy Guiliani was out here for a rally to fire us all up. I have tons of pix that I'll upload once I get home - still here, ready for another day on the campaign. I am so proud to be an American I can't begin to tell you.

One thing that Rudy said that was very encouraging to me personally was, "You will always be able to look back at this weekend with confidence that you did everything you could." or words to that effect.

That's why I'm here. That's what is motivating me and so many others of us. Just realize the media isn't telling you everything and there may be more surprises come election day too.

I leave you with this quote by Winston Churchill, in a speech made October 1941 to the boys at Harrow School, "Never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.''

More later.

I have to go now...