Couple of things - Palin/Biden debate, comic, Catholic vote
Palin Rally in Carson, Republican booth at the MB Home Town Fair

Onto something a little more fun Domi & me out on the town - finally, right?

By Joy A. Kennelly

What I've been loving about being more vocal about my political beliefs is that it's sussing others out who normally don't say anything either. One friend teasingly (I hope she was teasing!) said she almost defriended me on Facebook when she saw who I was stumping for.

Then she said she thought most publicists were Dems to which I replied, if I only publicized things I personally agreed with life would be very boring and it's a very short-sighted way of doing business.

Another friend expressed concern that I might lose business over being so vocal. Maybe so. However, I don't mind, to be honest. If someone only doesn't want to work with me because of my politics then there's probably other reasons I wouldn't want to represent them either. If people are more evolved than just their politics, then I'm happy to work together.

Take my current Celebrity client, Domiziano Arcangeli, for instance. We're about as diametrically opposed on numerous political and moral issuse as you can get, but we respect and understand each other and appreciate those differences while learning from each other.

Same with many of my other liberal friends whom I deeply love and care about.

Just because someone disagrees with me is no reason not to be friends! That's what makes life interesting! I learn from them and they (sometimes) learn from me.:) If all we focused on were our differences then maybe we wouldn't be friends for as long as we have been, but we have so many other things in common above and beyond politics and religion it makes our friendships/relationships richer and deeper.

I LOVE hearing about the Jewish practices my friend Shana shares with me. I love it. I also love hearing people's opinions about the debate, this race, and race, gender issues in general. I think there's room in this world for all kinds of beliefs and experiences. I also believe we're all allowed to have our own opinions and express them which I will do until the day I die and support everyone else to do so too.

Apparently I'm not the only one to think so either according to this recent NY Times article entitled, Talking Politics in the Office by Journalist Lisa Belkin. Heres an excerpt I especially like which I hope I have followed, but know I probably haven't all the time.

"Jamie and Maren Showkeir, consultants specializing in workplace culture, and the authors of the book “Authentic Conversations: Moving from Manipulation to Truth and Commitment,” have some tips on what to avoid when engaging in political conversation in the office: don’t assume your co-workers share your political views and opinions; don’t abuse your power or position, avoid making politics personal; discuss rather than debate; and try to find common ground."

I do like intelligent discussions, but being battered by someone doesn't feel good. If you have felt battered by me. I'm sorry. Now that I'm more cognizant of this fact I will try to be more balanced. However, I have to admit I did send that girl from my earlier post who sent me 12 pro-Obama newsletters a big fat email with my personal opinions from recent blogs which tipped her over the edge.

I don't mind though because now she's stopped bugging me. LOL Couldn't help myself. :) Last time though I promise. (Unless she pisses me off again.)

In any case, here's some fun pix from the other night's red carpet event up at Les Deux (sp?) in Hollywood against child pornography which was a lot of fun even though it's a very serious subject.

Really helped clear the brain to have some fun and discuss something other than politics. My client Domiziano Arcangeli was interviewed because his art house Italian film, House of Flesh Mannequins, directly relates to this issue.

(The trailer is really gory, sexual and gross because it's a horror so be warned. Very artistic though.:) It's definitely causing a stir in Italy with the Catholic Church. Domi and I laugh all the time that I'm involved with him because of this. Oh well. What can I say? I try to be open-minded about repping artists. However, it's not a film I'll be watching any time soon. He knows it too. We're cool.)

Here's a little behind-the-scenes of what goes on at red carpet events in case you ever wondered.

Vip check-in Domi & interviewer Domi & camera 2nd interview 2nd interview4 Behind the scenes Domi back interview2 Me & dom Happy domi D & j Domi bumped into his Actor friend, Jeffrey James Lippold, who had been in the Samurai Avenger: The Blind Wolf film with him. We all had fun hanging out together. Isn't he a cutie patootie? Uh oh, I think I'm being a cougar right now. Better pull my claws back in. :)

Jeffrey Mad dom Me & g Domi's Italian friend, Giovanni, came along to keep us company too. He doesn't speak much English, but enjoys hanging out with us because we're always laughing and joking around.
Possessed d & j Wouldn't this picture make you LOL? That's what I mean. We always goof around taking pix like Japanese tourists. Sometimes Domi has to tell me to put the camera away because it's too much.:)

Trio Trio2 We sure had fun that night. Ready for the next event! Have a good one.

Oh, because I've been so consumed with politics I haven't shared the latest and the greatest regarding Free Life International! We just launched a healthy energy drink called Chi3 Energy. You can buy some at my site: It's less expensive than buying the straight GoChi Juice and has an ounce of GoChi in it too.

I recommend taking it early in the day though because I was going till 3am the couple of times I drank it. I never crashed which was nice. Just would like to get to sleep earlier!:) Here's a new website designed to answer your questions about the product called:

You can always buy it directly through me, or go to my online website to experience it and they will ship it directly to you:

What does Chi3 Energy do?

You'll feel alert, focused, and ready to go without the jitters or the sugar crash that can come from drinking high-calorie canned energy drinks. Learn more about Chi3 Energy

What's it for?

There may be other energy drinks, but there's only one king of the mountain, and that's Chi3 Energy. It's the only energy drink powered by GoChi®, the incredible goji berry super juice that's been clinically shown to increase energy, fight fatigue, and improve mental function and athletic performance. Read Chi3 Energy

What's in it?

Chi3 Energy is scientifically formulated to deliver smooth, long-lasting energy. Metabolism-enhancing B-vitamins and mind-nourishing amino acids are skillfully combined with a healthy splash of green tea and a full ounce of our proprietary GoChi to give you just the right lift. Chi3 Energy Ingredients

Okay, that's all for now. Back to my regularly scheduled day. Just felt like lightening the mood a bit. My back is feeling much better thanks to the great care of my Chiropractor, Dr. Christopher Palmer. He employs active release techniques in addition to traditional chiropractic treatments and it's been working wonders!

I can't wait till I can start wearing heels again, but now I can sit on a wood chair without much pain; I can drive farther and not experience the excruciating neck pain that has been debilitating; I'm sleeping better; my TMJ is improving too.

Helps that I've also been drinking my GoChi Juice again. Great anti-inflammatory. Highly recommend it!

Have a great weekend! Let me know if you want to try some Chi3! I sell it independently, or you can buy it off my website: Thanks.


Jeffrey James Lippold

Love the photos! How funny are they?!! lmao....thanks hope to see you again cougar you! I had fun Thanks! Anything for the kids right?

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