Huckabee, Obama, McCain, AVP's, & The Shore Restaurant and Lounge
September 28, 2008
Watching the new Huckabee Show - did you know it existed? I didn't till now. Very interesting. Geraldine Ferraro, Dave Ramsey, and cute Elizabeth Hasselbeck were on it.
I've put a link to Whoopi Goldberg's opinion on racism that Elizabeth counteracts tearfully on The View. It is worth watching if you're curious about another perspective than mine. Dave is actually a Christian financial guy who has a very popular radio program.
Huckabee was asking what everyone recommended for the financial situation which I've not been listening to very closely, but wanted to tell you what type of guests he had on. The VP of Fox Business referred people to the Community Reinvestment Act to see what Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were originally designed to accomplish. Click on the link if you're curious.
This is too cute. Huckabee's closing his show with what sounds like a church band what with all the guitars, doing a cover of Only in America sung a little off-key and not very passionately. Too cute. Go Huckabee. Guess he's clinging to his church roots.
Oh, and because some don't always read comments, I'm reposting some key links a friend sent me that you might not have heard or read before re: Obama's connection to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and his personal pay-out (above others who've been statesmen longer!)
I'm doing it here because generally whatever I link to rises to the top of Google and this is important. Democrats, I dare you to watch and read this then comment:
And from Investor's Business Daily, The Real Culprits In This Meltdown
From a blog called, HotAir - Whose policies led to the credit crisis?
And the Holy Grail of the newspaper world, The New York Times, from September 11, 2003 New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
Okay, enough of that. It is Saturday after all, but didn't want to leave that thought from yesterday just hanging there. Oh, and by the way, I really enjoyed hearing Obama speak during the debate last night. Surprised me at his knowledge of foreign relations, but did feel like I was being lectured by a college professor vs. someone with actual life experience as I felt when listening to McCain.
It's going to definitely be interested. Can't wait for the Palin/Biden debate next. I'm becoming my parents - help!
Here's some pix from fun events I've either attended, or thrown recently. The first is last Sunday's AVP's Men's championships with the recent Olympic athletes (whose names I don't know, but enjoyed viewing nonetheless. Oh, you can find out more by clicking on the link. Sorry, not that into sports, just hot guys. Especially shirtless ones. Now do you know why I love living near the beach? lol)
If you scroll down the pix fast enough it's almost you were watching them play!:) I thought this year's seating arrangements for the MB AVP's were the best ever. Lots of available viewing and seating for everyone.
Here's some highlights. One night I hit two back-to-back with a client and then had to dash down to The Shore for another one. Needless to say, I was emotionally, physically and mentally drained by the end of the night.
One particular event was to raise awareness for Project Reina which keeps African American and Latina women and girls HIV/AIDS free through the promotion of education, prevention and wellness. Go to for more information.
Actress Gina Ravera (The Closer, ER) started this movement and was on hand to promote the artist's work and her project. If I had known who she was (she's much smaller in person), I would have taken her pic too, but didn't open the press kit till just now. That's a bummer too because I really like The Closer. Oh well...
This was such an elegant event it was really pleasant. Hated to leave.
This was The Shore's BMW/Equinox USC v. OSU football game viewing party. Bummer for USC. We're an equal opportunity venue and will be hosting UCLA's Alumni Association on October 16 at The Shore for a wine tasting. All are welcome!
Okay, I think that's all for now!:)