Thanks for praying. Deb's Dad is doing real well.
What a difference sleep makes...

Tonight was an interesting mish mosh of events, oh I mean morning.

By Joy A. Kennelly

Ok. I'm done. No more cougaring for me. Only real men need apply. Wasted more time on the stupid 26 year old only to learn he has a girlfriend. Typical.

Then the 31 year old said he was going to come over tonight after his night out like it was his right to do so. I didn't feel like being his hotel and left to hang out with my friend instead. I am not into men who don't treat you to dinner and just expect sex. So over that attitude and action it's not even funny.

Deliberately left my phone at home to have a break from everyone and returned to find 9 text messages and 7 voicemails from the 31 year old, each one progressively drunker.  Then he shows up at 1:30am, barges his way in my apt., strips down, gets into my bed, and refuses to leave because he's too drunk to drive! Acting like I owe him to stay over so he won't get a DUI!

So over you dude. Not into drunks. Get a DUI and maybe you'll change.

Fortunately, I have a great group of neighbors I'd been hanging with for most of the morning when I got back tonight and they came up to help me kick his butt out when he refused to leave. My one neighbor Duke was hoping this guy would put up more resistance because he was in the mood to fight, but I'm glad he just left.

Didn't hurt that Duke is very tall and spoke authoritatively in his deepest voice. Thanks Duke! You're my hero. Really you are.

I'm telling you, the South Bay is feeling a little claustrophobic because all the guys I'm meeting are either young or alcoholic. So over it! Time to start going back to the gym now that my back is healing and throwing more parties because I always meet nice people then.

Now it's 3am and I really must get some sleep.

Church in the morning! I mean in 6 hours. It already is morning. Tonight was really fun despite that one little episode. Felt real nice to have my neighbors support me when this guy was being such a jerk. Sorry Ry, you know it's true. Don't call me and I won't call you. Thank you very much.

Okay, I need to hear the Bible in the morning to cleanse my mind.

I gots to go.


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