What a fun weekend! Sharkeez pre-opening party and other stuff...
July 21, 2008
If I have to be stuck in my neighborhood because I can't drive very far right now, I guess living in Hermosa Beach aint so bad after all. I've got the beach, good friends, beautiful weather, lots of fun, free stuff to do, and great restaurants all within walking distance. Doesn't get any better than that. Right?
Saturday shopped for the perfect outfit to wear to Sharkeez Pre-opening party and a private party on the rooftop of the Thompson Hotel which was fun, yet stressful too in its own way.
I need a new bathing suit now and trying to find something cute at the same time for the beach and the parties just wasn't happening. No bathing suit, but some other stuff.
Guess I'll have to skinny dip till I find something I like. JUST KIDDING.
One time when I was backpacking through Europe, I went to the beaches of Nice, France. I was all excited to go topless when for the first time the whole trip, I met this really cute guy. I was too shy then. Damn that cute guy. Just kidding.
Looking around at all the other pale English babes burning their boobies beachside (I love alliteration, don't you?) made me realize that the concept of wearing a backpack while burnt, just wasn't a smart thing to do. So, I skipped it. No regrets either.
Speaking of nakedness, what I've been experiencing lately with young guys (yes, I have that Cougar element - if you speak it, they will come...) who act interested in me who send me pix of them in just their Calvin Kleins. Whoa baby!
I'm very flattered, but I'm just not that kind of girl anymore. At least I'm trying hard not to be. But have to admit, it's getting harder and harder! I've been good for a very long time and not in the mood to falter now, but hot bods in my email box doesn't make it any easier.
It's very nice to think that young guys are sexually interested in me. But then again, they're young. Aren't they sexually interested in everyone? LOL
Just learned that another friend of mine is a bona-fide Cougar since she's in her 40's and her guy is 25. You go girl! Why should Demi have all the fun?
What cracked me up today is that casually chatting with a new friend about this recent phenomena in my life, she assumed that I only dated younger men. Then, when a guy closer to my age expressed interest in me to her, she said, "Oh, she dates younger men."
Then she tried to interest me in him saying he wasn't too old since he was just 40. She totally cracked me up, but also embarrassed me because that's totally not who I am. I may tease a lot and enjoy young men's company, but I like all kinds of guys - young, old, black, white, husky, hot, whoever...
Here's an article from Yahoo which gives you tips just in case you're curious about Dating Older Women though: http://dating.personals.yahoo.com/singles/datingtips/86378/dating-older-women;_ylt=Av6gqJFFAWxvvCpDiEIIxVwazJV4
Pretty funny, eh? But true.
Enough on this. On with the party report!
I must say, I'm getting more and more tired of the BS that goes on with Hollywood/Beverly Hills parties. My friend and I made the effort to go all the way up to the Thompson Hotel only to be told we weren't on the list and they refused to help even though she had rsvped, was an advertiser, and we requested they find our contact (as you normally do whenever the door guy is clueless.)
Well, despite our best efforts with the lame hotel staff (sorry, but it's true - total lack of customer service. OY!) and leaving a message with one of the party staff for our contact we weren't able to connect and chose to leave because Sharkeez was a' calling.
Turns out my friend's contact did have us on the list and emailed Lana twice thinking she had a blackberry and would see it, but we didn't till too late. That type of list crap just pisses me off. Oh well, it's over. Bye bye bitches. LOL
We had a great time when we got back to Hermosa at The Shore first because I wanted to show off the space for Lana to consider for one of her fashion clients. She loved the space, loved the food, and everyone there. We'll figure out all the details and then you'll be the first to know.
After a bit, walked over to Sharkeez where we were warmly greeted and treated like the VIP's we are. JUST KIDDING! I love saying that, but am totally joking. I'm not like that, but I do hate disrespect of me, or anyone else for that matter.
Back to the party.
What a hopping place! There were so many people there, many I didn't know which was fun. I also saw a lot of people I do know and some I've been curious about (like the former mayor of HB nicknamed Burgie.)
Also bumped into a guy I've wanted to meet because I think he's interesting, but never had the opportunity to do so until last night. Turns out not only is Dan an Emmy Award Winning cinematographer, he's also involved with our Public Works department in a leadership capacity.
He told me about some guy at their last meeting who became so belligerent Dan had to use the gavel for the first time ever to get back control of the meeting! All this over a stupid sidewalk! That's what cracks me up about living here in Hermosa. People are such characters!
Here's an example of one right now. Some of you may recognize him. I took a pic with him while he may not know who I am because if he knew, he probably wouldn't have been as friendly.
This man Burgie, many believe, was the guy who is responsible for all the lawlessness of all the Downtown bars because he kicked the ABC (Alcohol Beverage Control) out of Hermosa years ago. They're back now and really active.
Burgie totally reminds of my friend's Dad because they look alike. Burgie's more wild though, that's for sure. Very fun-loving guy, but...
Here's another one of him and our local Planning Commissioner who shall remain nameless to protect the innocent, but if you live here, you know him. Big kiss PH!:)
Sorry, Ron didn't take my camera away... Just know, this is all in fun ok? You are a good guy and we all love you... You're allowed to let loose too since it's been stressful for you too!:)
I think PH just told Burgie who I was. Big difference in his demeanor, eh? Or maybe he's sucking something sour. Love you Burgie!:)
There were a lot of other fun happy people in attendance and Sharkeez is wonderful. The food was quite delicious, our bartender cute which lead me to drink more than my usual (what can I say? It's been stressful lately!), and just a great, happy vibe.
Here's some more pix from last night:
Aren't the decorations fun?
Here's the happy owners in the next pic. Very nice guys and extremely smart business men. Gotta love handsome AND smart, right? Don't be thinking anything, they're both very happily married to very beautiful women. I'm just saying...
Recognize my picketing bud, Julie? She's running SURFin Hermosa group along with a bunch of other people which, and I quote, "is a new group of civic-minded Hermosa Beach residents who have made a commitment to work together to protect and enrich the traditional quality of life in our city.
Their steering committee is comprised of former City Council candidates, long-time city activists and concerned citizens and business owners. 'SURFinHermosa' is a new link connecting members of the community to our city's various institutions, dedicated to seeing that the rights and responsibilities of every citizen are served."
This has been a public service announcement.
More of the happy dudes enjoying the evening.
This is our bartender, Brady. I wasn't lying was I? Tall too! Wonder how old he is? LOL
My good friend Lana enjoyed herself too. Doesn't she look pretty?
What do you call a blonde and two red heads? Out numbered!:)
I see he liked our bartender's skills too!:) Yummy tropical drinks I must say. I recommend the Mai Tais.
Ron Newman with his mistress. JUST KIDDING. She said I could say that. This is Sienna Tucker, our local councilman's wife. Remember her?
We all had fun last night and attempted to let bygones be bygones. Doesn't she look pretty here? She's very civic minded and heads up a lot of great groups in the city. Thanks Sienna!
This is to give you a little idea of what more of the interior looks like. Isn't it fun? Totally cabo beach vibe. We had a great time and it made me happy to live in Hermosa Beach. Real people, real good times, and real good food.
That's all for now. Will share more about the great sermon Jim shared over at Bay Cities Community Church later. Really helps to have someone wise speak God's truth into your life is all I have to say. The only thing keeping me from being a floozy. JUST KIDDING!
Well, maybe just a little truth...
God bless everyone! Have a great week!