A little bit of this and a little bit of that...
January 26, 2008
Did anyone else think that Yahoo's news stating that certain shows were going off the air "Thanks to the Writer's Strike" was a little condescending and snotty? To me that title was implying that the writers were only to blame whereas there lays so much more "blame" on the "other side."
If I were the Writer's Guild strike leaders, I would pursue all the fan club members of Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives and any other popular shows that have gone off the air recently because of the strike. I would galvanize them to start picketing in protest for their shows to go back on the air. I would join it! It worked down here. I'm sure it would work in Hollywood!
Once people in power and advertisers see that even the general public is sick of this hold-out too, then maybe, just maybe, things would move along. It's so sad. I miss my shows! Marc Cherry - do something! Save us! We need Desperate Housewives or some of us will become them too!:)
On another note, I think the death of Heath Ledger is very sad too, but I sure wish the media would give his family a break from the scrutiny. I think it was just accidental. He was such a very cool guy it seems, definitely a talented actor, and it's so sad he died so young. Enough said.
I have had SUCH a busy week! It's been fun, but a little much. And the thing is, it's not over yet, tomorrow is a big Town Hall regarding what they plan to do to Upper Pier Ave in my little city. What's sad is that the residents have been so ignored and stamped down for so many years by Sam Edgerton, the city council member residents believe is most responsible for these issues, and others.
Now, they're afraid of any new changes (even though we need them) because of what happened when residents allowed Pier Plaza to come in. Overrun by drunks and punks with no end in sight.
Apparently one more restaurant down here, Il Boccaccio, which was the recipient of the Southern California Restaurant Writers' Association Awards five years in a row, is being taken over by the Newman family that controls Sharkeez which means it's only a matter of time before it too gets turned into a nightclub since that's the m.o. down here.
Isn't that sad? Another real restaurant bites the dust and for what? More bar/nightclub action! Can you believe that this little 1 mile city has 16 bars and now even more? An alcoholic's heaven! Gangs and everything else that comes with allowing your city to turn into "Barmosa."
Whatever happened to our wonderful surf history? I moved back for the beach, not the bars. If I wanted Hollywood, I would have stayed there. I wonder what some of the celebs who live down here think about all this?
Anyone know Jimmy Kimmel? Rumor has it he lives here, but I doubt he cares. Why should he? He's kind of a crass guy himself, but doesn't he have a 13 year old? Oh yeah, that's right he was encouraging his underage minor to have sex if I remember correctly. Oh man am I opinionated! But I'm sure there's some of you who agree with my estimation of him to. You can't all be amoral can you?:)
And people wonder why I rant? I rant because I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take my little slice of heaven turning into a slum any more! People - join the cause!:) We are Sober and Sexy! I heard that term from a party promoter the other day and love it! Isn't it funny? Maybe one day that will be hot because Sloppy Drunks only go with Stupid. Sloppy Drunk and Stupid right?
Although as I've been reminded again and again by people on This is Hermosa, not all people who drink are alcoholics. And even some of those who are, are proud of it and not going to change. So be it! I'm happy for you...:) I'm still going to encourage attending AA to anyone who will listen though! It's the Al-Anon in me.:)
Moving right along. I was at dinner tonight locally and bumped into a couple I met at the HB Chamber Mixer last night who were gathered with a bunch of friends. They were discussing the Downtown issues which was interesting to overhear to say the least.
They're not too happy about everything either. I will be curious to see if they show up tomorrow. I hope so! Did learn they watch the video of these meetings though. You never know who's watching turns out.
They too thought it was a ridiculous waste of time devoted to determining whether or not the man with the stinky, piss-filled yard of huge Newfoundlands should be allowed to keep three vs. two of them too. More time was spent on this issue than ever spent on human's urinating on Pier Plaza I bet. But that's because "Bars good. All residents who complain crazy." Check out the story here.
The HB Chamber Mixer was interesting. The food, (when it came out, albeit rarely!), was quite delicious. Apparently a chef has been brought on to serve a higher quality of food on Monday nights to raise the quality of people who visit, but it doesn't seem like a good fit. Isn't Monday Night Football coming up soon? I'm totally clueless re: sports though so I could be wrong. High end food with sports fans at an obvious sports bar for locals? Not.
I just found it extremely curious why there weren't servers bringing out food, only the chef making the food herself and bringing it out herself too. Doesn't The North End Bar serve food? Check out the menu! If so, wouldn't they have servers on staff especially when they knew there would be a big crowd?
Or maybe they weren't expecting so many people. I did hear it was the first time in three years or so this bar had ever hosted a chamber mixer, but that's just another example of the HB Chamber defending one of their own if I may be so bold. Gotta support the due payers...
I couldn't finish my drink because I was so hungry I was afraid I'd get drunk. Lightweight, I know, but generally there are enough appetizers floating around I don't get drunk when I enjoy my one drink of the night.
I did see lots of cute young guys, certain City Council members there (but of course! Even Sam Edgerton, the big, bad, bossy attorney who has bullied the city council for the past 16 years and is no longer on council, was there surprisingly enough) and the council wife I've been commenting on was there too, understandably pissed off.
See what I mean? I told you people down here read this blog! Totally cracks me up still. Hi Sienna! Love ya, don't want to be ya. Come on. Let's kiss and make up. I'm really not so bad once you get to know me. I'm just a little more out-spoken than others about your proclivity for the limelight (not that there's anything wrong with it. You have backed out a little now that you're aware of it. See, I'm helping you. Just some friendly PR advice on controlling your public persona by limiting over-exposure in the media.)
I'm sure you talk about me too. What were you whispering to your glaring friend? I just present my opinions to a wider audience. That's all. Who knows? Maybe they'll create a reality show on the wives of Hermosa Beach city council members and others?
If OC Housewives is a success, why not another one on a Bunch of Bleached Blonde Broads at the Beach? (Say that fast three times in a row.) I can just see it now. Maybe I should pitch it to my bud. He likes these kind of concepts. There was one older blonde woman who donated a ton of money this week who wears the most interesting eyewear. I thanked her for her gift because it was very thoughtful. Possibly political, but right now who cares?
Or better yet... Couldn't you just see a Mrs. Hermosa beauty contest? We all know who'd enter that one! I'm sure we'd have some other very pretty women entering too. I still want to do a Mr. Hermosa contest too. Can't you see it now ladies? All these young hotties parading around in their bathing suits for our viewing pleasure? Too fun.
In any case, a woman can dream right? Summer is almost here so I won't have to dream much longer. I am glad we have the rain though because it's nice to have the variety in season (even if it's just a week.)
Back to my rant though. I do because I care. Isn't it an interesting fact that bars in the HB Restaurant Association donate a bunch of money to lots of charities and organizations in town? However, in the grand scheme of things, does that give them the right to drive our beach community into the ground as compensation? Sorry, hate to break it to you, but bribes, excuse me, "donations," only go so far tavern owners. Apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks so either.
I'm so tired. All the dogs I've been around lately have kicked up my allergies - probably the weather too. I slept for a few hours today, but still need to go to sleep early now. I now have a couple of new clients to take care of, with more pending so I need my health.
Talk at ya... I'm hitting the LA Art Show one more time tomorrow. I'm looking forward to reviewing the pieces I liked again. There's some amazing art there. Last night's art LA show? Not as much because there are a lot more emerging artists intent on shocking people (which isn't my thing.) I like beauty in my art.
However, not to say that if I visited the art LA galleries individually I wouldn't have liked the art, but to see it all at once was a little assaulting to my sensibilities (especially when I'm sleep deprived.) Although an art gallery owner I met the night before and bumped into again last night, really liked it because she thought that night was more edgy and provocative.
Then her friend piped in to say the LA Art Show is more interested in proving who's better than the other. His reference was a little more provocative including a male genitalia comparison, but since I've recently been chided by yet another person that I've been too vulgar in the past, I'm trying to clean it up. Be more ladylike... You know what I'm talking about though right? LOL
My vulgarity so to speak was to prove a point and catch people's attention which it did and I think continues to do. Different strokes for different folks people and that was the myspace outreach anyway. Now that my friends want to give me a New York makeover, I guess I better clean it up a little more to match the new hair and clothes.
February is the month for a new me. Just in time for Valentine's Day and all the other love stuff I'm busy planning.:) You must save February 7 on your calendar! More to come later, but just know it's going to be a lot of fun. And you're all invited.
Come make a LOVE connection or business connection at Spa Riviera in the Hollywood Riviera in Redondo Beach, CA. Internationally renowned for Microdermabrasion Expert, Tony Cutrona. People come from all over the United States to experience his gentle, yet firm touch.
Also, learn about Himalayan Goji Juice, the super food touted by Time Magazine and medically certified to increase your sex drive (among other 37 other wonderful health benefits. Check out Frequently Asked Questions here.)
Be there for the launch of the South Bay Professional Connection, designed for people who like having fun while doing business in a healthy, happy way.
Come too, for the free spa demo treatments, great free spa give-aways, amazing appetizers and desserts, and other goodies. Plus, meet all the fun people who've been invited. Like you!
(Except if you're on Hermosa Beach City Council - we're booked. I need a break from your glaring/smiling faces - just like you need one from mine.:)
Go support a bar. They need it right now. I'll invite you next go round. I promise. Not that you'll show, but you'll be more welcome then ok?