Watching Allison Janney on the Ecozone Project show after pleasant Christmas day
December 25, 2007
It's kind of funny to realize that I grew up in a eco-friendly environment unknowingly. Just turned on Allison Janney's EcoZone show after a very pleasant day with friends on Christmas. We walked Naples and saw the cute decorated homes all along the canal. Very nice way to end the day.
Now seeing this show I realize that my Dad was way ahead of his time so long ago. He was doing composting back in the 70's. We always recycled paper (had to use the 2nd side to make sure we didn't waste anything.) I vaguely remember him re-using plastic ziplock bags and foil too which at the time I felt was extreme.
However, my favorite memory was us raising rabbits to eat! Looking back, it feels like that scene out of Michael Moore's first film where that woman was raising rabbits. I laughed out loud in recognition when I saw it because for awhile there we did that too! Too funny. Still can't really eat rabbit. Sorry bunnies.
Dad also used to have solar panels on the house. Very progressive guy! I remember just thinking he was cheap and now he's hip! Too funny. I guess if more people will do this now we'll save the earth.
So, hope you had an eco-friendly Christmas and enjoyed a relaxing day like I did.
Have a good week.