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June 2007

Life is good.

That's all I wanted to say. I've been working on the computer all day and need a break. However, life is good. The Guitar Hero event at the NorthPark Center Mall was a huge success which makes me happy.

Hope you're having a good day too!

This little devotional came just at the right time - check it out

This isn't something I've written, but something I receive daily called "Encouragement for Today Daily Devotional." It blessed me (especially in light of what's going on with me right now) and I hope it does you too.

Welcome to Encouragement for Today Daily Devotional, a free devotional from, the world's largest Christian website.

June 29, 2007                                             Honest Prayer

By Rachel Olsen

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 (NIV)


Have you ever shaken your fist at God over His answer to your prayers, or lack of answers?

Have you grown angry with Him over the injustices in your life?

If so, you’ll be able to relate to the prophet Habakkuk, living roughly 600 years before Christ. His book of the Bible begins with this complaint: “How long, O Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, “Violence!” but you do not save me. Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrong?” (Hab.1:2-3, NIV). God answered Habakkuk by telling him to be patient and to watch, that He will do amazing things and usher in justice, but only in His timing.

Passionate, honest, gut-level, even angry prayers have been recorded through out the Bible. Habakkuk wasn’t the only one to complain. Moses, Gideon, and Elijah all questioned God. Job questioned his reason for existence, and cursed the day God made him. Job said, “I loathe my very life; therefore I will give free rein to my complaint and speak out in the bitterness of my soul. I will say to God, Do not condemn me, but tell me what charges you have against me. Does it please you to oppress me, to spurn the work of your hands...?” (Job 10:1-3, NIV).

In his anguish Job accused God of afflicting people for no reason (Job 9:17), overwhelming people with misery (Job 9:18), not caring about injustice (Job 9:22, 24), and laughing at the pain of the innocent (Job 9: 22). Of course these accusations are not accurate, but it is true that is how we often feel in times of severe suffering or testing. God knows our deepest thoughts and feelings, so it’s futile to think we can hide them from Him. Better to come clean with how we really feel, get it off our chest in prayer, and clear the way to hear and receive God’s answer or comfort.

I’ve complained to God for allowing my loved ones to die or fall deep into sin, for allowing valuable things to be stolen from me, for allowing my reputation to be unfairly tarnished, for allowing physical suffering in my body, or for not allowing what I feel I deserve. I have found the best thing I can do is honestly take those feelings to God where they can be traded for His perspective and His comforting assurance. Though God may not always change my circumstances the way I want Him to, He can and does change my perspective on those circumstances and enable me to endure them.

God listens when we complain about injustice. He hates seeing the unrighteous prosper as much as we do, particularly when it’s at the hands of the innocent. He understands when we feel shortchanged or opposed. Read through the gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and you’ll be reminded just how much Jesus can relate!

I urge you to be honest before God in prayer today. While maintaining a degree of holy respect for Him and thanksgiving for your life, pour out the good, the bad and the ugly of your feelings. As Habakkuk, Job and others discovered, God can handle your intense emotions and questions. Though He rarely explains Himself fully to us – perhaps because we can’t fully understand this side of eternity – He does flood us with His power, love and peace when we come humbly and honestly before Him and pour out our heart.

Dear Lord, it’s hard for me to understand Your ways. It’s hard for me to overlook offenses. It’s hard for me to deal graciously with the difficult situations or people in my life. Sometimes I grow angry with You for allowing them into my life. But I don’t want to be a bitter, miserable person. Help me to see through Your eyes, and to endure all that You allow into my life with Your grace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Grateful list

It's so easy to focus on what you don't have, or the mistreatment of people to you, but I realize I need to focus on the positive side of things or I'll get into a deep depression which I can't afford right now.

So, I've decided to list everything I'm grateful for. Feel free to jump in with your thoughts too at the end.

Things I'm grateful for include:

Good friends who encourage, advise, love, and admonish me when necessary and are there for me come rain or shine.

People who come into my life for a season and then leave when the time is right.

Beautiful CA beaches with crystal clear blue oceans and warm sand to lay out on (with lots and lots of sunscreen of course)

God being in control of whatever is going to happen in my life.

The Dallas promotion at the North Park Center Mall for my World Series Video Games Presented by Intel client is going well. As is the CompUSA promotion wheels.

I completed the LA Inc Getaway LA promotion successfully and have almost completed the latest one.
(check it out if you're interested in coming to visit LA for special "getaway" package deals. Lots of goodies.)

My ankle is healing and my back is feeling better too.

My new Artist Client, Gali Rotstein, is doing amazingly well with completing her art and things are coming together quite nicely for her display at Teri Hatcher's new production office that Extra will be featuring soon. I'll of course, let you know. Her work is simply amazing and I'm not just saying it. It truly is amazing. I got choked up looking at one piece and I only do that with outstanding work. More later.

I only have until next Thursday to deal with the other client (hopefully.)

I was included (for the first time in years) by my sister for her celebration of my mother's birthday which was very nice.

I am no longer responsible for managing the softball team since I'm still unable to play due to my injuries and need to focus on other priorities right now.

This too shall pass. All the BS I'm dealing with on a personal level that is.

I think the biggest thing I'm learning right now is that I'm not in control of anything and I need to trust God to supply all my needs. It's terrifying to be honest, but I also know He has produced miracles in the past and can do it now.

So, that's all for now. No big events to share about, no new films to review, just me telling it like it is without getting into too many details. If you remember though, or think of it, say a prayer for me to get through what I'm going through. I'll say one for you too.

God bless.

Tell all your mates...

Just returned from viewing Introducing the Dwights starring the amazing British Actress Brenda Blethyn who I mistakenly confused with British Actress Julie Walters when I told her how much I love her acting. Talk about embarrassing, but she was very gracious and didn't even call me out. All brits are alike right? JUST KIDDING!

She truly is an amazing actress and so humble even after all her success. She was honestly thrilled I, a nobody to her, liked her film and took the time to tell her so. She even said she felt the film received a better reception here in the states than in Australia which I found interesting. This film is such a sweet, loving, fresh look at the difficulty mothers face letting go of their sons and living life with an entertainer. I don't think it's been explored in such a way before, or ever. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I felt all the acting was so nuanced and vulnerable, yet believable and funny I really felt for the characters. It was like a slice of life you're not normally privy to and as a result you almost feel like you're intruding on their personal lives. The oldest son is beginning to explore his sexuality with his new girlfriend, but is caught between the love of his mother and his burgeoning love for this "interloper."

It was a little graphic on the love scenes (which, if the guys from Knocked Up were watching they would be very happy about all the naked boobage) which I think is par for the course with a "foreign" film. Even though we may speak the same language it doesn't mean we see the world in the same way, or express ourselves the same way either.

That's what I love about independent, foreign films (not that this one is still independent since I was invited by Warner Independent Pictures and Australians in Film.) You walk away from viewing them with a different idea about your perceptions about other people, other places, and other life experiences. At least the good ones that is - which this one definitely is.

I took a little while to warm to it because I arrived a little late (pounding out a project which took longer than I expected) and had to catch up on the plot which took a minute. However, once I grasped the concept I settled in for the show. It wasn't a barrel of laughs, but more a poignant, sweet, lovely comedy that I think people will really enjoy if they allow it to take them over.

The relationship between the son played brilliantly by cutie pie, Khan Chittenden and quirky, vulnerable and lovable Emma Booth is really sweet to watch develop. I think she's quite talented and hope she has a good agent and manager to direct her career. He was very sensitive too and quite enjoyable. I want a son like him! It was very sweet to see him interact with his "mum."

Emma's crying scene was especially moving since I've been there with other guys. I'm so glad I am not in that place right now over anybody! I don't miss it at all. I do love the film's tagline - The only remedy for love is to love more. May we all make that our mantra.

I can't say enough about the film and especially  Brenda Blethyn who I think keeps getting prettier and prettier. I also enjoyed the "spastic" son played by Richard Wilson. He supplied a lot of the comedic moments in the flm, but it was really Brenda's film in my mind. Oh, lest I forget, her ex-husband in the film, Actor Frankie J. Holden, is brilliant as the boy's musician father and one-hit wonder.

This is an art film in the true sense of the word. Whenever I enjoy good art whether it be fine art, film, music, photography or dance, I get emotionally choked up. Speaking to Brenda afterwards I became a little "fer klempt" ala Barbra Streisand's biggest fan, Mike Meyer's Jewish Yenta, Linda Richman. (Talk amongst yourselves...)

And for those of you too young to remember this classic SNL skit - click here.  Those pictures are like buttah! The other links lead you to the sounds - very funny!

The reception immediately following the screening was very nice too. I didn't know anyone (other than the caterers from years past) and would have liked to have a date with me, but it was too short of notice to invite anyone else after my client was unable to attend. It's nights like these, when I'm really happy, I wish I had someone special to share my happiness with, but otherwise lately I'm fine with being single.

The evening was a lot of fun. I'm glad I made the effort to drive from Manhattan Beach to the DGA despite running late. Introducing the Dwights comes out over 4th of July weekend so support it and as Brenda told me when we were saying good bye to each other - Tell all your mates!

Promote your Company and Make More Money class!


Presented By Publicist, Joy Kennelly, Of The Joy Writer Pr & Marketing

Manhattan Beach, CA …Promote Your Business and Make More Money!, a PR & Marketing class, will be taught by Public Relations Specialist, Joy A. Kennelly of The Joy Writer PR & Marketing firm. Recent studies in North America suggest that positive editorial coverage generates up to nine times more visibility than paid advertising. The classes will be held Monday, July 9 & 16 at the South Bay Adult School’s Mira Costa campus located at 701 S. Peck Ave, Room 204, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Registration fee is $34.00 per person with a $5.00 discount. For additional information log on to:  

The Joy Writer PR & Marketing firm has over 10 years experience publicizing events that include the World Animation Celebration, Penton Media’s Media & Entertainment online film festival, and the Dallas World Series of Video Games Presented by Intel. Additional entertainment accounts have included Cinemax and HBO Television Networks and Actor Domiziano Arcangeli. Corporate accounts have included The Beverly Center, Acura, the Los Angeles Convention & Visitors Bureau, and the American Institute of Architects.

 Class discussions include: elements of a press kit, your online presence, and where and how to distribute your message. For more information on “Promote Your Business and Make More Money!” class, please refer to: (class located under “Your Money” section) or call Marla at the South Bay Adult School, (310) 372-5456.

For more information on Joy Kennelly & The Joy Writer PR & Marketing, please log on to:

Want to introduce you to my mentor and colleague

What people don't realize when they consider hiring an independent publicist, is that often that person has a collection of wise publicists and companies they collaborate with behind the scenes. One of my mentors and colleagues, Marcia Groff, is one such publicist I work with.

We met when I was promoting the World Animation Celebration awhile ago and we've been fast friends ever since. She helped me promote my own Short Pictures International Film Festival, then the Penton Media film festival I created and produced, and even now with various clients and vice versa.

We were talking last week how she needs a web presence so more people know she exists and since my blog gets recognition in Google, here she is! We have different skills and strengths which combined together make a very strong team. We would love to help you on any projects you might have and look forward to working with you!


      Entertainment Enterprises is a media relations and production company that specializes in developing publicity campaigns for celebrities and personalities, musical artists, stage, television and film productions, as well as coordinating, producing and marketing special events.

      Founded in 1992, national PR/programming includes PBS/Capitol Records Robbie Robertson's Making a Noise:A Native American Musical Journey, PBS/Capitol Records Dave Koz: Off the Beaten Path and PBS's Feather Awards-The Global Ballroom. Syndication specials include Red Cross Across America, A Christmas Card From Branson, and Branson Flood Relief Campaign. Television writing assignments include Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA, as well as numerous TV pilots, such as The Eye of Dan and The Real Reel West.

      Entertainment Enterprises has also worked closely with organizations that include Earth Day International, American Red Cross, March of Dimes, United States Air Force, Re-Style LA (a Rebuild LA sanctioned program), Beverly Hills Symphony, Friends of Hollyhock House, Human Rights Campaign and We Care About Kids, an organization that has won seven awards for its shorts on socially relevant topics pertaining to today’s youth.

      World Premiere stage productions include MERMAIDS-the musical comedy, Shadow Hour, Kathleen Freeman's Are You Somebody?, Houdini, Fences and Wild Mushrooms. Stage productions have included The Sicilian Bachelor, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged, Floating Rhoda and The Glue Man, Savage In Limbo, Closer and A Few Good Men. As corporate publicist for The Stella Adler Theatre, Hollywood (1997-2003), on-going events included Hollywood Speaks At The Adler, The Adler Honors...,and the 2002 Stella Adler Awards honoring James Coburn, Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas.

      Award-winning musicals artists include Rosie Flores, Jesse Moore, Henry Turner, Jr. & Flavor, Janice-Marie (A Taste of Honey), Charley Harrison, Flogging Molly, Bill Spoke and jazz-legend Myra Taylor.

      Special Events and World Premieres have included Penton Media's ME Festival, (one of the first on-line short film competitions, with awards ceremony at Paramount Studios); SPIFF (3rd & 4th Annual Short Pictures International Film Festival); Elizabeth Mcdonald's 2002 Tribeca Film Festival entry As We Sleep; New Legends/Odyssey Pictures Los Angeles and New York Independent International Film Festival ‘Best Fantasy Film Winner’ Trance, starring Tane McClure and Martin Kove; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Rock ’N’ Roll Musical, multiple award winner at national and international festivals; Larry Hankin’s 10 Fables Film Festival+1; the first and second Backlot Film Festival honoring Daniel Selznick and Budd Schulberg and the Palm Springs International Film Festival audience favorite Burial Society, as well as the sneak peek debut of Neowolf.

      Founder Marcia Groff has worked in many areas of the entertainment industry. Prior affiliations include EMI America Records (National Coordinator of Artist Development), Hope Enterprises and Hanson & Schwam Public Relations. While at CCR Video Corporation/Facets Entertainment she worked on Discovery Channel's award-winning television series Hollywood Chronicles, hosted by Jackie Cooper and A&E's Cable Ace nominated series The Edge and Beyond, narrated by James Coburn, among many other television and home video productions.

World Series of Video Games & new flier

Just received the latest flier and it's great! I wish all the logos would show up here, but they don't so just enjoy the copy. Now doesn't this make you want to participate? I hope so! That's all for now. Stuff to do...

Rock the Park
The World Series of Video
Games Presented by Intel
Kick Off Party!

Play Guitar Hero IITM
Sign up at GameStop today for
Pre-Tournament Competition
Ages 13 and over
NorthPark Center
Thursday, June 28 12 noon to 6pm
Friday, June 29 12 noon to 5pm
Level ll - AMC Lobby

Just want to watch the fun?
Sign up for Drawings and Giveaways
500 WSVG tickets given away each day
Join The Edge on Friday from 2-4pm
Winner skips the open competition to become
1 of 32 at the Dallas World Series of Video
Games Presented by Intel preliminaries taking
place July 5-8, 2007 at the Gaylord Texan Resort.

Pre-tournament begins Thursday, June 28 from noon to 6 p.m. with finals
on Friday, June 29 from noon to 5 p.m. The tournament is held outside
AMC NorthPark 15 ticket offices on Level Two. The winner of the NorthPark
Center tournament, Guitar Hero II Rocks the Park, will skip the open and jump
straight to the top 32 of the Dallas World Series of Video Games Presented by
Intel taking place at the Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine, TX July 5-8, 2007.
Compete to win $7,500 prize money!

Even if you don’t play, come experience the excitement and enjoy great
giveaways including tickets to the World Series of Video Games Presented by
Intel where you can watch players compete in World of Warcraft, Guitar Hero II,
Fight Night Round 3, and Quake 4, and the rest of your favorite titles. Jump into
the crowd, cheer, and get your face on camera while we film for CBS Sports.
Compete for $90,000 in prizes!

Rock the Park Giveaways
adidas Originals, Skechers, Paciugo Italian Gelato, Thirsty’s, Chick-fil-A, Sonic,
GameStop, Great American Cookies, Tin Star Taco Bar, Snappy Salads,
Starbucks, Auntie Anne’s, Famous Famiglia, AND MORE!

The World Series of Video Games is the world’s premier video game
tournament circuit. The 2006 tournament attracted more than 90,000
attendees, produced 250 hours of broadband video, and 20 hours of nationally
broadcast programming led by CBS. For more information, visit

NorthPark Center invites you to Rock the Park and play Guitar Hero II at the The World Series of Video Games presented by Intel kickoff party

Okay, Here's the big promotion I've been working on in Dallas. Click on the link for all the details. Should be fun! Hope you go if you're in Dallas!

Tournament will be held Thursday, June 28th from noon to 6pm with finals on Friday, June 29th from noon to 5pm. All players 13 and up, come show your guitar skills and win great prizes including NorthPark Gold! The tournament will be located on level II, by the AMC lobby.

 Sign up today at GameStop!

 Don’t want to play? Come out and be a part of the excitement and great giveaways. 102.1FM The EDGE will be at



on Friday, June 29th from 2pm – 4pm!

 For more information visit




is located at:

8687 North Central Expressway -





(214) 363-7441

Rock the Park giveaways provided by:

Adidas Originals, Skechers, Paciugo Italian Gelato, Thirsty’s, Chick-fil-A, Sonic, GameStop, Great American Cookies, Tin Star Taco Bar, Snappy Salads, Starbucks, Auntie Anne’s, Famous Famiglia, AND MORE!

I always thought this was true! JUST KIDDING!

Just found this survey on Yahoo and thought it was too good not to share here. What's interesting in my family is that my middle sister was the one who went to gifted classes, not me. Oh well, I must have coached her into it -- according to this article.:)

The other interesting fact about IQ is that it's been determined that the success of your marriage will benefit from your spouse being within 10 points of your IQ. Guess that's why I'm still single - I haven't met someone smart enough yet! JUST KIDDING!

IQ was just one of 29 factors that go into determining a successful marriage according to the founder of E Harmony, but since this blog is about IQ I thought it was important to mention it as one aspect here. Enjoy the read - it's not my words, but the authors below.

Study: Older Siblings Have Higher IQs

Andrea Thompson
LiveScience Staff Writer
LiveScience.comThu Jun 21,  2:05 PM ET

Being the oldest child in the family has its perks: later bedtimes, no hand-me-downs, and, according to a new study, a higher IQ.

The study, detailed in the June 22 issue of the journal Science, analyzed the IQs of nearly 250,000 Norwegian 18- and 19-year-old draftees and found that older siblings had higher scores than younger siblings.

Another study, by the same authors of the new Science study but published recently in the journal Intelligence, looked at more than 100,000 Norwegian brothers and found that first-borns on average had an IQ 2.3 points higher than their younger brothers (the IQs were all taken when the brothers were 18 or 19, so they compare the older brother’s score at that age to the younger brother’s score when he reached that same age).

“These are probably the two most important studies on birth order and intelligence in the last 75 years,” said psychologist Frank Sulloway of the University of California, Berkeley, who wrote an analysis of the latest study for Science.

Social order

Unlike earlier studies that compared the intelligence of first-born children to those born later (and that also found that first-borns have higher IQs), the Science study looked at the social order of the children in a family, which does not always correspond to actual birth order in cases where there is a death in the family.

By comparing children who lost an older sibling, for instance, and so were treated as the eldest child, to those who were actually the first-born of their family, the authors showed that the former group had similar IQs to the latter group.

“The second-borns who lost an older sibling are becoming like a first-born” in terms of IQ, Sulloway said.

Sulloway says the new research rules out criticisms of earlier studies that argue that the findings were an artifact of other factors in the data, such as family size and parental IQ.

Reversing trend

Psychologists have a few theories to explain the new results. One proposes that older siblings “tutor” their younger brothers and sisters, which reinforces their own learning, though direct evidence for this particular theory is lacking.

Paradoxically, younger siblings start out in life with higher IQs: Because younger children haven’t yet mastered the skills their older siblings have (for example, language or math skills), they actually degrade the learning environment of their elder brother or sister.

“Every time you add a child, you’re diluting the intellectual environment of everyone in the family,” Sulloway said.

But eventually, around the age of 12, this trend reverses and the older siblings overtake their younger siblings.

Sulloway points out that though older siblings may win out in IQ, the time they devote to studying is time spent elsewhere by their younger siblings, who may excel in other areas such as the arts or sports.

Top 10 Mysteries of the Mind Vote: The Greatest Modern Minds Recipe for Genius Revealed Original Story: Study: Older Siblings Have Higher IQs

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Just a reminder of God's goodness

This came as just the right time. I hope you're encouraged by it as much as I've been. Amen.

Just a Reminder

By Melissa Taylor

“I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.” Psalm 16:8 (NLT)


A few months ago, I went to a weight loss center. Once again, I was ready to lose weight. The first thing my encouraging counselor asked me to do was to write a letter to myself. “Why?” I asked. She replied, “I want you to remember how you feel right now and why getting healthy is a priority in your life. Over time, you may forget. If you do, I’m going to mail it to you to serve as just a reminder.”

I have found that I often need reminders. I’m a visual person, so visual cues are quite useful to me. I have scripture cards on the inside of my cabinets to bring God’s Word to mind during the day. There is a picture of my niece in my car to remind me to pray for my sister’s family. My laundry room is covered with post it notes containing God’s Word reminding me to be thankful for the laundry I am doing and the blessings who wear those clothes. In our kitchen we have a calendar containing the family’s schedule and my life could not function without the reminders I keep in my daily planner. We need reminders to keep us on track, but we also need to be reminded of how special God is. 

A few years ago I went to the store in search of a card for my husband. It wasn’t our anniversary or his birthday; I just wanted to get him a card reminding him of how special he was to me. An unexpected thing happened that day. The first card I picked up read:

In this stressful world,

Yours is the presence that quiets me,

The voice that calms me,

The touch that comforts me…

…the love that helps me remember what is most important in each day.

You’re everything to me.

As I closed this card, my eyes filled with tears. The words were beautiful, only they weren’t meant for my husband. They were meant for my Lord. I did not buy my sweet husband a card that day, and I think he would understand. I bought a card for God instead, to serve as just a reminder.

The words on this card remind me Who I can turn to, Who can comfort me, and Who should be my everything. And that person is not my husband. As great as Jeff is, he can never meet those needs in my life. No one person can - only God can. I need that reminder every day. Not only did I purchase this card, but I wrote a note to God on it and signed my name to it. 

Be encouraged today that God wants to be your everything. He desires to be number one in your life. If you are like me, you may forget that at times. I carry that card around with me for that very reason, to serve as just a reminder.

Dear Lord, In this stressful world, Yours is the Presence that quiets me, the Voice that calms me, the Touch that comforts me, and the Love that helps me remember what is most important in each day. You’re Everything to me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Some interesting beach exercise facts - finally - a new topic!

I'm over my Micheal Moore rant - I was fasting yesterday for personal reasons and think the hunger pangs were making me "testy." Enough of the loot, on with something to help you with your health! Speaking of which, if anyone is interested, the Spectrum Redondo is having a Summer Launch Mixer this Saturday, June 23, from 11am - 3pm on-site located at  819 N. Harbor Drive, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 (310) 376-9443. 

I plan to go because they have fun parties and I'm meeting some of my softball team-mates there. The club is serving hot dogs, burgers, margaritas, beer and offering raffle prizes, hip hop classes on the basketball court with live music from Pet the Dog, plus a trunk show of athletic wear. Where else can you find so much for so little all in one place?

I'm still debating on whether or not to join there because if I find more work up in Hollywood it won't be conducive for me to drive in that direction to work -out. We'll see. I still have time.

So, in case you're curious about your summer work-out calorie burn - read on. No wonder people who are into beach volleyball are so fit! Maybe I need to switch sports!:)

Feel the Burn
Here are how many calories (approximately) a 150-pound person will burn per hour of several beach sports. (Calories burned will be higher or lower depending on your body weight.)

Activity Calories per Hour
Playing catch: baseball, football 175
Playing Frisbee® 210
Building sand castles 210-315
Surfing or bodyboarding 210
Water walking 280-560
Kayaking 350
Snorkeling 350
Beach racquet activities: paddleball, badminton, tennis 350-500
Ocean swimming or bodysurfing 420
Beach soccer 500
Beach volleyball 560

Source: Exercise Testing and Prescription, by David C. Nieman (McGraw Hill, 2002).

More Moore slams - can you tell I dislike him?

Trying this again...Maybe, just maybe, people are starting to realize that by putting their name with someone who is dishonest and manipulative, it doesn't help their careers, but actually hurts their credibility. Also, Morgan Spurlock who did the McDonald's doc should NEVER put himself in the same category of MM because he actually told the truth!

Yes, Moore opened the door for expose, but it's high time someone does one on Moore as far as I'm concerned which is why I'm posting this stuff. Sorry if you're sick of it already. I'm obsessing I know!:) I promise to have other stuff to discuss soon enough. I just can't stand this man and hate that he is held up as icon when he's nothing more than a dimestore con artist with a camera. (And you can quote me on that.)

Read on for what another person thinks about MM too.
Hollywood  A-Listers Called in Sick for Michael Moore's Sicko Premiere

New York June 18, 2007 – The movie Sicko, which takes a hard look at the American health care industry, premiered on Monday in New York, and, as usual with Michael Moore’s projects, you couldn’t buy the kind of publicity that the controversies surrounding the film have generated. The U.S. government is investigating Moore’s trip to Cuba, where he brought ailing 9/11 rescue workers for free medical treatment.

The Weinstein Company is chasing down people who have illegally downloaded Sicko online, and Moore said that while he prefers that people see the movie on big screens, the way he intended it to be shown, he has no problem with the freeloaders: “I don’t agree with the copyright laws in this country. I believe in sharing. And I think that’s only good in the long run; I made this movie for people to see it.”

Is health care too hot a topic for the Hollywood A-listers who so embraced Moore in the past? (We’re talking to you, Leo.) Because they were conspicuously absent at the premiere.

The folks who were there, however, had plenty to say. Russell Simmons, with a lovely woman he identified as “Portia” on his arm, called Moore an American hero. “He’s not afraid to do some self-reflection and tell the truth about our relationship with the world.”

Fellow rabble-rouser Morgan "Super Size Me" Spurlock said that Moore paved the way for him. “If it wasn’t for Michael Moore, I wouldn’t be making movies today”, said Spurlock. “I think Michael opened the door to be able to make the films that I make, and to be able to make a movie that deals with an issue, and that’s funny and entertaining.”

Joan Rivers, no stranger to surgery of the cosmetic variety, thinks it’s about time someone took a jab at the U.S. health care system. “I think this should have been addressed years ago! This country should be ashamed of itself”, the comic fumed.

Pam on the red carpet! More on Moore - are you sick of him yet? HA!

For those of you who are curious who was at the Reggie Bush party this Friday night, check out this link to Wireimage. I walked my actress friend, Pamela Adamic, down the carpet and she made the list! I find that photographers are more generous with my new female clients than my new male clients and this proved true here! Go Pamela, Go Pamela!

Now in case you haven't heard enough on Michael Moore - here's an article I'm quoting in its entirety from Kyle Smith, a New York Post reviewer, since he's actually seen the film, Sicko, and can give a balanced viewpoint. Hopefully, unlike the last guy who created an anti-Michael Moore site, I won't hear from the big guy himself because who knows what I'd say!:) Can't stand him and how he's desecrated the documentary format. Anyway, enjoy the read.

Kyle Smith on Michael Moore's 'Sicko'

Tuesday's New York Post features my review of Michael Moore's "Sicko," a film that will be released in theaters on June 29 but has already been released nationwide, on many Web sites, free, with Moore's blessing. What follows is a greatly expanded, much more detailed version of the one-star review I wrote for the print edition of The Post.


Michael Moore’s latest documentary “Sicko” is an urgent bipartisan plea. Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, Yankees and Red Sox can surely all agree, says Moore, that our health care system ought to be run by Fidel Castro.

The silliness of Moore’s oeuvre is so self-evident that being able to spot it is not liberal or conservative either; it’s a basic intelligence test, like the ability to match square peg with square hole. (I'll be writing more on Moore on my blog,

Even Moore does not believe what he says, and his films don’t bring about change-—union membership did not skyrocket nor corporate downsizing trickle off after "Roger and Me," there was no movement towards banning guns after "Bowling for Columbine," and John Kerry did not have to fill out any change of address forms in 2004. Moore's documentaries are mere political slapstick that could have been made by a third Farrelly brother or an eighth Stooge. I will pay him the honor of treating him with his own meds. How else can I deal with a film that calls Hillary Clinton "sexy"?

The bulk of "Sicko" is given over to the stories of Americans who got the run-around from health insurers. These people were told they didn’t qualify for benefits because the requested procedures were too experimental or because of pre-existing conditions. The most absurd example of several is, perhaps, that of the woman who says that after she received benefits, the check was stopped because she had previously suffered an undisclosed yeast infection.

There is no way to know whether this claim is true because Moore’s style is to present whatever information he likes without checking it. He told "Entertainment Weekly" "absolutely not," when asked whether he felt any need to get the other side of the story. So, over time, his work rusts out from within as the facts eat away at it. The central idea of "Bowling for Columbine," for instance—that the killers were subconsciously driven to their actions by the presence of a weapons manufacturing plant in Littleton---turned out to be not only conceptually insane but literally untrue. The plant did not make what Moore called "weapons of mass destruction" but rather space launch vehicles for TV satellites. “Roger & Me,” which presented Moore as unable to secure an interview with the GM chief Roger Smith, was also a 90-minute lie: Moore did talk to Smith, a fact revealed by Ralph Nader.

One Los Angeles woman in “Sicko” says her daughter died because her insurance company told her to take her daughter to a different hospital than the first one she went to, and there are several other similarly grim tales. Moore is smart enough to know that a depressed audience is an absent audience, so he mixes the genuinely sad cases with ones that are just dopey, such as the one about the young six-foot beansprout rejected for coverage because he was underweight.

Regardless of whether any particular claim in "Sicko" is true, no one doubts that lots of insured and uninsured Americans face health-care crises. So far, Moore is master of the obvious. We all hate insurance companies and red tape, and we all want to improve the system. Where do we go from here?

To France, Britain and Canada, says Moore, who presents each of them as a health-care paradise. But lots of people in those countries have health-care nightmares of their own. Here’s how easy it is to lie by anecdote: Say I wanted to make a film about gay black Republicans who live in Chelsea. I find ten of them, make a film about them, and you walk out of the theater thinking: Wow, so many gay black Republicans in Chelsea! The six years it took me to find these ten guys will go unnoted.

All three countries are edging away from how Moore portrays them. Moore knows that in France, where he praises not only the health service but limits on working hours, expansive unemployment benefits and the country’s three preferred forms of exercise—street-marching, banner-hoisting and strikes—a new conservative president was just elected by promising to cut back on such nonsense. (According to Moore, if you need a babysitter or help with the laundry, the French government will send a trained professional right over.)

Everywhere he looks, Moore finds French happiness. But this phrase is as close to an oxymoron as French rock. In a poll, 85 percent of the French recently said their country is heading in the wrong direction. Right direction? Nine percent. In France in 2003, 15,000 mostly elderly hospital patients died in an August heat wave--because hospitals lack air conditioning and doctors were on vacation. The French parliament blamed the health care system.  That’s five times 9/11’s toll, all of it preventable, all of it unlamented by Moore.

Moore knows that in Britain, where National Health Service spending has more than doubled since Tony Blair was elected, with little to show for it, there is a two-tier health system: the smart set carry private insurance, which Moore wants to outlaw in the U.S. The cliché in London (check out this story and this one) is that the well-shod go to the same doctor as the suckers on the National Health Service. The difference is that private clients get treated right away while the NHS losers wait two years to get their strep throat looked at.

Moore glosses over wait times, hoping his audience is too stupid to notice. He asks a handful of Canadian patients how long they had to wait to see the doctor. Oh, 20 minutes, 45 minutes, everyone says. So if Moore finds five people who didn’t have to wait, there’s no waiting for anybody! “To any Canadian who has ever been forced to go to emergency, this would seem unbelievable,” writes Thomas Malkom, a vehemently pro-Moore columnist for Canada’s paper The Star. The Canadian Supreme Court struck down a law forbidding private insurance in a 2005 decision, ruling that "Access to a waiting list is not access to health care" The decision resulted from a Canadian case in which a man waited a year for hip-replacement surgery, and Canada has started down the road of privatization. Check out the Canadian movie "The Barbarian Invasions" (which is, like "Sicko," a fiction film) for a view of how Canadians view their system: agonizing waits; trips across the border to Vermont to get access to modern technology; fetid facilities modeled, seemingly, on an American one—the Confederate field hospital in "Gone with the Wind."

Here is Dr. David Gratzer, the Canadian author of "The Cure: How Capitalism Can Save Health Care," who believes both the US and Canadian systems are deeply flawed:

"Like most Canadians, I believed that we had the best-run health-care system in the world. Because the system was publically owned, I assumed that compassion came before profit and that everyone got good care. . .After I entered medical school, however, my view of Canadian health care changed…I trained in emergency rooms that were chronically, chaotically, dangerously overcrowded, not only in my hometown of Winnipeg, but all across Canada. I met a middle-aged man with sleep problems who was booked for an appointment with a specialist three years later; a man with pain following a simple hernia repair who was referred to a pain clinic with a two-year wait list; a woman with breast cancer who was asked to wait four more months before starting the lifesaving radiation therapy. According to the government’s own statistics, some 1.2 million Canadians couldn’t get a family doctor. In some rural areas, town councils resorted to lotteries: the winners would get appointments with the only general practitioners around."

Mere anecdotes? Yes, but mine cancel out Moore’s. Where are the stats? Moore emphasizes life-expectancy figures in which the US slightly lags some other Western countries. But life expectancy involves many factors; two that Moore is especially knowledgeable about, obesity and homicide by firearm, are special American plagues. Here’s a stat: The percentage of patients having to wait more than four months for non-emergency surgery is about five times higher in Canada and seven times higher in Britain than it is here. [see Gratzer, 171]

In his EW interview, Moore tacitly admitted that "Sicko" lies about wait times, saying, "Well, okay, let’s set up a system where we don’t have the Canadian wait. Let’s set up a system where we take what they do right and don't do the things that we do wrong." Yes, and let's also make sure that every girl gets to be the prettiest girl in town.

Those who have mastered basic economics can skip this paragraph. Not everyone can have everything they want because there is not an unlimited supply of anything (except maybe air); that’s why Canada and Britain have lotteries to determine who gets treatment. Deciding who gets what and when involves rationing, either by price or by waiting or some combination of the two. If the Mets announced that World Series tickets were free to anyone lining up in front of the Shea Stadium box office, you’d have to go get in line now. Medicare, which isn’t an unlimited benefit, is by itself projected to eat up a third of federal tax revenues by 2030[see Gratzer, p. 7]. There isn’t enough money in the U.S. to pay for free, wait-free top-quality universal health care. The law of supply and demand can no more be repealed than the law that all documentary films must be left-wing. Gratzer's book suggests a real-world solution: decentralization that gives patients more choice: "both failed options [HMOs and Medicare/Medicaid] share one fatal feature. They remove choices from patients and give them to government or corporate bureaucrats. Restricting patient choices in this way, flouting the laws of basic economics, has been a mistake. It's the reason why, while pocket calculators have declined in price from $500 to $5, the price of pacemakers keeps rising."

When Moore visits a British pharmacy in which all drugs cost ten bucks, what he isn’t showing is who invented the drugs: evil American profit-hungry pharmaceutical firms that would effectively be shut down if there were a $10 price limit on all prescriptions. Firms spend hundreds of millions developing and testing a drug while the patent clock ticks down, only to be forced to start over if the drug is rejected by the FDA. If a drug is approved, they have only a few years to recoup costs (and the cost of all the previous failures) by charging "exorbitant" market prices because the drug will soon go generic, i.e. non-exorbitant, i.e. virtually free. The Brits freeload on American technology. Being regulated to death is the reason the once-vibrant European pharmaceutical industry has been lapped by its U.S. counterpart in the last few decades. Want your drugs invented and open-heart surgery performed by the people who gave us FEMA, Amtrak and the CIA? Does the Post Office do a better job than FedEx? I can't mail a package via the federal government without waiting in line 20 minutes--and the Post Office is the best-run federal agency.

Moore is outwardly a genial buffoon; inwardly he is an authoritarian buffoon. He lets it show in two long episodes: a straight-faced interview with the UK’s infamous Commie, Tony Benn, whom Moore presents as an expert on the transformative power of socialism, and the famous-before-anyone-saw-it sequence, first reported in The Post, in which Moore takes some 9/11 rescue workers with lingering health problems to Cuba.

Moore, at a Havana hospital, says he requested that his group receive exactly the same care as any Cuban who walked in—"and that’s exactly what they got." As comedy, this statement is on a par with the sex scene in "Knocked Up," the chest waxing in "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" and the moment in "An Inconvenient Truth" when Al Gore tells us that the ecology’s no. 1 enemy, China, is in fact "on the cutting edge" of environmentalism.

In the Cuba section of "Sicko," so many guys in white coats (don't look at the camera, guys!) scurry around Moore’s patients listening to symptoms, peering at X-rays and firing up high-tech medical equipment that the scene seems to have been co-written by Groucho and Karl Marx. If Fidel himself gets this level of care, it’s no wonder the guy has outlasted nine presidents.

You can’t film anywhere in Castro’s Alcatraz without government say-so, meaning the whole scene was as phony as what happens when Frank Bruni walks into a four-star restaurant, and if there is a Michael Moore of Cuba, he is in jail right now. Reporters without Borders calls Cuba the world’s second biggest prison for journalists after China. But Moore solemnly reports Cuba’s official health statistics, which are of course a fiction dreamed up by El Presidente, because Moore's motto is to trust no authority figure from cringing corporate spokesman on up to Washington windbags. Except dictators. Dictators, he’ll take your word for it. I expected Moore to protect himself with a thin coat of disclaimer, just a line to say, "Look, I know Cuba is actually a prison nation where nobody’s gotten a new car since Fredo betrayed Michael, but I’m just using this as an extreme example for ironic purposes." Instead, his irony runs the other way: He plays scare music over an image of Castro to get a laugh. I say that again: he thinks the idea that Castro is evil is so obviously ridiculous that he says it sarcastically and expects you to giggle along. Moore calls Cuban health care among the best in the world. Nonsense. Cuba is short on everything from clean drinking water and aspirin on up.

The health care industry could not ask for a more ideal opponent than Moore; the idea that US health should go to a single-payer model is held by plenty of reasonable people, but Moore is not one of them. Despite his apparent belief that he can seem moderate by narrating the film in a sing-song, I’m-talking-to-a-child-or-moron tone, the man can no more hide his Marxism than his belly. He presents not only Tony Benn but Che Guevera’s daughter as voices of sanity and, through a French doctor, Moore sneaks in the Marxist slogan "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." Everyone who has ever lived in a country that put this idea into practice has found that it actually means this: Give the country whatever it asks for and take back whatever it gives you, and do so without complaint or go to prison. Moore also runs lots of old Soviet propaganda footage with comical music on the soundtrack as if to suggest that Stalin was just another campy, overhyped entertainment figure--Martin Short with a mustache.

Moore has been along long enough that his ideas are starting to contradict one other; on his Web site, he once said of Al Qaeda’s grunts in Iraq, "They are the REVOLUTION, the minutemen," but in this film he tries to jog around to the right of Paul Wolfowitz: He pretends to be aghast that the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay (is any other group of 380 people in the world receiving as much attention as these guys?) get top medical care. So, Mike: don’t these heroes, these minutemen, deserve a doc?

Moore comes up with a few zingers, though fewer than in previous films. There’s a funny montage of a Congressman making speeches on health care in which he keeps tearing up on cue and talking about how much he loves his mama. Even I laughed when, following an American north of the border to get some CanuckCare, Moore said, "We’re Americans. We go into other countries when we need to." The founder of socialized medicine in Canada is described as the most important man in the country’s history, "even more than Wayne Gretzky!"

Let’s not give too much credit to Moore, though, for what he did about a guy who runs an anti-Moore Web site who was going to be forced to shut it down—because of a health crisis he couldn’t afford. When Moore found out about it, he anonymously sent a $12,000 check, or .0005 of the money he was paid to make this movie. An anonymous check is not actually anonymous if you announce it in a movie; then it becomes simply a bargain method for buying stories in the press that paint you as a nice guy. Moore, of course, has a Castro-ish history of suppressing dissent But he is free to prove himself a patron of the loyal opposition. He can send my check in care of the Post.

Posted by Kyle Smith on June 18, 2007 07:49 PM

Michael Moore Defends Film Downloading

I belong to a fairly liberal online group of professional women and they like to argue their viewpoints ad naseum which normally I'll just let slide, but when it looked like we were going to get into a huge Michael Moore love affair over his latest film, Sicko, I couldn't remain quiet any longer.

Someone was defending his film and his position that it's ok that people are downloading his film despite their breaking copyright laws which I disagree with. Here was my response - which ironically enough drew one person emailing me in support. Hopefully I came on so strong it will become a mute issue and any discussion re: his film will just go away. (I doubt it though.)

"Well, since Moore has such a blatant disregard for the truth in so many other ways it stands to reason he has no respect for copyright laws either. Sorry, I know I'm probably one of the few on this list who can't stand his filmmaking, but I have to share...

As someone who started in entertainment working in the documentary field, even writing for the International Documentary Magazine for a bit, I abhore Michael Moore being held up as an example of documentary filmmaking.

The dictionary's description explains my reasons:

n.   pl. doc·u·men·ta·ries

A work, such as a film or television program, presenting political, social, or historical subject matter in a factual and informative manner and often consisting of actual news films or interviews accompanied by narration.

This next one is key - doc·u·men·ta·ry
dŏk'yə-měn'tə-rē)  Pronunciation Key 

adj.  Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film.

Moore decides his side of an issue and sets about creating films to support his one-sided version. That is not journalism, but an agenda. What's ironic in this current Sicko film is that although he's proposing we have government funded health care, the very examples he holds up as awful are government funded health care agencies. What does that say about his hypothesis?

I'm not saying the health care system is perfect, or that changes aren't needed, but I am saying to hear it from Michael Moore isn't my idea of "Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter."

That's all I'll say about this. I'm sure I'm the only one who holds this opinion on this list, but I couldn't stay quiet because he bugs me so much."

What's your opinion? Inquiring minds want to know...

Very interesting article on men and advertising

Men Online More, But Still Influenced By Traditional Media
by Tameka Kee, Monday, Jun 18, 2007 6:00 AM ET
SOME 71% OF MEN AGES 18-34 spend more time online now than a year ago, according to Maxim's latest annual Man Study--but a resounding 74% still felt that putting an ad on TV would be the "most effective" way to get it seen by guys.

To commemorate its 10th anniversary, the men's magazine commissioned research agency Hall & Partners to do an in-depth study of U.S. men's media usage habits. The findings confirm that although men ages 18-34 have been characterized as "advertising averse," marketers can still target them with entertaining, multi-channel messages.

While 83% of men surveyed said they watch less than 5 hours of television per day, a clear majority (74%) would use TV as their primary distribution channel if they had to create an ad themselves. A little over half would target their demo with ads in magazines (56%) or on the Web (55%), and only 17% would choose radio.

For ad content, 48% of Maxim readers said they would use female models to target men, and 35% would strive to make their ads funny. But while sex appeal and humor were key, so was clearly defined product information--with almost 40% saying they'd "focus on the product."

"If advertising is cool and relevant, this demo will give it the same amount of attention that they give to any other form of content, and they'll even send it to their friends," said Rob Gregory, group publisher, Maxim.

For example, 30% of men surveyed said they "enjoyed using social networking sites," and 26% said they regularly "forwarded content to [their] friends online." The two factors combined illustrate the growing importance of community-based online activity among 18- to-34-year-old males, a bright spot for marketers seeking to leverage viral advertising.

"Advertisers are dealing with the most plugged-in generation in history," said Gregory, "but this shows that the traditional methods are still as viable as emerging media at reaching 18- to-34-year-old-men."

Still, the most successful brands have leveraged media companies like Maxim to target men using a mix of print, online, and even mobile content--highlighting "the increased viability of a 360-degree approach," said Gregory.



Tameka Kee can be reached at [email protected]

Death at a Funeral - A laugh a minute!!!!

When you're sitting in the theatre and within the first five minutes of the film the entire audience is laughing, you know it's going to be a great comedy. Death at a Funeral has got to be the funniest movie I've seen since The Wedding Crashers (and they're not even the same type of humor so read on even if you didn't like Wedding Crashers.)

Death at a Funeral is absolutely hysterical and you'd never think it would be. I mean really. Death, a Funeral? What could be less funny than that, but this film delivers!! It helps it was directed by Frank Oz, (Yoda himself), but the acting is absolutely superb. (I can use that superlative since it's an English film.)

We stayed for a bit of the Q & A afterwards and learned that although the film follows the script there was actually quite a bit of improv through out. Briefly, the concept is the patriarch of the family has died, the extended family is gathering for the funeral and what ensues when people take what is thought to be valium, but is actually acid is to die laughing. Plus, the little (and I do mean little - 4 feet tall little) distraction causes mayhem which is hysterical too.

I must say the actor who plays Simon, Alan Tudyk, is absolutely brilliant as the drugged out of his mind boyfriend. He actually strips down to nothing and spends half the film naked on the roof - best butt I've seen in a while - check him out girls!:) Daisy Donovan, who plays his girlfriend, is the spitting image of Emma Thompson. I loved the bathroom door scene - too much. Very, very clever indeed.

I really don't want to give away too much of this film because the element of surprise was what made it pop for me. I had no idea what to expect other than the clips I've seen on TV and it's so much bigger and better! Finally! A trailer that doesn't reveal the entire plot! When will Hollywood ever learn that maybe, just maybe we like some parts of our movie to be revealed during the actual film? Sometimes I feel like I don't have to see the movie the trailer shows so much.

I highly, highly, highly recommend this film. This is British humor at its finest. Every single actor is sublime in their characterization and is hysterical all on their own. The sum of the whole is phenomenal! (Like all those adjectives? I'm not usually this flowery, but just feel like it since I'm in such a good mood and it's a British film.)

Frank Oz was interesting to listen to, although a little cranky. I guess when you've done what he's done and been around as long as he has, you have a right to be cranky. The plucky moderator tried to duck and weave around some of his barbs, but you could tell he was withering. I guess Mr. Oz has that effect on people.

I mean the first thing he did was criticize the title of the magazine who was hosting him - Creative Screenwriting. Who died and made him God of magazine titles? I guess once a copy editor, always a copy editor right? Frank admitted he wasn't a writer, but a great editor.

You could tell he has a very analytical mind just by listening to his process of approaching a script too. He disects the hell out of it so he knows it backwards and forwards. Then when they actually begin filming he can just allow the actors "to play" as he puts it.

And play this cast did. I can't recommend the film enough. There's a lot of twists and turns you don't see coming and a laugh a minute. Watch it and then let me know what you think too ok? That's all for now. Busy day tomorrow - hitting the Daytime Emmy's - woo hoo!:)

Sleep well. I hope I do.

Try to make this cool event Thursday, June 14

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invites you and a guest to the Opening Night Reception for


Thursday, June 14th, 7-10 p.m.

Rec Center Studios

1161 Logan Street, Echo Park



Hi Friend,


We're writing you because you attended an LA-based event that we produced in the past, and we wanted to let you know about the inaugural West Coast presentation of The Creators Series, presented by our new company, Tomorrow Unlimited, this coming weekend in Echo Park. 




We would like to extend a special invite to you and a guest to our opening night reception tomorrow from 7-10 pm at Rec Center Studios. We hope you can join us for complimentary cocktails and music from DJ Franki Chan. We've brought together a stellar group of artists from around the world, many of whom have not shown their work here in the United States. Their work will be on display June 14 through June 17 in our free public gallery, and all will be speaking in a series of panels and presentations Saturday and Sunday. Based on our experience premiering the event in New York City last weekend, the LA edition promises to be memorable.




If you can join us for our opening tomorrow, RSVP to [email protected] by 3 pm tomorrow afternoon.  and this invite is strictly plus one due to space limitations. For the schedule and additional information about The Creators Series, please visit And please pass the word along to friends and colleagues whom you think would be interested in the weekend's programming.




We hope to see you tomorrow evening,


The Tomorrow Unlimited Team

             The Creators Series              

What is The Creators Series?

The inaugural Creators Series is a weekend showcase of emerging creativity and ideas. The Creators Series opened June 8-10 in New York City, and continues on to Los Angeles June 14-17. The event features participants from around the United States and Europe who will exhibit work, deliver presentations, and speak on panels--with a few surprises thrown in. They include: 

  • Film futurist Matt Hanson, recently named one of Forbes' "Ten People Who Could Change the World" for his pioneering open source cinema project, A Swarm of Angels
  • Graffiti Research Lab, acclaimed by The New York Times, The New York Post, Wired, and other publications for their tech-savvy approach to street art
  • Sustainable design gurus Jennifer Leonard, co-author of Massive Change, and Sarah Rich, co-author of Worldchanging, in a special collaboration
  • Interactive designer Theo Watson, who collaborated last year with director Michel Gondry on a special traveling exhibition for The Science of Sleep
  • Webby Award-winning Net artist Jonathan Harris, who spoke at this year's TED conference
  • Multidisciplinary artist Chris Doyle, whose new video project, 50,000 Beds, features contributions from fellow artists like David Ellis, Marina Zurkow, and Kevin and Jennifer McCoy
  • French film and art trickster Nieto, whose innovative work brings a magician's sensibility to digital filmmaking
  • Up-and-coming psychedelic rocker Pop Levi, whose debut album, The Return To Form Black Magick Party, came out earlier this year on Ninja Tune.   

And more! Tickets for this special conference are on sale now, but supplies are limited, so get them while they last.




For complete schedule, tickets, and detailed information about all the participants and programs in this year's inaugural Creators Series, please visit We hope to see you there!

The Wall Street Journal & Red Herring weigh in on monetizing the Web

Widgets Already Ready for Prime Time
The Wall Street Journal
So-called "widgets" (no, not the economics term for "product") could become major drivers of advertising on social media sites, says The Wall Street Journal. In the Web 2.0 world, "widgets" refer to interactive photo, video and music tools that allow everyday users to post content--movie trailers, photo slide shows, music playlists--to their site or social networking profile. New research from comScore shows that consumers are increasingly interacting with this type of broadband content: in April, nearly 178 million people Web-wide viewed content made with these so-called widgets. The comScore report is one of the first to measure the reach of widget-producers like Slide, Inc. RockYou Inc., and PictureTrail, Inc.

Advertisers, no doubt, must now sit up and take notice. Those are some big numbers from a relatively new phenomenon, and the sky's the limit: a widget could also be anything from an interactive video ad to a branded advergame. For a video provider like YouTube, a "widget" is another piece of content to sell advertising against.

Part of the reason that widgets have caught fire is their ease of use. Slide, the category's top provider with 117.1 million users in April, makes producing a video slide show on your MySpace page as easy as clicking a few buttons or copying and pasting a piece of code. As the Journal report says, widgets are rapidly becoming the de facto form of self-expression through broadband content. However, the problem for widget makers is that they largely depend on MySpace and Facebook, which have a history of blocking third-party content makers, for distribution. - Read the whole story...

Social media and online advertising
Jeremy Liew, a venture capitalist and former AOL and Citysearch executive, shares his thoughts on social media and his predictions related to online advertising. He notes that in keeping with current trends, advertisers will have to examine their willingness to be present with content that they have no control over and may not know about in advance. Click here for the whole interview Red Herring

This is exactly what Peter Pham of Photobucket and Don Loeb of Feedburner had to say at the Digital Hollywood seminar. Right now, in order for advertisers to measure the reach and validity of online advertising it appears that widgets are going to be the direction this takes; Which I personally find very interesting since it's taking a traditional way of analyzing value (applying it to the subscriber base and how many eyeballs read something) to something that's new media.

Loeb mentioned Sony and another company that now pay to have widgets attached to content that is distributed through Feedburner. Pham discussed the fact that brands must become comfortable with being associated with content that rapidly changes and may not go along with a brand's ideology. He also shared that photobucket now has a group based in Iowa that is there to strictly monitor pornography on certain brand associations. The Yahoo guy joked and said he'd applied for the job which drew a big laugh.

The other person who was very interesting was Mark Friedler formerly of GameDaily and now Time Warner (lots of mergers going on right now apparently.) He gave the analogy that the Web is like medieval times where the castle owner and the serfs have a huge moat between them and everyone's trying to figure out how to cross the moat.

I met him briefly afterward to let him know I was working on promoting the World Series of Video Games to the Dallas area and he greeted me warmly since he knows the owner. Turns out even he doesn't feel the current WSVG promotion on his GameDaily site has crossed the divide to reach the intended demographic because he feels it's too niche a market.

I disagree because last year alone the WSVG event in Dallas drew 15,000 attendees and that's not small numbers for a first-time event. Now that we've been promoting to over 1,000 businesses, 2500 hotels and one of the largest shopping malls in the area and are creating promotions with huge entities, I foresee this becoming mainstream very quickly.

In my humble opinion, I think technology overall is in an upswing similar to the late 90's and we're going to see more and more money coming out of this industry again. Even now! However, if other women are interested in tapping into this VC money, I highly recommend staying away from Chad Kinzelberg of Scale Venture Partners - he's extremely sexist as evidenced by his unwillingness to call on me during the Q & A. I've NEVER been ignored before in a professional setting and he was so blatant about it people sitting around me commented.

Victor, if you're reading this, please don't ask him to moderate again. He didn't control the panel, he didn't ask interesting questions, and he wasn't fair in his managing the audience. Just my two cents. I detest sexism and will out it every chance I get. Get a clue Chad - you're not the only gender with a brain at these conferences.

What was so ironic is that in the next session's Q & A I was the first person to be called on and asked the LA Times speaker a very pointed question about them cutting so many journalists and becoming more interactive with the community which caused numerous people to come up to me afterward to compliment me. Just because I'm blonde definitely doesn't mean I'm dumb. Give me a break Chad.

Onwards and upwards. Have a good one and I hope you enjoyed the read.

Digital Hollywood, The Riches and Ocean's 13

Just finished watching Ocean's 13 which was a fun, stylized romp through Vegas. I loved all the colors used to create different moods via the cinematography, the hotel's 60's feel, the surprise of Eddie Izzard's appearance and the even bigger surprise of seeing my friend, Jacquie Barnbrook, as the first casino winner.

I've known her since our days working together at Sony Pictures Imageworks back in the mid 90's and every so often we bump into each other socially. It's always fun to see friends succeed. I of course also loved seeing the old gang work their magic too. Hot guys anyone? Especially loved seeing Eddie Izzard because I think he's such a great talent.

However, Ellen Barkin's boob job was way too distracting to make her plausible. Sorry Ellen, you know it's true. Although I must admit you look amazing for 53. May we all turn out to be "cougars" like her...:) Oh, and just in case you're a younger guy looking to date a cougar - here's a Web site just for you - I aim to please. Although you won't be finding my profile on there anytime soon. HA!

Digital Hollywood has been great as far as the seminars I've attended. It's been interesting to compare and contrast it to OMMA (the Online Media Marketing and Advertising conference I also recently attended.)

What I find most interesting is that both conferences' theme seems to be that no one knows how to measure and quantify the web in order to monetize it. There's small steps being made, but for the most part we're back in the hey day of the dot com craze where start ups are flourishing, VC's are dropping money like crazy, and content providers are still trying to figure out what will be the next big thing.

I remember back in the early 90's attending one of UCLA's Entertainment law symposiums where the lead guy from AT & T, or some such company, who had moved over to CAA was explaining how one day soon we would be sitting in front of our TV and if we saw something we wanted we would click a button and we would be able to buy it right from the TV screen. (I'm oversimplifying this, but it's late so bear with me.)

That was almost 10 years ago and I don't think we're going to be using TV's to make purchases like that any more, nor do I think we're any closer to this happening as it was predicted back then. However, each aspect of industry from advertising to entertainment to music doesn't know what it will be, but they're willing to give it a shot and try to be the next greatest thing.

The last seminar I listened to this evening was two brand experts discussing the current state of affairs with the Web. The one, an author and European likened to Simon Cowell for the web world, and the other, an ad guy and American, sat side by side as they examined the role of the Web in branding today.

I heard it mentioned over and over again, both in this seminar and others I attended that although journalists are being eliminated from their jobs there is still a need for an informed, objective, accurate voice to give us the news rather than read someone's blog and believe them outright. Does this make sense? It's late, I'm tired, but I'm trying to make a point here.

People like myself who have a background in journalism (and in my case PR also), must find ways to validate our content as a credible source of information in order for people to believe what we have to say. If all news media is eliminated due to it not having a "market share or value" we, according to the acerbic author, will continue to become a society of inane, shallow people. Paris Hilton anyone? He pointedly asked, is this what we want our society to become or continue to become?

He stressed the importance of independent newspapers for their reliability, their outreach and credibility that is so sorely lacking in present day blogs and other "amateur" "citizen" journalism so prevalent on the Web. I enjoyed asking the LA Times representative during the Q & A of another session whether or not the decision to eliminate journalists was a result of their decision to become more interactive and create a community of news readers.

There was almost an audible gasp in the room that I would dare to ask about the elephant in the middle of the room. I was just curious though because if on the one hand experts are stating that journalists have value and the very institution that employs them is laying them off in droves, what does that say about what our news media is becoming?

And if people like myself, who are considered citizen journalists, are now running the store... We better hope there are some controls set in place to control distortions and wrong messages. The speaker was a good sport about it all and actually took my card - who knows? You may see my name on the LA Times site for travel writing one day soon.

Another moderator mentioned receiving an email asking for a donation to support someone illegally held in jail (I'm paraphrasing horribly so bear with me - I'm one of the citizen journalists you've been warned against - so you get what you pay for. HA!) and after researching on the Web for a credible source to back up the validity of this request was unable to find any until finally he found a small paragraph verifying it as a true story in the Washington Post or some such credible newspaper of that level. Then, soon after Dateline did a story on it making it mainstream.

Now what I found interesting in that discussion is that the email was true, the blogs he'd read were true, but he still chose to wait until a traditional media source validated it before he too believed it to be true. What's also interesting is that he's of a generation where traditional media is still looked to as the ultimate source, whereas people of my generation and actually much younger are looking to the Web as their source and they don't seem to care that some stuff that's reported may or may not be true.

I think this generation of Web users feel that if enough people validate it, then it must be true despite the source. Look at Perez Hilton. I'm not so sure how I feel about that. But I do like the idea that was also proposed that if you build your brand (i.e. blog) as something that is reliable and authentic, then ultimately brands will come to you to align their product with your content. Now how long that would take since you're one small voice among the many is another story.

That's what I liked about the OMMA conference. The general consensus that I heard in one seminar of  interactive advertising guru's was the importance of PR to help your voice stand out in this crowded marketplace. Public relations is one of the few ways brands have to become visible. And blogs play a huge part in this visibility factor.

The OMMA conference speakers and attendees seemed to have a closer pulse on what was current and what plays in this new marketplace, but even they confessed they didn't know exactly how to make it work. However, I think they were the closer to finding out of the two conferences in my humble opinion.

Digital Hollywood conference attendees seem more interested in the platforms and the "how" of what the future holds, whereas OMMA is more concerned with the "who" - the end user. I believe that if you're focused on who is actually using your product, platform, etc. then you'll naturally create the "what" to draw an audience and ultimately make money doing so. Does this make sense?

I'm just trying to analyze this from different angles and it seems to me that if you're trying to have the general public adopt what you're trying to present, you better know what works and what doesn't. I walked the exhibit halls of Digital Hollywood tonight very briefly as I'm a curious person and wondered what was being touted as the next best thing.

What I found interesting is that this exhibit hall was littered with exhibitors who create social networks that do amazing things. However, as an early adopter of technology and especially myspace, Linked In, Ryze, Friendster, Tribe, and all the other social networking sites out there, I know I personally have to resonate with the people who are on the network. I also have to easily understand how to use the network.

I have many professional friends who use Linked In for making great professional connections and just love it. It's one of the few I dislike because I find it cumbersome and difficult to use. If that's the case for me, someone who's pretty tech savvy and likes connecting with people on the internet, what does that say about all the other social networks currently being put out to market? Are you following me?

If all these other social networks are fighting for eyeballs and no one knows about them, or likes using them, then they're just another software geek's personal agenda that doesn't resonate with the very crowd they're trying to attract.

I think part of the beauty of myspace (despite all it's detractors) is the ease of use even for those who aren't technically minded. In a matter of minutes you have a cool (albeit crude) Web site which you can manipulate quickly and easily to reflect your personality, your likes, and build a community around.

Now according to OMMA there's numerous other sites that are becoming even more popular than myspace, but at Digital Hollywood they're still stuck on this one example of social networking (at least in the seminars I attended - although Youtube was mentioned also, but still there's others people!)

There's so many more that are underground right now which is what people who join these networks like. It's fun to be in on the cool thing that isn't mainstream. As soon as myspace became mainstream and large brands starting pimping themselves on it, I think it lost a lot of street cred with the trend-setters - the exact people these large brands are trying to reach. I wonder how much longer before Youtube loses favor and some other source takes its place.

However, I did hear tonight that an independent filmmaker supposedly made 14 million dollars by charging people to download clips of his film. Now if that's true, show me the money. I just haven't seen youtube making money like that for any of my friends who are avid viewers and creators. However, maybe that's just my friends. Sure wouldn't hurt to be friends with the 14 mil guy, right?

Another band I heard refused to put their music up on myspace because "everyone was doing it" and by not doing whatever everyone else was doing, all of sudden his band had mystique and there was more interest. Who knows if that's true or not, but I find myspace is great way to reach a lot of people in a short amount of time. I've kind of moved on from it, but when I first joined I was on it almost 24/7. Now, if someone asks to be my friend, I'll add them, but I'm not actively mining the site to add more friends like I used to before.

I think once trend setters become savvy to the idea that the reason all these companies are allowing them to create videos around certain brands like GM did with their contest (which received only 2000 entries apparently) it will end. For an example, on one panel yesterday the Yahoo rep was bragging about all the user groups they have - the original "social networks" if you may. He was talking about how they are now starting to tap into the psychographics (the reason behind why people make certain brand decisions) by collecting data (legally, but still collecting.)

Now when I got home that night, I tapped into my online networking community and there in the midst of all the other messages was an email from an attorney who participates warning us that Yahoo was beginning to collect our data and the only way to prevent this from happening was to opt out and she gave us the link. What does that say about Yahoo's possible success? People don't like it.

However, then you look at Google who is the most flagrant privacy breakers and everyone is loving gmail. I don't know if I like the fact that every Web site I peruse, every email I send, anything I do is now being tracked by Google.

In fact, it's even worse than I thought because now Feedburner, the company that distributes my blogs to subscribers (of which you may join too by entering your email in the top left corner under my picture) was just purchased by Google five days ago. Now any blog I write is analyzed by Google.

I already knew that though because generally whatever I link to causes my blog to appear in the top 10 searches on Google for that item. Then, a few months or weeks later, anything related to that company or Web site is plastered all over Google's top 10 searches - check out Hair Impressions and Haute Moms Rule for example. Don't believe me? I'll have them verify it for you... These are relatively small businesses that are now top in their field when googled. Now if I can only figure out a way to monetize my own damn blog! LOL

For those who've been reading for awhile, you might remember the movie circulating the Web about how our lack of privacy will affect us in the long run with Google as Big Brother. Ultimately, we will all be tracked via our phones and the original projection that if we liked something we were watching on TV we would be able to purchase it would be taken one step further and if we happened to like pizza and were near our favorite restaurant magically a coupon would appear on our cell phone which we would be able to download and then cash in. (Sorry, run on sentence, but it seemed appropriate given the run away tendency of technology now.)

I'll search for it again, but in the meantime, check this out - just copy and paste into your browser.

I find it interesting, that the Bible which was written so many years ago, predicted that in the End Times we would have serial numbers to identify us (hence the 666 number.) How much longer before that comes true too? We're definitely heading in that direction. And I'm not talking about just social security numbers either. Check out that video on google and you'll see what I mean.

Call me crazy, or delusional, but I also find that my calls sound monitored lately. I know I've said this before, but it seems more prevalent now. I used to work for Delta and Alaska Airlines and you could always tell when a supervisor was listening in on your calls. I experience the same thing with calls to certain people I call often. I don't know who's doing it, or why, but I have nothing to hide so screw 'em.

Anyway, I should go to sleep cuz it's late, but I just felt compelled to share on this because I find it fascinating and definitely worth tracking. Not my phone calls being monitored, but the trend of technology now.

On another note, The Riches screening and panel discussion with Actresses Minnie Driver and Shannon Woodward who plays Dehliah, and Dawn Prestwich (Executive Producer/writer) afterward was very interesting and entertaining.

They confirmed my thought that the reason the show worked so well is that it played true to life with pathos, humor, and tragedy equally playing out. I love that show. It's dark, it's dysfunctional, it's life. I wish you could have been there, but just know it was great. I'm way too tired to go into all of it now, but hope you'll trust me on this one.

That's all she wrote. Have a good one.

Off to the races...

This weekend was just what I needed. We learned all about "Loving Well" with guest speaker Beth Moore's "Retreat in a box." For those of you "testy's" out there, watch out, cause I'm ready to love you well!:) Click on the link and you'll see what I'm talking about. We got all the goodies that were offered and then some! Very fun! Very nice, loving people attended.

I won a prize for meeting the most people (all 76 attendees) and completing the questionaire the fastest. We had to match an interesting fact about someone with their name and networking is my thing. I kind of felt bad because I'm a professional schmoozer, but hey, a prize is a prize!

Now I feel refreshed, renewed and ready to hit the ground running on a variety of new and closing projects. Today is Digital Hollywood Conference and a screening of The Riches with cast and creatives. Lots of other good stuff still brewing.

Gotta run, but thanks for checking in. Oh yeah, have to pitch in on this too.

Glad Paris is taking this time to grow up. Maybe her parents will see their part in her messing up as well. At least Nicky seems to have her head on straight. It must be killing the family to see their daughter suffer like this and my heart goes out to them. However, she brought it on herself and I have no pity because she could have killed someone drinking and driving. Do the crime, pay the time is my opinion on this issue.

Hopefully she will come out a new, more socially responsible person, but I'm not holding my breath. Anyway, enough of that. What did you think about Isaiah Washington getting the boot off Grey's Anatomy (just in case you hadn't heard!) Very interesting. T.R. Knight received a raise too. I guess being outed without your permission does deserve a little compensation, eh?

Okay, really must run. Have a good one. More later.

Always happy when good things happen to good people

Yesterday I picked up the Daily Breeze that was left laying in front of my building because Bert Reddick, one of the guys who used to run the computer lab at a government employment agency I used to visit, was on the front page.

Years ago an old girlfriend had named him as the father of her child even though she was date-raped by another man and openly admitted it to Bert half-way through this ordeal. So for the last 13 years my friend has had to pay child support for a child who wasn't his. This, in addition, to raising three children who are his own with his wife.

Last time I read about him a few years back he was fighting to have the laws changed to allow paternity testing to determine child support which made this follow up story especially nice to read. The law he's helped create now establishes a new procedure for challenging paternity, including informing a man of his right to genetic testing.

That's huge!! Can you imagine going through life having to pay child support for a child that isn't yours? I can't. That's why I'm rejoicing with Bert today here that this has been resolved. Now to hope he gets reimbursed for all the money he's had to pay out. Maybe that will be his own children's college fund!

While I was reading the paper too, I saw that a cute couple who had come to my Memorial Day BBQ were going to be featured in an article today for their children's music called The SqueeGees. So this time I grabbed the paper from my mom to find their story. If you want to read this very cute article from today's Daily Breeze, click here.

They had talked to me about possibly doing PR for them, but when I saw the huge article today I had to call our mutual friend Rachel Jane Schultz, (the one who I referred to in that picture from my BBQ as a jewelry designer, but who is actually also a fine art artist --check out her work by clicking on her name - very cool and interesting!)

I told her they need to stick with their publicist because it's really working! That type coverage is huge! I know since I've down it once or twice in my life for myself. I can't help it, sometimes I'm working on a pet project and just know that a little bit of publicity will tip it over.

Thus, I shamelessly pitch away and I've been written up twice with huge articles like that in the LA Times. That used to mean something, but now with everything that's going on there... who knows any more.

If you want to follow the decline of media in Los Angeles and now San Francisco, you absolutely must read my friend's blog, LA Observed. This is an amazing resource for all things media. Highly recommend it.

Back to me, my favorite topic. JUST KIDDING. Ok, not really, but I'm working on it. Made you smile though right? Okay, where was I? Oh yeah, friends doing well. I just got off the phone with my friend Deborah and big things are happening for her too! God is really moving in both our lives.

I'm really happy to have her as a friend because I can share my successes and my failures equally without fear of judgment or jealousy or pity and we totally get and support each other as females in business. It's hard to find female friends like that sometimes, but hey, God is part of this friendship which really helps.

I have some good stuff brewing, but won't be able to share it until we get all the details ironed out. God is moving. That's all I got to say. I think getting down on my knees praying for His help and guidance really made a difference today. I read somewhere that you should vary your prayer positions and I never bow like that so... Try it sometime, you might like it!:) All I know is that I received a call that seemed heaven sent for me professionally right after doing that!  FREAKY GOOD.

In any case, I think that's it. Big deal with Ocean's 13 premiering tonight and all. I wish them much success too. Maybe I'll even go see this one! I missed 12 because of the reviews, but this one seems more interesting. I love all those guys anyway, so what the hey. If it's bad, I still got to watch great eye candy. And it's all about the eye candy. Right girls?

Oh yeah, one more thing, today is my friend Cindy's Birthday so if you happen to know her and are reading this, shoot her an email wishing her a Happy Bday - you'll pleasantly surprise her!

So, that's all for now. Sleep well. Or whatever else you're doing right now. Ha Ha.

Transitioning times

You know what's the best part of living the Christian life? You realize that you're not the one in control, but God is. So if that's the case, then you can rest easy that He's got your best interests at heart and knows what direction you should be taking even when you're a little clueless. It's when we look back on our lives that we can see where God was leading us even when we didn't see it while we were in it.

Right now I feel like I'm moving forward in certain areas and moving backwards in others, but I'm finally at peace with everything which is a good feeling. I have been turning over my love life, my finances, my business, and my health to God every day in prayer because I need His guidance.

Now I finally feel like I'm ready for Him to direct my path whichever way that takes (like those verses in Proverbs 3:5-6 say: 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. 6 Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Living Translation)

So, here's to the next chapter in my life. I'm ready! We shall see.

More to be revealed. Stay tuned.

Some words of encouragement

Just in case you're feeling the weight of the world too, here's some verses that Pastor Jim Mackinga from Bay Cities Community Church shared today from his sermon "Making My Life Better" which really encouraged me.

BTW, if anyone is interested in joining me sometime, the address is: Baycities Redondo 400 S. Broadway, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 ph: 310 373-1818 services at 8am & 9:30am - I hit the 9:30am. Love to have you join me there!

Okay, here's some words of encouragement for today:

Ephesians 3:17b-21:
17And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

    20Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Jeremiah 29:11-13:
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Proverbs 21:2-3:

    2 All a man's ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart. 3 To do what is right and just
       is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.

Psalm 16:8-12:

    8 I have set the LORD always before me.
       Because he is at my right hand,
       I will not be shaken.

    9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
       my body also will rest secure,

    10 because you will not abandon me to the grave, [a]
       nor will you let your Holy One [b] see decay.

    11 You have made [c] known to me the path of life;
       you will fill me with joy in your presence,
       with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Hebrews 12:2-4:
2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Psalm 18:30-31:

    30 As for God, his way is perfect;
       the word of the LORD is flawless.
       He is a shield
       for all who take refuge in him.

    31 For who is God besides the LORD ?
       And who is the Rock except our God?

Psalm 56:4:

    4 In God, whose word I praise,
       in God I trust; I will not be afraid.
       What can mortal man do to me?

Proverbs 12:20:

    20 There is deceit in the hearts of those who plot evil,
       but joy for those who promote peace.

Proverbs 17:20:

    20 A man of perverse heart does not prosper;
       he whose tongue is deceitful falls into trouble.

2 Corinthians 5:17:
17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

That's all for now. I've got a lot to do today, but couldn't resist sharing these verses to encourage you wherever you are right now. I know they encourage me!

God bless and Happy Sunday.


Patriotism at it's finest today in my home town

Today as I was driving to my chiro appointment I began to see lots and lots of people lining the street that I was driving down. I was trying to figure out what was happening and saw a sign that said, No something parking here which made me think it was a graduation or something. I didn't really think much of it and kept on my way.

Well, when I got out of my appointment, the crowd had spread to another main street I travel down and this time there were lots of people on the streets with American flags. Again, I had no idea what was happening and kept trying to see if anyone had any signs to explain.

Then it hit me. They were honoring the soldier from Torrance named Pfc. Joseph Anzack Jr. who was killed in Iraq recently and I began to cry. I've been under a lot of pressure lately (which I've chosen not to share here) and the patriotism of these people just hit my heart. I thought it was so sweet that they would honor his death in this way. For the whole story of this young man's death, click on his name.

I was so moved, I pulled into a local parking lot to see the procession because by then lots of motorcycle cops were driving by leading what looked like a parade of sorts. Turns out they were leading a hearse with American flags waving and the funeral procession. I couldn't control the tears then I was so proud of the men and women who are upholding our freedoms overseas all over the world.

I don't know what I think of the war except that I wish it would end. It's just when death hits close to home it makes it so real what these soldiers are facing day in and day out. The Rantal's son-in-law recently saw ten people executed while he sat helpless in the command center monitoring the activity from a TV screen.

It's just so sad. I don't know if you've heard this or not, but from now until our servicemen come home there's a movement to wear red on Fridays in their honor. I don't own a red shirt, but when I buy one for my softball team I think I'm going to wear it on Fridays. I encourage you to do the same regardless of your feelings about the war - remember it's human beings we're talking about not ideologies.

That's all. Have a great weekend. As a free American citizen, I plan to.